Aubrey C. Sanders, Jr.


Phoenix, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

How would you describe yourself?
Landowner, Oil and Gas Professional, Business Owner

Comment Wall:

  • EIB

    Mr. Sanders, I live in Old Shongaloo. Are you aware of a fault line that runs along Sand Hill Rd. If so what is its effect on the formations? Are they offset? Also, if the Haynesville shale is mixed with sand in this area, will that affect there ability to produce high volume wells?
    Thanks, EIB
  • Aubrey C. Sanders, Jr.

    There are 2 major faults and many minor ones north of Sand Hill Rd. The southernmost one crosses Sand Hill Rd. near my property near where SH RD. ends at parish line. These will impact upon production to some extent. I believe favorably. Depending upon intsity of fracturing in shale I am sure some of oil and gas migrated to sandstone layers. I do not think sufficiently to have dreined shale. It probably continues to this day. The area between faults is of paricular interest to me. I am cautiously optimistic.
  • Jaybird

    Aubrey, my father graduated from La Tech around that time frame. He went on to work for NASA and is retired now. Worked for them for 37-38 years. Small world!
  • Johnson


    Could you let me know how some of your previous unleased deals went? Did you come out better then if you had leased?
  • JWindom

    Hello Mr. Sanders,
    I also live in Phoenix and would be interested in discussing the Claiborne Parish prospects with you. My number is 623.935.5260 if you would like to discuss the issue.
    thanks, jim
  • Johnson


    Thank you for taking the time to respond to me. It's people like you who can get the Shreveport/Bossier area up to speed on what to expect from the Haynesville Shale.

    Again.....THANK YOU ! You are a lifesaver.
  • Murr D2

    Ha! Well, you just might know us. Did you also recognize the gazebo on the pond (sunrise)? Looking fwd. to visit soon. n
  • Bamaboy C4

    Hey Aubrey...glad to be on board trying to learn a little. Thanks for the info, but I don't think that would be the same well, I'm a good bit NW of there. I'm about a mile South of 168 on Atlanta Mira Rd. If you here of anything a little farther North let me know. I'm in 23-15, Sect. 8.
  • Diamond

    Do you think there will be any leasing activity for the smackover formation in near future in claiborne parish.
  • inthestix

    HI Mr. Sanders....tried to get a reply from you on a couple of other threads here....wondering if you are familiar with the old Redland field over here in Bossier west of Springhill? We have land south of it and was wondering what your thoughts are on the play here? Appreciate a reply....
  • Aubrey C. Sanders, Jr.

    No, the only thing I recognize is the name. When I am in Springhill area (next Sunday) for couple of weeks I will look around and see wat I can learn. Many years ago I hunted the area in Bodcaw bottom. I will get as much info as I can, but will be pretty busy doing work on a shallow well in NSRR where I grew up.
  • inthestix

    Thanks for your reply Mr. Sanders.....Land that we own is in the Redland community between Hwy. 157 and Hwy. 2 south of the old crystal and Fair oil field....Winchester Oil has 5 wells in the Taylor sand north of us and Bershire has 2 wells that went to 11600 south of us next to Hwy. 2..We are smack dab in the middle of all like your take on this area as far as possibility of shale here....
  • North LA

    Why don't they drill horizontal wells into the Smackover or CV reservoirs? It seems like it would greatly increase production.
  • North LA

    Thanks for the information Mr. Sanders.
  • old as dirt

    Mr. Sanders, I have land in 20-22-9 Web. It is about 1 mile east of the CV field. A well was drilled across the road from me in Jan. 1982. It was p&a. The driller said they could make a well but the bottom of oil & gas hit just them. Well # is 179732. I would appreciate any input you may have about this well or this sec as far as viability of oil or gas. Xto did 3-D seismic about 4 yrs. ago. Thanks. Dirt
  • inthestix

    Mr. Sanders....let me know if you find out anything interesting while you are down here visiting...thanks
  • North LA

    Mr. Sanders,
    I have land at sec. 20, T23N, R3W in the Lillie oil field. Is drilling horizontal into the CV formation oil field impossible? Have you heard of any activity in this area? Caruthers production company drilled a well not too long ago in one section over to the east but I would be happier to have a company like XTO around. My land is in Union parish just across the line so I may be too far east right now for any interest.
  • North LA

    Thank you.
  • North LA

    Do you know anything about the Hico shale?
  • North LA

  • Gessner Jett

    LOL Mr. Sanders you must have been gone too long claiborne and webster line crosses 79 just west of holly springs church !!!
  • J.J.Jones

    Hello Aubrey, have been reading your posts for the last few months and it finally dawned on me that we were 2nd cousins. Although we have never met to my knowledge. I believe you are the grandson of Serepta Wroten and Marvin Sanders. I am Jerry J. Jones, the grandson of Thomas A. Wroten and Bennie Trammell. Just thought I would say hello. If you would like to talk my e-mail is
  • Alligatorshuz

    I got a email from you asking about property near the Lacy Wise store in Brister? My family has property that goes along that road but their 385 acres is about 10 miles from Highway 79 South. My grandfather do own the mineral rights to fourty acres of land in section 29, township 19 south, range 20 west.
  • Alligatorshuz

    The 385 acres is on the same road that go pass the Lacy Wise store. It is about three miles south of the site where my grandfather has 40 acres..... I don't have the legal description for the 385 acres. I will be coming to Magnolia sometime in October to do research on other property. I wanted to have the minerals researched but the company in Magnolia wants to start at $250.00. I know how to do title searches so I will do it my self.
  • Ladyzirp

    Aubrey, I am suprised that someone knows about Richmond Hill. I have lived here for about 10 years now, but Haynesville is my home. I haven't called the company back yet. My brother is advising me to hold out. He works in the industry there, so I am still thinking it over.
  • Ladyzirp

    Yes, my dad was A. J. Smith. I am also related to the Scotts.
  • old as dirt

    Mr. Sanders, I saw your comment about the clearing on 371. The sawmill Lamar Smith bought is south of the clearing. He bought the Tucker sawmill just north of Springhill in the Welcome community. You can see it from 371 on the east side of hwy. It is about 3 miles farther north to the clearing site. If he is planning to make a lake it looks like he picked a good place. It sure is wet.
  • Babette

    Hello I am in T22 R8/9 in shongaloo right off of hwy 160 East. You might be familiar with this...Bensons Fox and Coyote Pen? This is the exact location of my land. I see you are from the area so I thought you might be able to give me any info. My sister, my father, and myself own this land about 110 acres in all and I was wondering if you knew any progress in this area? Thank you for your help either way.
  • Aubrey C. Sanders, Jr.

    Babette, Yes, I know the area pretty well geographically speaking. I am not quite up to speed on activity around there. I was in LA couple of weeks ago and there was a location northeast of your property. I am not too sure how far from you as I was on another road and did not go to location. I'll be going back in few weeks and will look around. I have always thought there should be some kind of production in that area. My land is about 15 miles NE of yours. Will followup when I know more.