Haynesville Penetration Off hwy 528 Sec 11 twn 19n rg 11w by Diamond oil co.

Diamond oil Casper Wy had A Haynesville Penetration with good pressure at 8775 feet. The well was drilled on top of the salt dome in Bellevue Oilfield which pushed all zones up about 2000 feet. the Well is the oxy 11 well 1 ser 238690

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saltdomes are not to commen. the Bellevue field is very shallow 400 ft. Millions of bbls recovered since the 1930's
Any word on this well?
300 feet of shale looks good
any word on this well sonris still shows waiting on completion
300 feet of shale with good pressure word is Diamond oil selling out to Endeaver oil out of Midland tx. after two good Haynesville finds
COMPANY: Diamond Oil LLC, Lodwick 35, 001: 238990. WHERE: Bellevue, S 35. T. 20N R. 11W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 295 mcf gas on 18/64 choke; 1 barrels 48.4 gravity condensate; 22 barrels water. PRESSURE: 850 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville non-unitized; perforations, 10690-10814 feet, depth, 11106 feet.
Thanks Skip This well is also vertical. The two wells that Endeavor just completed in sections 22 and 27 will tell the tale because the are the first horizonal wells in the area. As soon as you see any information on these Wickett wells please post. Thanks again
You're welcome, wlt. I'll keep an eye out for the Endeavor wells. I thought the interesting part of the completion report was the condensate. Any word on why the section 22 and 27 wells have been waiting on completion so long?
Why do you think the condensate is interesting? On the Vice well Diamond drilled in section 13 the completion report said 20 bbl of 38 gravity condensate. Wouldn't 38 gravity condensate be oil? Pretty good quality oil at that. I don't know the reason why completion took so long on endeavor wells. Hopefully they will be good
You just answered your own question, wlt. Considering the much stronger pricing structure for NGLs and condensate, it's definitely a plus. The question remains whether that would make this well or others in the immediate area economic. As Endeavor is a small player, I think they may be having a problem scheduling a frac crew. There just aren't enough to go around currently and the big players likely have them tied up. That would explain the long period waiting on completion.
Has anyone looked at this on SONRIS I'm not sure if I'm looking at the production numbers correctly
The well is crap for a Haynesville, in fact I believe this is the worst, by far, that I have seen so far. It took over 3 months to produce the first million cubic feet of gas


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