

Zwolle, La

United States

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  • Lrb2brnot2b

    What's up Martha? How much land did you sign? You might can sue.
  • Lrb2brnot2b

    You changed your name so soon? shame on you . I did the same. After all I'm a Haynesvillan American, and that's not a ufo aliean.
  • Lrb2brnot2b

    Martha! I am in the Natchitoches Parish network. If you get time , go read some of our stuff. Especially about the Messenger well.
  • Lrb2brnot2b

    If you can't sue, where you are at you are sure to get good!!!!!!!!!!!! royalities. How is Glen doing? Bet you guys don't miss Wal-Mart at all I sure to He!!!!!!!!!! don't.
  • Lrb2brnot2b

    L R B 2 B R NOT 2 B , now who does that sound like???
  • Lrb2brnot2b

    Hint. Hint. I now live on my 40 acres in Provencal.
    Clear as Mud? or oil or gas??