The Land & Knowles 18 H #1 well is at 15,138 ft. and drilling.

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New road being cleared off Hwy 5 going north into Sec. 18. Any idea what is up? Perhaps a pipeline row
where is this at off hwy 5 ?
Go east on 5 at Kickapoo. It is about 1/2 mile down on north side of road. It is wide enough to be a road, but could also be a pipeline row
That road is being done by Steve Kent, so I would tend to think it will be a pad site for either 18, or 21.
This road is for a well in section 20.

241749 HA RA SUW;LAND & KNOWLES 20 H #1
FXEF, have you heard any production numbers for this well in Sec. 18? Sections 6/7 supposedly flowed at near 20mcfd during July and now down to 15mcfd. This is coming from a reliable source. I would think that Sec.18 is also a good well

Flowback has not started yet. Pipeline is in the ground, but Ritter is still working at the well site. Should be flowing soon.
FXEF, there was no option to reply to you (I notice that happens on this site sometimes). You seem very knowledgeable about gas business. Think about this, Encana is the operator in Sections 6.7,8,9,17,18,19,20. With pads in all these areas, they could diagonolly drill into each section from these multi pads. It could be the ultimate gas factory

I don't have any credentials, I'm still in the learning curve. To keep with the 80 acre spacing and north/south lateral, most likely we will not see any diagonals. I believe in this area that north/south laterals has proven to give better production numbers.
FXEF, KCM may be making reference to drilling directionally down to where the horizontal lateral begins. For example a drilling pad located in the southest corner of Section 18 could be utilized to drill 4 wells each in Sections 17, 18, 19 & 20 with each well having a north-south horizontal lateral.
Encana also has the rights in sections 21 & 22 - T14N14W. Unfortunate reminder (for me) the well they drilled in Section 21 is a vertical and they have not yet drilled in Section 22.
Les, FXEF that is what I meant. Guess I used the wrong terminology. I drew out all the sections Encana has out here (didn't realize they also had sections 21 & 22). Think of the possibilities for drilling. They have most pipelines in place. This was not a coincidental. It is like pieces of a puzzle falling into place. The centerpoint huge pipeline goes through the area, the new Tiger line is being built.



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