San Augustine, TX

All things related to the Haynesville Shale in San Augustine county.

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  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Mi, Mister Sunday.  Okay is a relative term.  Here in Shreveport, most did not lose power but dealt with low water pressure for 5 or 6 days and then a "boil order" for a few more.  Better than a lot of places in Texas.  There is an ongoing problem however in that all AT&T phone and internet went out a couple of days into the thaw for a good bit of the city and is still out for many now, 15 days later.  I fired AT&T and moved to other service providers.  I'm hoping that didn't happen in East Texas or in Houston.

  • Mister Sunday

    went to some friends apartment Saturday evening as I hadn't seen them in a while and my work had already waved me off for a few days the next week.   At 2:00 a.m. they lost power and as the pumps couldn't run to keep the water towers full and everyone was dripping there faucets to keep from freezing it wasn't log before the water was gone.  We had bottled water, but beings on how the apartment is all electric, no way to heat anything.  When I finally made it back to my place, the time on my microwave was still set, so I never lost power, and I have gas stove, heater and water heater.  I think we went the wrong way and should've stayed in my 1952 house. 

  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    You might be right but I think the ultimate culprit is ERCOT, the state legislature and the governor.  The 2011 cold snap and the prior one back in the 80's I believe were wake calls missed.  There was no good reason for this to happen in Texas of all places.