Is anyone getting any offers in this area? 10-8 I heard Encana and Petrohawk are starting to make offers.

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SWalton: Welcome :-)
I'm in 12N 6W..i'm further east i do believe....but it would be great if you have confirmed knowledge of offers in our parish that you could share. You are close to the Messenger Well...any updates to offer us as well?
As of now I do not have any confirmed offers. I live out of town and am getting second hand information from neighbors. Will be sure to post if any confirmed offers are made.
SWalton, you're just like out of state and looking for any confirmed information from afar!!..glad you are hear and keep me in mind if you do hear should be in a great spot if the Messenger Well turns out good...

bestof luck
This is fact. Encana was leasing in 10-8 for 2000.00 per acre and 20% royalties 2 months ago.

Im hearing strong rumors that the price is 4000.00 now with 25% royalties.

If you wait another 6 months, I think the #s will be huge.
2000.00 is not THAT pitiful when you have alot of land and it is paid for. That is nothing but money in the bank. Why not take the offer b/c it is over if the Messenger well does not hit!!!!! People need to think about that and not be so greedy! where else are you going to make that kind of money in a day.
Everyone has to make the decision that is right for them and their family. I don't consider folks "greedy" for waiting....Barnett Shale information seems to support that by waiting, much larger offers were made. Our family, too, has considerable "paid for" land in Natchitoches Parish and we are waiting...maybe we'll miss out but I don't think so. Good luck to you!
Why is it always the landowners that are being greedy? I think if Encana would make some fair offers (25% royalty is the standard) they would get alot more interest from the landowners. Encana's stingy reputation preceeds them which will probably end up biting them at the end of the day.
Pat Todd, Jr: What are are you working with again in our parish?..I suppose i'm still a little further out at the present time..I feel like i'm all alone out there in 12-12-6 (Goldonna area)..the only thing i've got knowlege of right now is seismic being done presently. I'm wishing for good fortune for everyone on the site.
I own land in section 13, T12N, R6W
Highwayman: We are close. I believe you and I might be in only two on here!! Hopefully, that will change when we start getting favorable news our way.

Natch N3
OMG! We were approached by similar situation and man! Any mention of RED PHOENIX?



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