so whats Ellora Energy doing around there anybody know

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They are still around. They have an office in Center. Currently, they are JV with another company to drill the Ellington well in Shelbyville. A landman told me last week that they are selling the deep rights on some of their leases because they can only drill shallow gas wells. What area in Shelby County were you asking about?
about 5 miles north of huxley, who are they selling the deep rights to
Chesapeake bought the deep rights in this area from Elora in 2008
A rumor that Cheasapeake had bought the deep rights went around Huxley in August 2008, but I later heard that the deal had fallen through. It was just about the time all the bonus offers collasped. Are you referring to all their deep rights or just the leases north of Huxley? Ellora has about 40,000 acres leased in Shelby County I have heard. They have many hundreds of acres tied up in shallow gas wells in Huxley some dating back to the 70s when E&G Energy was one of the only companies leasing in Huxley. They JV with EOG on that Ellington well in Shelbyville and another company I can't remember the name right now towards the Dreka area. I got a call from Paloma Resources last week from a landman who seemed to think that Ellora had not sold any deep rights in Huxley yet. Does anyone know anything about Paloma Resources? They are new to Shelby County.
99.9 % of Ellora wells are James Lime Horz. Not sure who the backers of Paloma are but I heard they plan to drill 20 Haynesville wells starting the 2nd qtr of 2010
Durango Mom
Are you leased with Ellora??
Me too. Are the minerals you own near Ashton Hill or closer to Huxley?
"they plan to drill 20 Haynesville wells starting the 2nd qtr of 2010"

Paloma doesn't have that kind of money.
What were they offering? (Paloma). They are just a smallish company. They put some wells together in Barnett then sold them a few years ago. Trying to do same here I suppose.
They can't offer me anything yet because I am under lease with Ellora for 2 more years. Unfortunately, I signed an extension lease with them in 06 that had a 2 year option clause. Some of my neighbors are talking seriously with them. A couple of weeks ago I heard $1000 an acre. I don't think that is happening now since the Kardell. The landman I talked to just had lots of questions about our area of Huxley like he was trying to figure out who was leased to who. I had heard from another source that they came from south Texas.
"The landman I talked to just had lots of questions about our area of Huxley like he was trying to figure out who was leased to who."

Sounds like they've got some bright ones up there.

Several companies have been sending out offer letters as of late that I have seen. Open acreage is scarce; clusters of open acreage together is almost non existent. 1K might pick up some scraps. It will take more to get guys with; 50+ acres right now, at least double that, IMHO. They are trying to pick some spots up and down 417E... so is Petrohawk.



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