We live in section 33, township 18 north, 10 west. My neighbors and I have not been approached with a lease yet, and where wondering if we are in the area that will be. Also, I was wondering if there has been some Doyline citizens forming a group to exchange info if there will be leasing here? Thanks in advance for any info!

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Hi: There is a billboard in Shreveport for Petrohawk that says:Now Leasing Minerals in the Haynesville Shale - Bossier, Caddo, Red River, Beinville, Webster, and DeSoto Parishes - Call us at (318) 987-7560 to find out why being a HAWK has never been better! So, I had some time on my hands and called a while ago. A real person answered the phone , and I told her that I lived in section 33, township 18 north, 10 west, and I wanted to know if this is an area that Petrohawk would be entertaining the fact of leasing. She said Yes, and that they are at present leasing all the bigger areas first around there,and that they will be coming there soon. I forgot to ask why being a HAWK has never been better!
Beats being a vulture ?????????
HI snakestewart: LOL
Hi Anne and Paul. I agree it's a good first start and thanks Snake. Doesn't seem to be a lot of movement on the Wester site.
There is no movement on the Webster site of which I'm a part of.Wonder why?
Hello Mr. Shirley , I talked with your friends for a moment before the meeting started. They seem to be very nice people. Unfortunately last night wasn't the best time for people to gather the basic information that we all need to be able to fully understand what we are faceing.I didn't do my job in maintaining what this meeting was for. As soon as I opened the floor for questions ,we lost the opportunity to give the basic info this meeting was for. A lot of the questions were geared to after the fact stuff that didn't pertain to our core group we are trying to reach. Mr. Cone did a great job from the financial aspect of this meeting.Again a lot of this questioning was intended for later discussions ( people already signed ).

Due in part to the tremendous crowd (and heat it created )and the willingness of some to sign away their rights on the spot , we lost a group of people at which time your friends left.After the water break and migration that followed ,it got alot more personal with 1/2 the crowd.I felt like this was a group that wanted to be there , even though we wasn't handing out checks or letting them sign their life away. We settled in and I think got more accomplished . I have a long ways to go Mr. Tom. Last night was the toughest thing I have had to deal with in a long time. I am sorry that you feel no movement but I assure you this group is headed in the right direction. I hope to be posting our next meeting in a couple of days. I hope you are feeling well ! Don't get in a rush , we ain't in a hurry.Those guy's in a hurry don't get paid !
Tom, I don't know either there must have been 200 or more people at the meeting last night. They where told of this website.
Yeah pat...I told my neighbors about the meeting and they attended.I talked to them today and they seemed more confused than anything else.I couldn't attend because I'm recovering from surgery.I'm trying to learn when the next Webster meeting will be.I should be able to attend the rest of them.
I hate to say it but that is what the big O &G'S like to hear. Like cattle going into a coral for slaughter man they love it.
Ann,I tink Paul means that when people get anxious,they tend to do things without reaserching enough to make an informed decision.As for Paul...I hate to think I would have to have another By_Pass but it know it would beat the alternative and I hope Paul is doing well!
Hello Mom/Pop , Without putting words in anyones mouth I believe Pats talking about the people outside in line so anxious to sign.

I will contact the therapist Monday morning about .....you know what.Have a great weekend and I hope Rosebud is doing better.
HI Snakestewart: I came to the meeting last night with some of my neighbors, but could not stay long. I think it was a very informative first meeting. It is hard to, at first, to get a large amount of people together, but I feel you did an excellant job, and everyone should be thankful that someone like you is putting forth such an effort to help your neighbors. Not to many people do things like that anymore. Thanks! Dena


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