has anyone in golden meadow sub been contacted

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I believe some of you that live in Northgate my not own your minerals. From what i heard James Brown kept them when he sold your house. I would look into it because that was just a rumor which may or not be true.
Based on my fathers recollection from the meeting held at Bellaire Baptist this week, Brown attended and made a comment in front of those present stating this very thing. Brown (not sure who with Brown builders) stated that they had been retaining mineral rights and were selling them to family members (within Brown family) and that they were currently being sued by surface owners that believed they were misled. From what was stated at the meeting there isn't a requirement (state law) to relay this type of information in the disclosures unless specifically requested by the buyer. Sounds shady to me, I know that when we purchased our home we asked about mineral rights and the disclosure letter specifically asks the seller weather or not the mineral rights would be retained. This may be part of Century21's disclosure statement and not a requirement by law.
I did see where some homeowners were filing suit against Brown Builders for this. There was mention of a class action suit but it seemed it was for sales in 2006. We bought in 2005 and I have the page in my paperwork stating we own the mineral rights so I'm not sure what direction to take. I may contact the attorney who is filing suit to see where we stand.
I wish you and others in your area the best of luck and pray that all works out in the end.
I found this attachment looking for info (I'm in SE S'port). I see from the map that mostly you folks in SW Bossier are effected by it, especially Plantation Trace area. Hope this helps. I heard the JMB thing on the news one night, can't say I'm surprised. Funny thing is, when I've looked for that info on the stations' websites, I can't find it.
sesport person.....Where did you find this PHK Letter? Its news to us that live in RiverBend....This means that PHK is going to be drilling the sections connected to ours directly behind our neighborhood. We need to take notice here....Looks like we need to be dealing PetroHawk and not Twin Cities/CPK!!

See you all Sunday!
This was brought up at the meeting yesterday that PHK held the leases on all the land behind riverbend. Like i said in an earlier post we could contact Petrohawk and see if they would offer more. But from what i heard Petrohawk not buying in urban areas only CHK. Could not hurt to contact PHK worse they could say is we are not interested. CHK prob get the leases for 5500 an acre and sell to PHK 20000+ an acre.
Bet your right...justme....

I say lets see what we decide to do at the meeting sunday and we'll bring it up to contact PHK and just see if their interested. Since they are already gonna be drilling the 2 sections attached to ours, they may say sure we'll do it. Your right, it won't hurt to ask.

Who knows...they might strike it big back there like they have in Elm Grove and WOW, Think what that would do to our offers from Twin Cites!
Jonseer - Sorry I didn't get back sooner, been so busy trying to keep up with our own info.

I'll look back and retrace my steps to see where I've been lately. It was a link I just happened to click that was posted on another website, been to so many looking for info I'm not sure.

Personally, I'd say you have the advantage, you have both companies leasing in Bossier. Keep on talking to both of them, but be reasonable.
Okay, found it. tigerdroppings.com is the website, Money Talk, Haynesville Shale thread, page 41, posted by bazeball. Hope this helps.
I'll check it out! Thanks much! I appreciate your time you had to take to look it up. Good luck looking for info on your area!
jh ISW,

I am not sure where you are getting your information from. The large group formed in the Pecan Park, Bellaire, Shady Grove, Sun City etc is looking to join with the groups in South Gate, River Bend, Plantation Trace and Golden Meadows. We are not members of this group as we live in rural South Bossier, but my parents are and my father has been sharing information with me.

You are right though regarding the "strength in numbers" but it also depends on many other variables (e.g. ease of access, acreage coverage per section etc). No matter what, it makes things easier on the O&G companies as instead of dealing with thousands of individual mineral owners they can focus on a few who speak for the group. Of course, the final decision to accept what is offered is still left to the individual mineral owner. I wish you all the best of luck in getting a fair bonus and %.


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