Researching Waterflood Unit

I have a small oil royalty interest in two leases in Harrison County Texas which have been pooled into a Waterflood Unit. I have the basic identifying info for these leases. How can I use the lease/field information to locate in TRRC the documents associated with this Waterflood Unit.


Rob Friday

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    Chad Ellis

    What are the lease names? I'm not sure what information you might need, so I can't effectively tell you where to look?
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      The unit is variously listed as Northeast Hallsville Crane Unit or N. E. Hallsville Crane Unit and contains 7,642.02 acres.

      Field # is 3829150 and Field Name is Hallsville NE (Pettit).

      The O&G Lease was done in 1948 with Hunt Oil.

      The unit was declared in 1962 and the current Certificate  of Effectiveness is dated 1964.

      The earliest Division Order I have is dated 10/01/83. The earliest production documentation I have is from 1985 and the earliest royalty Check Detail is from 1991. The decimal interest has remained unchanged from the 1983 Division Order down to the one I signed a few years back as the heir. Recently, responding to my inquiry into why I'd not been paid for 2024 production reported to the RRC, I was told there was an error in my decimal interest (the one unchanged since 1983) which resulted in my royalty being overpaid. So current royalty is being withheld in order to recoup the over-payment.  Had I not inquired I would not have known as I've not received a new Division Order reflecting any change.

      Isn't the operator obligated to pay royalty in accord with the most current Division Order.

      Wouldn't the operator be required to notify me of the error, explain the change and issue a new Division Order?

      So... I'm digging into all the deed, lease and unit agreement, etc. documents filed in the county records. And I'm hoping someone who knows their way around the RRC can suggest where I might look there for information which might shed light on this.
