Can anyone report on activities for this well?

     S27 12N 15W Collins 27 H
S27 is located just north of Hwy 84 at Stanley.

SONRIS reports that drilling began 2/26. Its latest information is for 3/11:
    SET 7 5/8 TO 10,740' W/ 770 SX; DRILLING.

Can this site be seen from the road? I would appreciate it if anyone able to see that site could report happenings.


Tags: 12N, 15W, Collins, S27, Stanley

Views: 47

Replies to This Discussion

I have not seen the well site but Google maps shows the well about 400 ft. from the Charlie Jones Rd. (in a wooded area. Click here for a map. From the SONRIS report, I'm guessing they are in the curve.
Thanks for the link, FXEF. I couldn't tell where the well was, but I'll take your word for it that it was there.
Hi Gayle!

This site is currenlty held by production. This means in order to retain the lease, Chesapeake drilled the well and at a later date will come back to produce the minerals. Are you under lease in this area? Let me know if you have any other questions.

Thanks! Katie
Yes, under lease and I guess now held by production. So much for the castle in Spain. But I'm glad to know. I wondered why no one seemed interested. By the way, how do you find out that sort of information? I didn't seen anything on SONRIS. Thanks. Gayle



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