I found this presentation on Shell's web site. There is a chart about half way through that shows their leasing in the southern part of the play. I thought it would be helpful to all of us to see exactly where SWEPI plans to be active in Sabine Parish. It is a few months old, but it shows a lot of leases as far south as T6N.

Tags: SWEPI, leasing

Views: 33


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Are you talking about township 6? We are in Section 8 Township 6 and Range 10. Just wondering if it is coming this far south? Thanks for any info you may have.
I cannot tell you if Shell will drill in 6N-10W. All I can say is Chart #12 shows that they have a lot of leased land in 6-11 and some leased land in 6-10.
Thank you Henry for your input.
This land was not leased during 2008 Shale Frenzy, most in T-6 HBP. Forest will continue southward until it is no longer feasible...watch their reports. Lots of wells drilled shallow in days gone by in pendleton area.


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