Anyone living in this Subd feel free to post with any questions or information you might have. Hopefully we can help each other.

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Jennifer, take a look at these. One is a letter from Petrohawk I found through a link on a website I was looking at yesterday. The other is the letter shared by DrWAVeSport. Share with others.
Sesport - I printed out the info you posted on here and asked my dad about it. He works for a local oil company. I'm no expert, and I'm trying to learn as I go. I'll try to explain in layman terms what he told me. The two are plats for Elm Grove, and the area just over the Jimmy Davis bridge. He told me force pool means that they will start production with or without everyone in the section signing leases. Basically I guess you are foced to sign a lease instead of trying to hold out for higher offers or you get left out. It should be interesting to keep tabs on the Jimmy Davis area and see what it produces. I have already heard that the Elm Grove area is producing.
Oh yeah, thanks to all the great info posted on this website I figured that out. The Petrohawk thing snuck up on me because I was paying attention to what DrWAVeSport was saying about the Ellerbe/Long Lake area.

It looks to me like that Petrohawk letter is going to snag some people in the southern section of Plantation Trace area. All I know is that plat shows the O&G companies & activity are now even closer to me. I'm just to the southwest of that in section 34.

By the way, did you get my email? If not, let me know and I'll resend. Have a great day.
Sesport - No email yet.
To everyone who received a letter from me. The meeting Wed night is at 6:30. Sorry I left that off.
Jennifer - go look under Broadmoors discussion. There's a mention of a meeting tomorrow (Wed. 07.16) for SESHA. Also, jmac posted some info over on the Shreveport Times website, you might want to look there, too. I think there's a link under the SCC discussion.
Jennifer, we got your letter, we'll try to make it tonight. If not, we'll definitely stay in touch on here. Thanks. John and Alayna
Jennifer, what do you think people mean by saying we need to form a group before we are 'forced to accept a lease agreement? "Denise"

Also, what will the meeting tomorrow accomplish and how long will it last? Will we be able to actually form a negotiating group tomorrow? With a leader/advisor/representative?
My take on what I have heard is that once the O&G Companies start production in you'r section you have no say. People that have not signed a lease will have to. The consensus seems to be that large groups have better luck negotiating a deal versus individual land owners.
I don't know how long the meeting should take tonight. ShreveCentre is a group formed by volunteers in various neighborhoods in our area. I think they are still in the stages of getting members. I'm hoping for some input from everyone that goes tonight as to whether or not this group we be beneficial to our neighborhood.
The ShreveCentre meeting for tonight is a closed meeting. They said it is for HOA's only due to limited space. I will post any new info I get.
I attended the ShreveCentre Coalition meeting last night. I think it could be beneficial to us to join them. To join you must be a Homeowners Assoc not an individiual homeowner. I am going to check into what would be required to form a HOA for Southwood Terrace. My thoughts on having an HOA are that we could join ShreveCentre, or we could have our HOA represent us and request bids to the various O&G companies leasing in Shreveport. Our other option to join SCC would be to have another neighborhood HOA that is with the SCC allow us to join. I'm not sure if it will be diffucult to accomplish this yet since I have not talked with anyone.
I would love any feed back you have on forming an HOA for our neighborhood. I've had alot of great neighbors volunteer to help with organizing us. I'm hoping to get everyone together for a meeting in the next week or so to discuss what options we have to get representation for us.
great idea. let me know what we need to do . thank's.



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