If I am the lone holdout (75 acres) in a very large contiguous block, would that make my land more valuable to the O%G company that holds the other leases?
I am dealing with another landman, but I am not sure about the value to them. I am in 11n 15w, but do not want to be more specific than that. I can tell you that the initial offer was 3500, 1/4 over a month ago and am being contacted on a continual basis. We are up to 7500 but I feel that my land is worth more in that there was a horizontal well permitted in the James Lime formation (since expired) in the sec. beside mine. Since you are a landman I would like your input.
How does sec 34 T17N R13 W AND SEC3 T16N R13W look . I haven't seen anything in SOUTH EAST Caddo
talked about. Have had 2 offers month ago but no
follow up.
I have a little more than 1acre in Keithville tract 24 and my significant other doesn't want to sign a lease because he thinks the 100% royality will be better in the long run. what can I tell him to change his mind?
thanks randy, how is it determined who's land it is under with horazonal drilling of 1/2 mile. also what are the plans for 80 acre spacing? did the state have to approve this?
Hey Randy
I just want you to know how much we appreciate you and your hard work. It's a job and you have to pay your bills too. When I receive my check, if any, I will be the most grateful person out there. Send some landmen near Township 13 Natchitoches Parish. We are waiting to shake your hand. Ha
Randy, I do realize that you are currently working negotiating leases for Chesapeake. But out of the kindness of your heart, can you tell us if OTHER COMPANIES are actually offering signing bonuses of $20,000 and up?
Thank you for answering and being upfront about it. I don't plan on being a holdout for long but my aim is to provide the best lease I can for my family. We only have 21 acres but my best friends have another 20 acres (in Frierson and Carmel) to put in with mine. The Chesapeake landman I have been dealing with gave me a Notice of Intent to sign. He would not negotiate the lease terms with unless I signed it. My side is that whether I sign with CHK or not depends on the lease terms, not just the bonus. I have 2 other companies that have been much more fair in dealing with me and they have promised to beat or match any offer from CHK. I wanted to sign with CHK and would have even taken a little less on the bonus to do it but I do not like being treated that way.
lanadan Ds3
If I am the lone holdout (75 acres) in a very large contiguous block, would that make my land more valuable to the O%G company that holds the other leases?
Jun 25, 2008
Jun 25, 2008
lanadan Ds3
Jun 25, 2008
lanadan Ds3
I do appreciate your honesty in this matter. I will consider your advice.
Jun 25, 2008
James CD1
talked about. Have had 2 offers month ago but no
follow up.
Jun 28, 2008
James CD1
out of city limits. Almost to Flournoy Lucas road. Property runs to Red River.
Jun 28, 2008
Jul 1, 2008
Jul 3, 2008
Diane Hudso
I just want you to know how much we appreciate you and your hard work. It's a job and you have to pay your bills too. When I receive my check, if any, I will be the most grateful person out there. Send some landmen near Township 13 Natchitoches Parish. We are waiting to shake your hand. Ha
Jul 4, 2008
Jul 7, 2008
Jul 7, 2008