Natch N3

Goldonna, LA / Atlanta, Georgia

United States

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  • Jim Veuleman

    Not sure my opinion is any better than speculation but... We are only 2 weeks in Natchitoches Parish and at current in a limited area. This too is subject to change/evolve. I'll update as the area of interest expands; but, to answer your question, we aren't in 12-12-6 at present.
  • Bob N5

    i'm south of natch. sec 35 & 34 T8n R7w, located on old river, nothing from anyone yet, still hoping.
  • Bob N5

    buddy I work with who lives in clarence has attotney from bossier that told him 5 gas co.'s would be bidding on his property soon
  • BirdDawg, plain ole' idiot

    Natch, I have a small 12 acre intrest in Sec. 13, T11N-R7W, Natchitoches Parish. Think we might need to get a group together in SE Natchitoches Parish? My e-mail is

  • BirdDawg, plain ole' idiot

    Sorry, I should have said central Natchitoches Parish, but you know where we are.
  • Bob N5

    hello natch. I'm inT8N R7W,we have over 500 acres in the family combined.havn't heard to much except we may be in it down here.My sister works at courthouse,sez it's crouded &secretive down in assor's records room.
  • Bob N5

    make that" crowded"
  • Amy

    Natch, My land is in North Caddo Parish, Do you have any contact numbers for Exco Resources? Also, have you heard which oil companies, if any, is leasing land in the far North area of Caddo Parish? Thanks for your help.
  • Jaybird

    Are your numbers correct?

    Section 012 Township 12? Range 06W

    The township should have a N or E behind it. Let me know and I can look it up for you.

  • Jaybird

    What Parish are you in?

    Looking info up and I need a parish to help me find out the information for you.
  • Jaybird

    It's very quiet in your area with regards to drilling. I checked all 36 sections in that township and range and only found one producing well in section 35. It's a very good gas well.
    The other 14 wells that were drilled in 11,19,21,23,27,30, and 34 were probably drilled for oil. All are noted as Dry & Plugged except one which is Plugged and Abandoned. They will be back in that area with the new technology that they have today and will find the Natural Gas that everyone wants. Just give it time. Just be patient! I hope this helps.
  • Jaybird

    This is the Sonris Lite site where you can look up information. Click on the words Sonris lite under the words Database access. You can click on Wells by Section, Township and Range and there are many other ways to look up different type of information. You will hate me now because you will stay up late at night playing with this sight! :o) Best of luck in Natchitoches Parish.

  • Johnyd

    Natch, One of my good friends have had some offers in the 1K range in Nacht parish, im not sure this for shale Gas (HS) or Pocket Gas. Pocket gas want yield these large on bonuses and will produce near the CF as a shale well will. GOOD LUCK
  • Pierre N2 SE

    Natch, thanks. I don't live in that area now. Most of the information that I receive is from people on this board. This website is a great way to keep informed. I spoke to Petro Hawk 6 weeks ago. They were not interested at this time, but said they would know more later on.
  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

    Hey natch,

    I need an administart for the Natchitoches group? you interested?
  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

    Well basically just create Natchitoches related discussions, delete spam post (notify me of the spammer) and delete dated content (events, old lease bonus $$). Thank you!
  • weatherman

    Hi Natch, I own land very near the Natch-Red River Parish line. The best well thus far in our area seems to be the one over at Pleasant Hill, La. from what I am hearing. So the area from northern Sabine and extreme NW Natchitoches Parish has good potential, especially with the current Messenger well hit. Where is your tract of land(s) located approximately ?
  • weatherman

    You are on the eastern side of Natchitoches Parish, La. I am on the western side of the parish. However, from what I am hearing you are in the ballpark potential.
  • weatherman

    Exactly..may the luck of the land be on our side! and I will... if you hear of any thing up your way let me know..... laters.
  • Snake Stewart

    Hey kiddo' , Starting to bring to much me.It doesn't do any good to be hated.I never wanted that. Thats not who I am. I'm just tired of their garbage. You have to keep your eyes on what the prize actually is. You can't fool me. You will finally stop. But it wont be because they wore you down! You wouldn't be on my list if they could. Sweet dreams kiddo'
  • Bob N5

    i'm in T8N-R7W, no word from anyone, just hope it dips down this way.
  • Har C2

    I just wanted to tell you that your efforts to help organize your Parish and NWLA is greatly appreciated.
  • Wiley

    I don't have any information on much recent exploration. However, I can tell you that they are very interested in any area they are testing. They know that something is there. They are just trying to pinpoint it's location and determine it's size and shape. Should they cross you again or a leaseman show up in the next week or so, that should be a good indication that your property contains a deposit. I might add that, even if the up front lease money is good, do not take the first offer. Also, be sure to get a favorable royality percentage. That is where the real money is. Good luck.
  • Claire Decker

    on this map, the first one, shows a red square that red 6 runs thru. What is that?
  • Diane Hudso

    I've heard that there is some leasing going on in Ashland but it's very low. Nothing to get excited about. Ha
  • Dorcheated A1

    Thank you so much for your advice. I believe that is what I will do.
  • Diane Hudso

    Look on the other topix "tigerdroppings" and "oil leasing in Natchitoches parish". There is a little conversation about our parish. One guy said that Natchitoches parish is too deep. Hope that is not true. What do you think? Any good news yet?
  • Landowner

    Natch, Have you heard anything on the sesmic survey test? I talked to the guy I permitted with last weekend and he said they were planning on being in my area in September, I had originally been told November.
  • Landowner

