Haughton Area


Haughton, Louisiana

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Kassi

    That is what I started negotiations with for our section. We are still in negotiations
  • dreamcatcher

    I'm sorry, but I can't devulge particulars at this time due to current negotiations. But we are assured, five figures and better terms than surrounding areas.
  • JM

    Haughton Area,

    Do you know the section the Samson well is located?
  • Traci Smith

    I will start canvassing the neighborhood and get everyone organized. I will talk with the homeowners association.Thanks
  • Kassi

    Hi, I am much more in favor of joining a group than going it alone unless you have a lot of acreage. It is also important that you have someone representing you who knows about all of this. Email me at kassi205@aol.com
  • robert

    I am trying to start bodcau station road landowners group. we will be having a meeting in the near future please contact me at raslouisiana@aol.com
  • dreamcatcher

    Contact me ASAP. I believe I have some information you will find appealing. Pertains to your area. dreamcatcher46@bellsouth.net
  • Moe

    Linda, Taylor, and Haughton Area,
    I too live in the area and attended the Love Chapel meeting. What were your thoughts? I am not too happy about the 4% of my bonus "catch" to the deal. It was stated that a 100 acres were already committed from sections 11&12 prior to this meeting. At $10k/acre they would already be looking at $40k. How much are attorney fees to look at one contract? This is only a small percentage of the 1280 acres combined in these sections which tells me to hold out or group with others that are not paying this 4%???? The O&G companies have already leased in our area with some so would this not mean that our area at some point will go active and thereby our minerals increase in value and be more aggressively pursued at a higher rate?
    This is so early in the play that I feel many are jumping in way too soon and over the next 6-12 months bonuses here will be exactly like what Barnett Shale owners have come to expect. I only want a fair price for what I rightfully own. This isn't my SUV that I'm trying to sell, after all, this has real value.
  • Army MP Wife

    What is your S-T-R? Please go to my channel & tell me so I'll have it right there. I'm trying to find different sections, groups, & such. I'm in 5-18N-11W. Know anyone in or around this section? If you come across anyone, please let me know or tell them I'd like to hear from them. Thanks!
  • Army MP Wife

    ARMY HOOAH! Thank you for YOUR service to our country & everyone in it. Some people just don't understand...