Payment Vouchers and Checks

A few days ago I received royalty checks from Silverhill production on wells in Caddo Parish, LA.The checks are actually prepared and mailed by another company in Pennsylvania that processes payments. I had been receiving vouchers with each check. Now I am instructed to signup on a site (Energylink) to view vouchers. However, the vouchers have not been posted on the site, very frustrating.  It seems the companies should be required to provide this information along with the checks. I have several family members who depend on me to check the payments. I have found several errors in past payments that had to be corrected. 

  • up

    Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    William, many operating companies now use EnergyLink to provide the details of price and deductions that previously were paper records that came with royalty payments whether you had automatic deposit or not.  If memory serves, Silver Hill has been using EnergyLink for some time.  Once you get entered in the system, it is an easy way to track the specifics of your royalty income.  Outsourcing certain accounting and payment functions is a way for companies to reduce their overhead.  I expect that all the operating companies will have moved to this payment and royalty detail model in the new year.  I suggest that you go ahead and sign up for an account.  We really don't have any choice in the matter.
