

United States

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  • Shelley

    no problem!!!!! So what do you need to know.... there are many many oil companys here.... the highest offer right now here is 5000.00 with 25% royalities... where is your land ?
  • Shelley

    ok i thnk its going to be somewhere on 147 or 103 south of San augustine... do you know what the family names was
  • Shelley

    macune is down by where our paster is south.....encana is really working that area....
  • Shelley

    do you own the land or minerals?
  • Shelley

    we carried our deed up there and let them look at it, but my sister in law call them and gave them their abstract # and survey the # is 936-275-2555.......... i talk with Jay Evans that works there... nice man..
  • Shelley

    if you get the abstract # and can find out some about the land just let me know..... i know many many peolpe in macune area....
  • Shelley

    ok, so you have no idea where in macune this land is? so how is this women kin to you?
  • Shelley

    Hi , I think i know where this land is , here in San Augustine..... I need to be able to call you and give you some more information........ my home # is 936-275-2369..
  • texrose

    I have some experience doing cursory title search in East Texas and will be attending a school in Baton Rouge soon. I have experience as a title secretary and worked with crude oil traders and worked with drilling reports. Do you have any suggestions in getting hired by a good landman who handles his business in a professional way? Also do you know who's hiring?
  • Shelley

    NO!!!!!! I live here in San Augustine and i was just trying to help you... You can talk with Arklatex and JWC who both have either minerals rights or land and minerals right... I am sorry for asking question but there is a little old lady that lives in that area that know just about everyone.. So again a am sorry if you thiink i am asking to many question just a home town person trying to help... and by the way Arklatex and JWC are both on here so ask them!!! Shelley
    PS Mrs Simms lives on 147 by 705 and new some people by the name you gave... You can also call her if you would like..... We have land on 705 near Macune so i was trying to help people in our location that does not live here...
  • Shelley

    ITS me again, Encana called us last week and we were approved.. So now they are running out title... there are many people like you who does not live in our town and people like me are trying to help out as much as possible... i am helping people from all of east texas who have land here trying to let them know what oil companys are here... so again i am sorry if you thought i was a land man..... i am a mother of two sons who stay at home.... so i have time to research and find out information... please talk with JWC and Arklatex. that is some of the people i am trying to help[..........
  • Shelley

    I understand!!!!! We have been the same way to.... I don't know you and you don't know me, but if theres anything i can do please let me know........... my home # is 936-275-2369.. My husband is a logger and walks all the time.. so i have been dealing with all of this .. I have found out information by walking around town and talking with people i know.... There are many elders in our neck of the woods who need someone to look out for them.... take care !! and good luck
  • Shelley

    ok, when i carried our deed up to Encana they sent it to the main office where ever that is for approvel and last week we got a call from them..... now we do have a lawyer that is looking at the paper work before we sign, so that will take a couple of days so now they are searching our title ( which means they are going back checking to make sure we have the minerals rights....) they have 45 days to search your title or deed ... they are paying 5000.00 per acrea and with 25% rolya......... it seems when encana came into town here they started south of San Augustine.. the only other oil company thats been in our area is Eagle...
  • Shelley

    lord have mercy!!!!!!!!! I thought you were a MAN!!!!!!!! lol... so you are a mother of 2..... i am 40 years old and so is my husband.... my sons are 18 and 13 and i am homeschooling them...
  • Shelley

    ok.... here is my e-mail address Womanofmanyminds@yahoo.com... if you need something ..ok... and yes Encana has a office intown here... there # is 936-275-2555 we talked with Jay Evans and a Steve i am thinking ya'll would been in there area of interest.........
  • Shelley

    REALLY???? Are you a landman???/lol
  • Shelley

    well like i said , i am a stay at home mom who is trying to help.... well simce you work for a oil company you should be able to find out about your land right?
  • Shelley

    i am not sure how great our area is ..... mu understanding is that up north of us they are drilling to the cotton valley ... still trying to learn all of this stuff... but i know in our area they are going to have to go deep.............
  • Shelley

    we have thirty acreas and my brother in law hs 100 acreas .. everyone areound us i think have leased... on one side of us they leased to Eagle and in front and othere side hs leased to Encana... so i am not sure how good our area is.... people kept telling us to wait but with thirty acreas not much..... so they could go around us... did you ever find you minerals here.....

  • Shelley

    thats what we are all doing to.. go in together.... who knows i just might know your family member.... small town everyone knows each other.. sometimes good sometimes not so good...lol
  • Shelley

    Ok i think i know Jamie Doherty is her husband name James
  • Shelley

    have you called them again... wondering whats going on???????
  • Shelley

    ok here is another oild company right across from Encana... Crimson oild company.. Went down there and and there offer was 5000.00 per acrea but they said they were not looking into South of San Augustine yet... Well a friend of mine got a call from them ls Friday and they have minerals right s in the south part of San Augustine so who knows but anyway here is a girl who works there # her name is Melissa Hailey #903-790-7576 this must be her cell# try them and see what they say..
  • Shelley

    No I don't know him, who does he work for?