

Keithville, LA

United States

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  • Coonman

  • Coonman

    try it again it will be helpful info
  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

    i think your profile is fine....not sure what the deal is...
  • Tom

    looking on Sonris shows most of the activity in tracts 15/14 almost all sections have some activity. It was so sad to see people sign with a door to door campaign of 500/home and 1/25th. I have land in Ok and know better, the land man was rude and said this was the best offer as this was all they had budgeted for this area, basically a take it or leave it offer, which I did, leave it that is. I heard the golf course went to the old owners in Dallas, sorry for Peter, don't know what they got per acre, but sure it was way more than 500. There are a few of us hold outs, don't think that is enough to hold up drilling, but I am willing to gamble of pooling for a full percent. Please keep me posted if you hear of real offers and know the township and sections. Thanks for your response. Tom.
  • Gatorguy

    Rocker what is the meeting at Grawood church about.
  • Gatorguy

    Thanks. I can not attend but want to join a neighborhood group. Is this the SWSHC group? Do you know what their goal per acre is?
  • Tom

    I am interested in knowing how the meeting went? You were correct, I am in section 25, a few home, but mostly the golf course and surrounding area. Right now there are 10 hold outs from our area, but we have never been revisited by anyone other than the initial offers I spoke about before. I would like to know if you are forming a negotiating group or if you are signing with a company, Thanks for your help. Tom.
  • RL

    Rocker...I like your taste in cars! I hope you are able to fork down the cash and drive that Camero away!
  • RL

    So do I. Not sure how the gas gouging is going to affect it.
  • Ann Gamble

    Can you tell me any information on Section 29 Township Sixteen north(16N) Fourteen West (14W)?
  • nrp61

    Do you know what company owns those wells and where in Keithville they're located? I live in CA and I'm dying for info.
  • Tom

    I have seen all the activity the past few days with people marking the utilities and access points. Haven't seen anything on the permit site to indicate who is drilling in our section. Never have heard again from anyone in regards to not signing a lease. Would be nice to know who is drilling here. Thanks for all your work. Tom. 161425