I just received the the lease papers today(08-14-08). There is a lot of language in the terms of the lease that don't seen to benefit the land owner. I was told I was the las hold out in the area.
Hi Jim,
What was your lease offer in the 19n 12w area? I am not going to sign mine unless it is modified to be considerably more landowner friendly. It appears the lessee has more rights than the lessor.
Hello Jim , I really don't beleive the State numbers are going to help. At this point they may be a hinderance. It is entirely too early in the play for O&G's to make that mistake again. When the Caddo numbers came out last month the $30k /30% that they got caused a serious jump in prices that people were asking for and expecting. Now that they are regrouping or at least trying to , they are holding prices down as best they can or not even leasing at all in some areas. If you look at the prospective drill sights in northern webster I believe that they may be a better indication of what we can expect then the state numbers. At this point they will sacrifice these small tracts , even if they are golden , for the greater good of further leasing in the parish. If they don't pay the state , then "surely the peasants wont expect us to pay them big bucks!" WRONG ! The well docket numbers are...08-1405 and 08-1406 by Nadel and Gussman LLC .Hearing to establish is Sept. 26, 2008. Designated as CV RA SUE and CV RA SUF for the Cotton Valley Formation Res. A and HA RB SUF and HA RB SUG for Haynesville Formation Res. B Delete Comment. Thanks and have a good day.
Aubrey C. Sanders, Jr.
Aug 7, 2008
Aug 14, 2008
What was your lease offer in the 19n 12w area? I am not going to sign mine unless it is modified to be considerably more landowner friendly. It appears the lessee has more rights than the lessor.
Aug 14, 2008
Snake Stewart
Aug 19, 2008
Bob Bozeman
It's good to hear from you. I'm not sure whether my property is in the HS play or not. Time will tell. Take care.
Aug 20, 2008