Anyone else been contacted by CGG Veritas about doing seismic work in the Catuna area?my property is located in Sec. 34-11-13

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I have. We are in 11n 12 w though. I think the offer was 15 per acre. We asked for the favored nation clause. Now just waiting on the check.
Pardon my ignorance - What is the most favored nation clause?
It just says that if they ever pay someone more than 15 per acre they will come back and give us the same for our land too. Some people add stuff about the damages etc...I don't remember it all. Searching in this site for Veritas will give you a lot of info.
Hey Kirk, I thought you had retired by now! Lord knows gas is more fun than apartments! Come fishing in Arkansas soon. Richard
Hey Richard, havent retired yet but who knows maybe one day after all this is over I canget back to God's country, west Texas that is.
Kirk----good to see you posting. I ran into you the other day , you was going north, and I was going south. They are paying 25 per acre below Logansport, I know because I have signed a lease with cajun exploration, which is owned by cheasapeake. take care now.
It was really good to see a familiar face, wish we could have visited longer. I have a question after the seismic testing is done and assuming that they are pleasede with the results is there a normal timeframe to expect drilling to start?
i have land in 12n, 13w- sec 26, 27, 34, & 35. I am negotiating with them. So far, no deal. I am concerned about timber damage. Fifteen dollars per acre is not a lot.
10n 13w offered $15 acre



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