An Encana super pad went up over night and then a rig came in and it got permitted all in same week. Have never seen all this activity happen this quickly. Sec. 7 & Sec. 6 are being drilled from Sec. 7 pad. Seismic people everywhere again. ANyone know why all the super rush to get this well up. Leases don't expire til fall 2010

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Skip, the other night I was flipping channels and there is a channel called the "Green Channel" (if memory serves). They were dogging natgas hard. They had all kinds of sad/disturbing stories mainly from CO concerning natgas issues. The program showed congressional hearings about the "issues". I truly believe the hearing is one of things keeping the Fed from going all out for natgas. I think the Fed believes in natgas, but only if it is and can be produced in a safe/environmentally kind manner. As you mentioned, coal and others are spending tons of money to keep themselves relavent.
There IS something going on in 14N14W. Encana has been permitted on Section 21. Check out Sonris. Are you in 14N14W Parkota?
Yes, I have an excell spreadsheet program where I'm tracking all HA activity in 14n 14w including production, declines, companies, chokes, etc. Sections 4, 9, 16, and 21, which have either been drilled/being drilled/or permitted, are all vertically in line and near the pipeline off Long Rd. So, I'm guessing there is a strategy there due to the pipeline. I also think some of it has to do with rig location meaning that it makes more sense to drill one then hop to the next nearest section for HBP. My family has just under 1,000 ac in 14n 14w with exteneded family having another 1,000. We did no extension clauses in our leases so maybe that's helped speed things up a bit as well at least for us. I do know that although HA wells cost roughly $7.5-8 million it's ROI is still great bc it has such an abundance of natgas. I read where the companies make profit in the play when natgas is over $3.50.
You sound very well educated in what is going on. My family also has about 2,000 acres in 14N 14W. We are probably related.
We have small parcels of land in sec. 7 and 18 of 14/14. We also have small parcels in 15/14 and 14/15 BUT I have never seen any thing like the activity going on in Secs. 7, 18 of 14/14. DRilling is going on in Sec. 7 and yet seismic crews are all over the place near the rig. Obviously they know where to put the lateral, so why all the seismic. 3 seismic studies have been done in this section since summer. Talking to some Encana people last fall, they say the Bossier is in this section
Kittycatmama, if you heard that BO is in our area from Encana then that answers a lot of questions in this post. If that is true then we are some of the luckiest people on the planet lol.
KayDS1...Ha, yeah, we probably are related some how. I never thought in a million years that Desoto Parish would be so important. This site has helped me learn quite a bit. I also research every day. My wife says I'm obsessed. I tell her its Christmas for adults lol.
Its so FUN to have a picture of your own well on here.
I don't know why sometimes there is no option to reply to some posts, so went back to this previous post of yours to reply to your last post.. I had never doubted the Bossier being in this area until I saw the Petrohawk maps showing this as the outer limit for it. I didn't know that Chesapeake didn't think it went this far north. Chesapeake has told some landowners in south Caddo that the Bossier is also in there. I don't know about everyone else, but I think there is a lot that we don't know about this discovery. Remember they kept the Haynesville secret til Petrohawk let it out in spring of '08. I also believe the technology is out there to get the oil from below the haynesville .
May I add my two cents, guys? The previous discussion regarding the BO that Spring Branch posted has some good information and informed conjecture as to the combo play, HA/BO. Please keep in mind that what follows is my recollection of that discussion thread which I suggest that you pull up from the archives. SB was wondering why Chesapeake was drilling horizontals left and right in the Logansport Field although the wells were below average IP compared to other areas of the Play where Chesapeake held the development rights. His theory, which I believe to be correct, was that Chesapeake had decided the BO was highly prospective in the Logansport Field and that the leasehold was worth HBP'ing even though there were better HA areas undrilled. If you examine the completed CHK wells in the Logansport Field you will find average IP's below 10 MMcfd. Average, at best, HA horizontals. The initial BO well, or by now - wells) had an IP roughly equal to that of the HA wells. At least in the Logansport Field the combined EURs of the HA and the BO will only equal the EURs in the sweetest of the HA spots in the Play. The development costs will be greater as it will take twice the wells but the BO will be HBP'ed by the HA wells and can be developed in the future when nat gas prices are better whether that's 4 years from now or 10 years from now. The production infrastructure will be in place and paid for. It is still quite early in the HA and the BO is but a new born. The next few years will be of great interest and will answer many questions. Stay tuned to GHS, you'll hear it here first. Good Luck!
Kittycatmamma....In my CV well they get oil every month so maybe the BO has oil, too.
Everyone, this is EOG's estimated Bossier Shale boudaries.



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