Comment by Bob Bozeman 18 hours ago
I wasn't able to attend the meeting in Mooringsport that was held this past Saturday. For those who attended, please post the highlights. Thanks.

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The meeting began as most all of them have....general information about what the HS is. Carol and Susie lead the informational session. After giving good representation about the HS, they began the Q&A session. As soon as people began asking questions, a gentleman stood up and offered some real-world experiences. I believe he was the owner (or at least an employee) of Gemini. He was able to answer many of the concerns that the audience had. Every once in awhile, the discussion would get off track, but would be pulled back inline by Carol. After the Q&A session, Carol spoke more about the group. They are calling themselves the "North Caddo Community Coalition". They are in the preliminary stages, but seem to be organizing quickly. They suggest a membership fee of 25.00 per track of land, which does not seem unreasonable. With that fee, they will retain a lawyer to oversee any lease before it is signed. The lawyer will no be an active participant in forming a lease agreement, but more of an adviser before signing. They (Carol and Susie) requested assistance in areas that lack participation. Some of these included; website design, community leaders, a member's contact directory, section leaders, etc..From listening to the discussion, it seems that Carol and Susie are doing a good job of starting the group...they just need a little "boost" to get things rolling.

On a side note, the church handed out fliers about a lunch menu they have assembled, to help the Angel Food Ministries.
Hello Grice,
I would like to know what townships and ranges you will let join the group. We have 200 acres in T20N-R15W-S1. Also we have been in contact with several other land owners in T20N-R15W & T20N-R14W that want to band together. So far we are estimating between 5000-7000 acres that want to unite. Look forward to hearing from you guys.
Hello Trey. I regret that I am unable to fulfill your request. I was only a spectator at the meeting, so I am in no position to accept anyone into any group. However, "Alexis1974" should be able to fill you in with more details about joining the group. However, given your location, I do believe the NCCC would serve you well.
Hi Bob,
Susie here with the North Caddo Community Coalition. I would be glad to email you all of the information that we handed out at the first two meetings. Just email me if you want it or need any other information.
what Townships,Ranges,Sections are you grouping together?
Hi Ray-Cd3,
We would ultimately like to group everyone in at least townships 18, 19 and 20 who have not already signed a lease. Then you know how that is. There is always going to be someone who does not want to join a group for one reason or another, and that's ok. We were just going to start out with township 19 but we had so many people who didn't know where to turn we decided to create a super group. We are not turning anyone away right now. Everyone in our super group will be divided according to their location. Each section will have one or two leaders that will keep their members organized and informed. And so on. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.
Thank you for your willingness to send me the information from the meeting last week. I appreciate it. Another posting mentioned a modest organizational fee. Please let me know where to send that payment and if there are any sign up documents that need to be completed just forward them to me. By the way, my family's property is located in Sec. 8, Twnshp 21N, R15W. Thanks.
Bob (
Bob I am helping with the Mooringsport Group. I am giving classes, free of charge, on how to use the internet to organize and research. We usally meet at the N. Shreve Library. and are 2 topics covered. This is a basic class and not intended for legal advice, but rather learn how to research using the web. It's also a good place to pick the brains of others and see what they know. Send me an email if you would like more information.



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