The first Haynesville Shale well in Webster Parish was spud by Diamond Oil in the Bellevue Field on September 9th.

Unit #307 Rig, Diamond Oil, Stewart 31 #1 Well, Serial #240122, S31-T20N-R10W

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Just thought I would throw in my2 cents worth. A vertical well, especially one which obtains formation cores can be most valuable in determining viability of horizontal drilling. And about 10% of cost for hor. well. I own stock in small co. (Southern Star Energy) which drilled Haynesville shale well in the old, supposedly depleted Sentell field. This field is between Bossier City and Benton. They did substantial core sampling and I was onsite and examined the cores. Looked good to me. In some instances production from vertical well bore in HS may be profitable.
Jules, my apologies as I did a poor job of explaining. I primarily do not want anyone to get discouraged if a vertical well has a low initial flow rate.

A vertical well can verify that the Haynesville Shale is productive in a particular area. The higher the flow rate the better but the operator will have the best information from the well. It seems that a horizontal well can produce at 6-10 times the rate of a vertical well in a given area.

You are right that the Messenger Well verified that parts of Natchitoches Parish should be productive in the Haynesville Shale. EnCana has done the same for the Mid-Bossier Shale in Red River Parish.
Thanks for the replies.
Gosh I would love to hear of some new action in the Cotton Valley - Sarepta area. But any new action in Webster is good news for all of us.

This is great news for Webster Parish. My property is in S 32, 23N, 10 W. On a plate map thats close. Thanks for posting the info.
Correct me if I'm wrong but this well is north of I-20? Is there any progress south of I-20 or do you anticipate drilling not to increase until later in the year?
LWC, there have not been any permitted Haynesville Shale wells in that area but there have been a significant number of Haynesville units formed in T17N & T18N so I would expect some drilling activity in the near future. Timing may be a function of lease expiration dates.
any news on this location ?
Les B., I am located in S32, 23N 10W. I know it is @ Serepta. Your post of #240122, S31-T20N-R10W states it is in Bellevue Field. How does the Bellevue Field relate to Serepta? Is there a map to view as to where Bellview Field is?
Just want to thank you for all the info you post on the web site. It sure is a help for us who might not know all the terms. Thanks again
NL, I am not aware of any maps that depict field boundaries. The designation is somewhat arbitrary near the boundary between two fields and depends on which field name the operator selects for unit and well applications.

From your information it appears the Sarepta Field must be north of the Bellevue Field.



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