Hello everybody,

If you would like to share any idea's with us that would help us to better organize this area, please let us know! We have started to pull many units together but will still haven't done anything as a group to get ready.If you would like to be a part of this gathering please let us know.Even if you feel you could better serve yourself individually we could still use your input.We will need volunteers in every area that we represent to help keep each other up to date. We need your help , plain and simple. If this thing is going to work for everyone we need to get ready.Things are fixing to speed up faster then you could imagine.Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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Either one would be fine with me.With the people we have now,the Community House in Dixie Inn would be ok.Any more and we would need the Church.
BTW...Thanks to those that are doing all of the work on this!
Hello to all,

Our first meeting has been tentativly scheduled for July 17th at 6:30 p.m. at the Union Elementary Gym in Doyline. This will be a Thursday night. I hope to see all.We have a lot to do and a short time to get it done. Please bring your pen and paper to jot down notes or even questions that you would like to ask.This is very informal and will start with a meet and greet followed by a question and answer session.Please give me some feedback as we will not be able to satisfy all, but we would like to please as many as we can.Thank you in advance and we will see you soon !
I live in Webster Parish and have land here, but i do not have those rights, my mineral rights are in Bossier Parish. I may attend the meeting, to hear what is going on.
Would be happy to have you!
I was contacted this morning and I would love to attend any meeting that would help us Webster Parish landowners. These are exciting times and we all have to work together to make the most of any opportunity that comes our way. I'm looking forward to meeting, working together and making the most of our opportunity.

John C. Campbell
318 377 4974
Happy to have you on board...... "Your Honor" ?
If you care about your nabors I would get there early and tell them not to sighn anything no matter what. Some of these lawyers and CPA's over here in Bossier Parish and Caddo Parish are trying to pull fast ones on people that do not know any better. My nabor has land in blanchard and went to a meeting thursday....there was a CPA giving the speech and at the end of the meeting he passed out a Lease like aggreement that if signed would turn your mineral rights in is hands to lease off. He wasnt offering any money just a guarantee that he would get them 15K an acre. It didnt say what he would do with the surplus nor did it say when he would release your minerals. My friend took his to his lawyer and said that if you sign that its as done as signing a lease. Dont sign anything unless they are with a major O&G company or a representative with that company. Call and Verify there credibility with that company first. I suspect that they will be trying to take advantage of people that are on the edge of the production by telling them that there not in the zone but we will sign you any way for a small amount. Just be ready and GOOD LUCK.
Hello John , Glad you could join us ! I just wish that you had done a little reading on this site before you assumed that this was one of those sham meetings. I do hope that some of our local attorneys and CPA's are in attendance, as we will be needing their advice in the coming months.They will be in attendance as concerned citizens only at this meeting, unless of course they wouldn't mind fielding some questions from their prospective areas of expertise . Since you didn't take the time, as instructed on front page of this site, to read posts and gather as much info "1st" before jumping into the water, you unwittingly have garnered the attention of the person that you basically just insulted , ME !

I will not hold that against you as you had no idea ,obviously, that a snowball had a better chance in Heflin then a landman had at getting his agenda listened to at this meeting! If someone shows up uninvited and doesn't follow the rules set forth for this meeting , they will be asked to stop what they are doing.If they do not stop then they will be asked to leave.If they are stupid enough for that not to make sense to them then they will be escorted out of the building! Surely it wouldn't get that far.When I say its no pressure, its no pressure. This type of behavior will not be tolerated !

My friends and family mean more to me then all the money on the Haynesville Shale. They will not be taken advantage of anymore.The chance for BIG O & G to mow over us has come and has passed ! This meeting is about 1 thing and thats informing my neighbors to the best of my ability.

So the next time you start to cast judgment while on this site, please be careful. Some of the people on this site can be a little bit on the irritable side if you know what I mean. Thanks for the heads up though! I'll try and keep an eye out .
Snake Stewart
I was there and from what I understand they are to ask for 4,000 minimum and go from there. You stated that South Webster parish is now considered the heart of the shale, is this true and where can we find that information? if I choose to go with your group how do you get the bids from the oil companies without charging a fee?
Hello Tim , What Mr. Sam is saying about the heart of the Shale is in regards to PHK Isopach Data Points sheet which was downloaded from their site. The IDP sheet shows the thickness of the Shale at different vantage points throughout the area.The areas that were 1st thought to be the heart are actually much thinner than the area around South Webster/ Elm Grove.Larger bonuses were being paid in Caddo because they were in a better location , due to the thickness of the Shale in that geographical location.Now that the thickness has been published and documented , why are we still not receiving just compensation for our area ? The next issue involves not having enough data to back up "what they think may be the case for this area". BAM , all of a sudden you have the Elm Grove Plantation #63 well that comes in choked at 16.8 MMcu per day with a value of ,@ $13.35 per thousand, $224,000 per day. Thats $81,716,000 a year for those without a calculator , if all the numbers stayed the same ! Around 10 miles from my house.

Now you have IDP sheets info that tells you that the Shale is from 33' thicker in Caddo ( 195' ) , to 80' thicker than in Red River ( 148' ).Bonuses are paid by thickness, according to experts.Thicker the Shale , the greater area to extract the gas from. We happen to be in the thickest area published thus far at 228' of Shale . Then on top of that ,the "Historic" in their words, EGP #63.

Combine those two substancial FACT's with the 3 wells that are proposed for drilling in '08 in 17 North, Range 9 & 10 West. Together that makes one heck of a case for south webster and surrounding areas.

As to your question regarding "bids from O & G without charging a fee". O&G companies do not charge fee's for bids.The fee's are from the middlemen! I am a landowner, not a middleman! We have no middleman. As this process begins to unfold , we will need pro advice in some form our fashion.I do not pretend to be able to handle all of the ends and outs of this process.When that time comes it will be addressed in a manner more suitable to the occasion. In other words not for $17.5 trillion . I am quite sure we can find great legal counsel for less than this amount.

In speaking with a co-worker that has talked with one of these "groups" I explained to him that $500 was a fair price for legal representation, unless that was per acre and you have 100 acres! Thats $50,000 for that one person.If you have 5,000 acres in your group thats $2,500,000. Just to look over my lease? I don't think so! Johnnie Cochran ( RIP ) got O.J. out of the chair and even he wouldn't be worth that kind of money!

I hope I answered your questions to some degree.All of this information is posted on this Haynesville Shale site.

Unlike most groups , we are sort of particular about who we want standing beside us.If you can't , after becoming educated on this Play, laugh at $10,000 per acre bonus, this group may not be for you.We know that our land is much more valuable then the current offers! If you would jeapordize the group by signing early against the wishes of the whole , we don't need you. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

We want to become as big as we can but not at the risk of hurting the core group.This group was started to try to protect my friends and family.And as we expand we each become more responsible for each other in the group.If I do something to hurt one, I hurt the whole group.This group prospers on a simple premis.The more I learn the better off the group will be. The more I make the more you make. The more you make the more I make.We are driving the price up for each other.It doesn't get much simpler then that. Not for 5% anyway!
Should posters go up somewhere to let people know about this meeting so the one's without a computer can get notified??
Gotta question Sam....Is there a limit on how much land is needed for this group.Myself I only have like maybe 4 acres.I see where folks have much more than that and wondered if a minimum of land exist?Thanks in advance for you answer.


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