We need to continue to work with the oil companies to get wells drilled in our area. Activity breads more activity if the gas is flowing. Infrastructure needs to be put in place (pipe lines) to get the gas to market. I hope all land owners work reasonably with the companies to continue this encomic roll.

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We are all willing to be reasonable with the O&G companies. They MUST also be reasonable with us. That being said, we will not be lied to like Twin Cities is now doing to landowners in my section. We are not stupid and refuse to be treated as such!
Go into more details so that the land owners understand what you are saying.
I got a call yesterday from a person in our coalition that was told by Brian C. representing Twin Cities that no one could hold a working interest in a well without first paying into the well! This man was so sure that what this jerk was saying was true that he was planning to go ahead and accept the paltry $1500 an acre and 22% royalty for his land. This is the sort of lies that are being told again and again by this Brian fellow. He also said that 83% of sections 11 are already signed up. I know full well that is an out and out lie.
I don't know Cathaus, liars will almost always be liars, and the gullible the same. Like N2 C C asked what are some specifics this time?


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