I would like to know if anyone could tell me how long it takes after a well has completed drilling before it starts producing and making money for the royalty owners? They have completed a well in 16N 14W Sect 30 at 16,268 feet and have moved the rig to Keachie to drill next but we have no idea what happens from here or how long it will be before seeing any money from it. If anyone could help answer these questions please respond.

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At lease 3 or four months, it has to be hooked up to pipeline and how near a pipeline is if any is near. also, the well may be completed but not ready for production yet (more work, fracing, etc).
Thank you so much, that is about what we thought. There is so much of all of this that is unknown and hard to find answers to. We know there is a pipeline they are going to connect to that is very close to the well so, hopefully that will help the time frame. This is all we have to look forward to since we signed 3 years ago for a sad amount as we were told it would never be worth anymore than we got. We try not to be bitter but we feel like we were lied to as so many others were. Thanks.
No you were not lied to. Oil and gas is a gamble just like anything else. I have been working in the industry 28 years. Do you know for sure that your property is in the section you mentioned
Yes, I am positive. It is just right up from my house on a dead end road we live on and we have letters and our section map from the lawyers keeping us informed on the permits etc. and have turned down many offers to sell our mineral rights. We were not told it was a gamble and it might never go up, we were told point blank it would never be worth anymore and that he would stake his job on that fact and if we did not sign they could drill without us and we just would never see anything out of it. If it had been put in different language than that we might not feel like we had been lied to. We just did not know any better so we are to blame too I guess for accepting someones word like that. I know all landmen are not bad but some who do these things make it hard on the ones that are and that is why people are distrusting of the companies.


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