Austin Chalk

All things about Austin Chalk in Louisiana: Horizontal drilling, improved seismic testing, and liner casing are offering hope for the deep minerals in the Austin Chalk which runs from Austin, Texas through parts of Louisiana to Biloxi Mississippi.

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  • Rock Man

    Remember how high the initial water rate was on this well (10,000 bpd?). That info is not posted with monthly production. And I think the recent allowable posting is just the regular posting that state puts out regardless of well status. Skip may know more about that process.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Allowables, as far as I know, are based on state flow tests.  There is no DT-1 test entered in the SONRIS Well File so I think that test would look much like the IP data:

    COMPLETED 1/21/2020 AS AN OIL WELL W/ 210 BOPD; 1650 MCFD; 8200 FTP; 6063 SITP; 1300 CP; 18/64" CK; 3343 BWPD; 94% BS&W; 7857; GVTY 52 API; PERF: 16,157'-22,372'

    Without a DT-1 date it is impossible to know how soon the test was done after the well was allowed to flow into a sales line.  So did oil and gas flow improve because the well "cleaned up" over time?  The lateral is 6215 linear feet.

  • Rock Man

    What we don't know (and never will know) are the details of the monthly production over time. Water rates, choke sizes, etc. Believe me, if the rates were such on this well that it was still economic, the well would not be shut in.

    The IP rate works out to a 5.9% oil cut (210 BO & 3343 BW). If the same oil to water ratio was maintained, the 1000 BOPD rate would equate to almost 17,000 BW per day. The unknown facts are the key to understanding what is doing on here.