Comstock stated in today's conference call they intend to spud the following well in November.

Comstock, Sustainable Forests 3 Hz #H1 Well, Serial #240372, S10(3)-T8N-R13W

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Is this Greg from Shreveport or Greg from KS?
I'm interested in North Sabine Parish; near Parish Line Road and hwy 191; Section 21 and 22--if any one has any info.
Kathryn. I am sure that we can help to some degree if you can provide the township and range to go with the sections you mention.
Township 10 North Range 14 West

Thank you.
Kathryn, the following sections in 10N-14W have Haynesville (HA) unit orders or applications: S20,28,29, 32 and 33 to Ellora Energy, S25,27,35 to Petrohawk, S30/31/32 to Eagle Oil & Gas and S5-9, 17, 18 to Comstock. It is good to have multiple operators/companies with interests in a single township. Petrohawk and Comstock have established their credentials as capable HS horizontal drillers. I suggest that you go to the SONRIS Help Center group page, make a copy of the township grid, shade in the above unit/sections and then perform a search of HA wells in the township. Enter those wells on the township grid and then ask questions based on your research. If you need any help, let me know. Good Luck.
Is there any activity in Sec. 27, T8, R13 W. My family and I own that piece of property.
In the northeast corner, SWEPI has HA units in Section 1 & 2. The closest HA related activity is actually to your west in 8N - 14W where Forest has units in 22/27, 23/26 and 34/35. Forest has permits for wells in S14, 26 and 35 in 8N - 14W. None have started drilling yet but they will go a long way toward defining the prospective potential of your minerals. You can check Les. B.'s drilling rig list to see when drilling begins and then follow the wells on SONRIS. Good Luck.
Thank you for the information
Barbara, Forest drilled the Black Stone Min 26 #H1 Well in Sec 26-T8N-R14W but no test results have yet been made available.
Some one called me at work and said they had received notice from comstock unitizing six (6) new secitions in 8-13W. Any one else received notice?

Did that some one know which 6 sections Comstock was unitizing?

Chad Procell



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