United States

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How would you describe yourself?
Landowner, Oil and Gas Professional

Comment Wall:

  • old as dirt

    Kaybaby Everybody is out to make money. That is what makes the world wag.
  • Mom A1


    I know a lot of oil & gas people who are honest, hardworking people. They actually earn what they get. Unlike a lot of other people out there. We all need to be grateful that we have the opportunity like this and keep our focus on what is really important in life...God, family, freedom and friends. The rest is just icing on the cake! ;)

  • Diane Hudso

    How rude!!!!!!
  • Randy

    Of course I work to make money, I have a wife, and kids, and a house, and a dog. I wish just once, after I spend two weeks getting someones lease just right so we are all happy, when I hand them a check, they would say "thanks for your hard work". I think we are ALL (lessors and lessee's) out to make a bunch of money. Why else would you be on this site?
  • joe

    yes they were very low of 200 a acre