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$$$$$ Your Area & Your Lease offers As of July 14th $$$$$$ moving froward

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I just spoke to Xto landman He said its still crazy but they cant get them drilled fast enough because they are waiting for landowners to sign... they don't want to buy anymore than they can drill the time it takes eveyone holding out to sign its going to be time to payout lease bonuses again.. so he said they are trying to back off till it settles down, he said the money for lease bonuses can be used for drilling he also said ..Petrohawk is saying they have enough land to drill on to last 10 years before they have to buy anymore. Your Thoughts Pz
If that is the case, then other players will come in and take the leases from out under the existing players. I don't buy that at all. They will continue to buy them up as quickly as possible. The last thing they want is more competition from other independent oil and gas companies coming in and picking up the scraps.
Most smaller companies can not horizontal drill at HS depths. I would not be surprised if a few made a run at it, but the technology required and the prices have eliminated most of them.
Coonman, I don't know who your landman is with Petrohawk, but mine just told me that they are going to beat any offer I receive, and now they are up to $20,000
Where are you at?
I said an XTO landman said that... I dont have a Petrohawk landman.. Petrohawk said they where not leasing in my area
XTO's last offer to me was $16,000 and they asked me to let them know if the other companies went higher because they might want to match my high offer to get my lease. Don't let the landmen trick you.
I spoke with Roc Cosper/XTO I think he is one of few good landmen he said same $20,000 hes just saying thing are getting busy but stagnet because of prices changing everyday and price wars are slowing things down..your thoughts
i'm in section28 t13 but have only heard from one company, Costal, and their first offer was $2000/ac. then went to $5000. teel me how to get in touch with XTO and Petrohawk. have left several messages with chesapeake but no response from them. maybe i need to come to louisiana real soon to personally check things out. i live in texas. if you have any info that will help a would appreciate it very much
What is your range?
I am not trying to be bossy but it seems to me that if everyone wants to stick together they would list their location according to your tax records {which mine I am listing for future reference at 16-14-27 } and I have only been contacted by the little guys in this play so I haven't been offered but 200.00 an here is my reply if you want all of us to stick together list your location as I have and the highest amt you have been offered and that seems to me that it would help everyone to decide if they were getting a GOOD offer as opposed to a bad one...just a thought as I personally want everyone on here to get a fair and decent price...thanks and happy leasing....Patti



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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