    All of this is driving me crazy. I know, I know, I have to have patience. Sure is hard, but I can do it. It might be quite a long time before we are approached with a lease. My guy did tell me that they did a 2D back in 2000. They must know something to want to come back and do a 3D.
  • Diane Hudso

    Where are you? Are you on vacation? It's exciting news about Pat Todd flying over the Messenger. Hope you are tuning in...
  • Diane Hudso

  • Diane Hudso

    No, that wasn't me. But it sounds interesting......
  • Marilynn Sessions

    I realize that you are not a dedicated and true environmentalist as myself or you would know that it is the Red Headed Woodpecker and not the Red Haired Woodpecker. I do not have time for the big Oand G companies or you people who own property in the area of this majestic bird. Just remember we will be building nests for woodpeckermanity soon and we will not be stopped by HS or any other destructive means of violation to the land in Nat Parish.
  • Marilynn Sessions

    Natch 3 do you want to be a Woody Lover too? I can set you up with a T shirt and a parking place. I heard that you were a Birdwatcher in Atlanta.
  • Jim 007

    Natch N3,
    I haven't had a chance to get to the court house yet to check for the str just yet. I am in south Louisiana all this week working, mabe I can go by next week and get back with you. Thanks for all I read that not only helps me but all others as well! I believe that with all the work being done in north Natchitoches, southern Bienville, and Winn Parishes will open up alot of new ground to be considered in the play ground.... I read somewhere on here last night that once all the info is read that Winn Parish and points east will become more favorable, I hope that all who need good news gets what they need. thanks again,
  • BirdDawg, plain ole' idiot

    I heard that this week an 8,000 acre block in T10N-R7W was leased for $4,000/acre and 20% royalty. Rumor is that is was a private group leasing but some people think they may be working for Chesapeake. I doubt if these leases have been filed yet. Like I say, I can not swear to this, but I believe it is true. Just wanted to let you know because this is the farthest East I have heard of in Natchitoches Parish. By the way, I am the same person that e-mailed you earlier about trying to get a group together (my initials are GR). I changed my name on this website. I will keep you posted on what I hear.
  • Dorcheated A1

    Natch, Thank you for your comments your right on the head with everything.
  • Magnolia - N4

    I just added the Natchitoches Police Jury map to the photo section. Jay's comment to my question is encouraging to those of us not in the yellow area. Thanks, Jay.
  • Dorcheated A1

    Natch 3, It was a honor.
  • DrWAVeSport Cd1

    Natch N3,

    Thank you for your response. However, we may be claiming a victory just a little too soon. I hope you are right, though, and this practice will end. But I don't believe the DOC's Memo actually went far enough. They left the door ajar for "exceptions," and I really don't understand the meaning behind this.

    We will keep our ears to the ground and our eyes open. I hope the DOC will reconsider and make this retro-active for "legal notices" prior to 7/29/08.

    Per Gray Sands, there are quite a few "safety" issues with this same "redefining" thing. I am more concerned with this than with any other issue concerning same.

    Thanks again for your support! I enjoy your comments. And, I think your "picture" is the best!

    Take care and good luck to you and yours.

    DrWAVeSport Cd1 7/30/08
  • nisie, not a happy camper landowner

    I did attend the seminar however more info was about Alabama and South Louisiana. When I get a chance I will post some things from the book they gave out.
  • CMI A1

    I was reading the post on Obama going back a few days. I wanted to tell you that as a born again Christian, I appreciate your words and comments. When you have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of you, you are given a boldness to proclaim the word of God. It was very apparent as you were writing, God was giving you a boldness and ability to convey His message. You did it with love and class. Thanks.
  • Snake Stewart

    Tired kiddo , How bout yourself. The post about Obama has given some of us a chance to get off the Shale for a little while. A much needed rest I might add. Kinda silly how I told you it didn't do any good to tell these guy's anything and here I am running my chops at them. I then realized that the post may not have been for them as much as it was for the ones that feel the way you do. Plus I guess I felt like I couldn't leave you to the sharks so I hasd to say something ! But it was rather obvious you didn't need ole' Snakes help on this one.Handled them like change in your pocket. Keep up the fight. Right is right , sleep tight kiddo.
  • Steve Bacle N3

    Hi I googled it. Actually I am 8000 miles away in Korea. Enjoying the thought of becoming Jed Clampet or JR Ewing...LOL
  • Steve Bacle N3

    Speaking of B Hussine I just saw this on the net. Its a Hoot!

    I am sure Charlton Heston would approve... he is laughing up there with the Gipper.
  • Steve Bacle N3

    Yes I am working in Korea. I may retire if we hit something good.
  • Steve Bacle N3

    I am glad I found this group. It is very well set up and has a great deal of good information. It gave me some more thoughts about existing leases I have in Natchitoches and RRiver. They are due for renewal this year and early next. I leased for a little and hate to let them renew when the neighbors are getting 12-15k. I will have my dad check verify the type of product and depth of the lease. I have heard some are shallow up to 6000 and if that is the case I may be able to renegotiate a deep lease up to 14000.
  • Landowner

    Natch, Did they finish to seismic shoot on your property? They need to get on up to Bienville and finish this thing. I guess it still might be quite a time before they read the finds. We will never know the outcome. Well I guess that is not true, if it is good we will start seeing the landmen.
  • Landowner

    OK, I will let you know when they start the shoot. We also live out of state, but we are in touch with the landowner next to our property, so we will know when they start the shoot. Heck, we may even go down when they start. It is only a 5 hour drive.
  • Dorcheated A1

    Natch n3

    Your the one keeping hope alive. Your post are wonderful to read and very well thought out. You have been not only a great help but a inspiration to a lot of people on the Haynesville Shale.