

San Augustine, Texas

United States

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  • arklatex

    Our land is south of SA (Macune) and we have been told by reps of EnCana that we are in a $5000 per ac. area. We found this out on Thurs of last week. Good luck!
  • JWC

    Shelley our land is just about 1/2 mile south of 103. I have not contacted Encana but I was told our land was in the $5000 per ac area. He said he had seen the map. I would think you would be there also.
  • JWC

    Yeah let's keep in touch. Let me know when you find out more about this well. Hopefully we are getting close to something big...SA is going to be a big player I think...
  • JWC

    How far down 705 are you Shelley? Are you close to 83?
  • Shelley

    we are about 2 and hal to 3 miles from 103 down 705........
  • JWC

    I live in Longview. Our land starts about 1/2 mile south of where 103 and 705 intersect.
  • JWC

    OK. I will let you know what I am do the same..
  • JWC

    We have land on both sides of the road. It is actually my mother-in-laws land. She is 85.
  • JWC

    Starts at CR 3000
  • JWC

    the land is actually on 705...I am familiar with some peole in the area
  • JWC

    When you cross 103 where 103 and 705 intersect you go south for about 1/2 mile and there is a road that turns to the right...that is County road 3000...Our land starts right is up on the hill under two big oak trees...there is an old run down house that sits on FM705 in front of the house...
  • JWC

    Yeah believe that is right...we close to you?
  • JWC

    We have 7 tracts of land down 705 totaling 247 acres..
  • JWC

    Yes I married T.L and Auddie Bobbitts daughter..
  • JWC

    I have heard the name Daily...hopefull we are in a good area..
  • JWC

    Good information Shelley. Thanks. I agree that the price is going to go up. I am contacting some of the bigger companies. Sending them emails about my land. I think we can do much better than $5000 and probably even better than $10000. Like you say we just have to be the waiting game continues....hopefully something will break loose soon and we can all be happy campers....and I would definitely have a lawyer look at the Encana actually made you an offer?
  • JWC you said that should be going up...soon..
  • arklatex

    Shelly, Did EnCana offer you $5000/ac? Where is your land? Our mineral interest are in the W. White survey (A-308), which is close to Macune. Did they say anything about paying you $25,000 if they decided not to lease your land. My distant cousin-- who has land somewhere in SA County-- was presented with that offer. Thanks.
  • JWC

    That's good...that's the only way you fill find out. I know Janelle's cousin hasn't signed yet...they own land next to ours. It is the Wolf place on 705. I may call a guy that lives donw the road from us in a little while and see if he signed yesterday...will let you know...have a good one and hope for the best...
  • JWC

    YEah Eagle Oil offered us $300 acre/20%royalty...we did not respond...
  • arklatex

    My family has mineral rights on about 230 acres.
  • JWC

    I won't use any names but someone down the road from us signed with Encarna yesterday. They do seem to be the ones paying the most money right now. I don't think they are interested if your land is almost on 83. They stop about 2 or 3 survery short of 83.
  • JWC

    Thanks Shelley....I may give them a call and see what they say...think y'all are going to sign with them?
  • JWC

    Yeah I agree...I think they will go up too or someone else will offer more....funny how they started out at $5000 in that area...must be something good where we are....normally they start quite a bit lower....
  • JWC

    Yeah we probably need to just sit tight right sounds like Encana wants to own 705....we'll home phone is 903-295-9841...cell 903-452-0211
  • JWC

    I tried calling your cell...I read you last comment...I understand...
  • arklatex

    Thanks for the info. Did they say anything about a retainer fee of $25000 for 45 days? Do you know the survey number (or name) of your land? We are in teh W. White Survey (A-308). Thanks.
  • JWC

    They hit a good well over by Denning...
  • JWC

    Sounds good...have a good weekend and be safe..
  • JWC

    Weekend was quiet. Hopefully things will pickup this week. Let me know if you hear anything. Hope you had a good weekend.
  • JWC

    Anything new today Shelley?
  • JWC

    All is quiet..
  • JWC

    Shelley I started a discussion in the East Texas Group....San Augustine County....couple of pretty good replies...might want to read it when you can....good luck..
  • jffree1

    Shelly, I'm in Pineland. Nothing being leased or even offered s. of Hwy 83...yet.

  • JWC

    Shelley my named changed on this website. Someone else is using JC so I am now using JWC. Will let you know if I hear anything. Everything I hear talks about good things to come in San Augustine.
  • JWC

    Wow..not sure what to tell you. We haven't spoke to any companies yet...I know it is a hard decision...I think I am going to wait a little bit longer...we are going out of town tomorrow and won't be back until Monday afternoon so send me comments if you hear anything...this sure tries your patience doesn't it?
  • JWC

    Wow...$250.00...way to low don't you think?