Har C2

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  • Snake Stewart

    Have heard of some earlier offers south of Sarepta but I don't know any specs on talks.North of I-20 has slowed to a crawl but I feel certain that once new well numbers come out and interest picks up again this will change.We don't know the outer limits as yet.Big O & G may but they certainly aren't giveing that intel out.If you ever feel like joining our effort we would certainly like to try to help.If you don't fall on the Shale we can't do much but by getting together as a large group we may be able to force their hand.As of right now they say it isn't in their plans to lease north of I-20.I think they are bluffing.You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.You are outside of their lines.Until the border is found we won't know for sure .But I would rather find out before I leased way low "because my land was outside of good zone"then to find out that you are on the Shale and settled to soon.
  • Snake Stewart

    Average ole Joe wouldn't have been able to gather this kind of info so quickly!Are you holding out on us!Can you tell if the production numbers fall in line with other Shale Monster numbers? Just knowing they are producing and still fileing for permits is outstanding news.I certainly hope you feel better about the expanding areas north of I-20,because I sure do! Great work!I believe you just increased your chance at making some big bucks upfront by 5 fold, minimum!!!!!
  • Snake Stewart

    If you don't mind my asking,I would love for you to share with me your approach to finding out the info you posted.That kind of info could totally change the direction of talks if when they are trying to lowball
  • Har C2

    How do you conclude from the reports that the wells are not taping the Haynesville?
  • Har C2

    How much mcfd is good for a vertical well?

    Is 3000 mcfd, good, bad, great?