Thank you for your reply. They field guys over at TigerDroppings had nothing really new that wasn't general knowledge.
However, they are continuing to put new pads out along this same area. I am interested in the more "privileged" info...but I guess clearing off for more pads is sort of a clue.
Thanks again for the FYI! If I can return the favor, please do not hesitate to ask.
I too live out of state but own land in natch are very insightful on different areas and look forward to any information (esp anything i can find out in my area) thanks!
Yes, I'm not very imaginative and I found the LSU Tigerdroppings forum before this one. Obviously I couldn't let them think I was one of them. (grin) I already have more user names than I can keep up with.
Please read my post per Force Pooling/July 9/08 p.m. J-W Operating Co. is force pooling several sections...and attempting to get the depth of the Lower Cotton Valley defined (per these sections) as between 10,030 ft. and 12,100 ft., Section 23, T16N, R13W, Caddo.
I thought this was considered the "Haynesville?"
I am interested in what you think per same. Thanks in advance.
You seem to work in the industry. I know about o&g what I've learned in the past few months.
I'm trying to make some rational plans for my future, and hope you don't mind giving me some more insight. I hope you dont mind me not putting this out in the full room; I just don't want everyone seeing my business.
I have 99 acres of mineral rights in southeast DeSoto that I've leased to Chesapeake. The acreage is in two roughly equal sized tracts about two miles apart, one north of SR 346, the other on the road's south side.
I've never known of oil or gas at any level being on the land. Do you know if they could drill a shallow well there that would allow them to hold off on the deep drilling? Also, your $1,000/acre estimate -- I guess that is gross, not what I would get with my 25% royalty.
Per O&G Reps., I should say I am requesting...J-W Oper. Co. or any O&G Co. Rep. that has submitted an application permit to the OofC that includes a "depth" change of a well-established drilling field like the LCV, etc. which technically reaches into the explanation for same. I have not received any answer on this forum. However I did see this on "TD" forum per TigerDog83:
What happens when they reclass or combine the zones? Like J-W is trying to doin Desoto right now.What exactly could an operator accomplish by doing this? Thanks.
It doesn't really matter what they call the formation unless leases are past primary term. If the leases are still in primary term and have pugh clauses in them then it should not matter because drilling has to be done to the Haynesville to hold it and all depths above. Pugh clauses would adress this depth whether the zone was called Lower Cotton Valley or Haynesville. With primary term leases the only way this could benefit the operator is by keeping their activities secret from other operators. If the leases are past primary term then the operator could be trying this to hold the Haynesville through a re-definition of what the zone means. This would be advantageous to the operator. Knowing J-W and the area in question I think these leases are in the primary term since this is outside the Caspiana Cotton Valley area so the lessors are probably making a big deal over something that is insignificant in the long run. If J-W is pooling tracts here the lessors better stop holding out and lease or else J-W sounds like they'll be drilling. If you get too greedy instead of taking a good offer this is always a possibility especially when you only own less than 10 acres. A 2 acre tract is almost invisible to an operator in a 640 acre unit.
Thanks for your interest. I look forward to a better explanation from the man who is handling these requests...Mr. James H. Welsh
I have a cousin who's a geologist who values royalties by their percentage of top bonus payments in an area. He says, for example, if bonus payments top out at $16,000/acre and royalties are 25%, then the value of that acre (or royalty) is $4,000 (plus its surface value.)
As an appraiser, I'm trained to value by income: (amt of production x gas price)/discounted for time.
I also look at cap rates, and at $4,000/acre, one would expect annual income of $400 or $500/acre, which seems very low for a field of this supposed potential.
Les, I wondered if I could email you privately so everything I write isn't seen all over the world wide web.
Could you send your email address to my inbox?
Les, My calculations of 12 mcf daily at current gas prices show per acreage income in the $25,000 range.
I'm also curious about the quick and dirty valuation method based on lease payments and royalty percentage that my cousin used. Are you familiar with it?
My DCF, which estimates 12MMcf daily, beginning in Year 8 and dropping off 10% per year, current gas prices increasing by 5% annually and the $1,000/year you estimated from a small vertical well in Years 2-7, shows a 30 year well having a present value of $124,000 per acre for my 25% royalty. I've attached my spreadsheet.
Someone today offered me a quick $10,000/acre, and I turned him down.
I looked around and saw there has been a lot more horizontal drilling than I had thought, and listened to a press conference where Chesapeake gave your 73% first-year fall off. However, I listened to some of the earnings conference discussion today, and I heard Chesapeake say it anticipates recovering 52BB cfe from each square mile in Haynesville. That is tough to square with such a high falloff rate.
Attached is one way to get to 52BB. Shows a PV of $82,000/acre.
Woe! A featured contributor!!! How awesome is that? :)
I too wanted to thank you Les, for that last bit of info you sent me. And thanks tons for letting me ask you questions and freely giving advice.
BTW, I'm jealous of this long vacation you are taking. It's really not fair to the rest of us hard working people.
So,...don't enjoy yourself too much. Glad you're still hangin' out here though, not making yourself scarce.
"Also as you move south the CO2 content increases from 2.5% to 5.0%."
Les - read this comment to Jay when I was checking his response to my question. Thanks for that data. My question to you is "Where is south?" As you mention this wasn't public information, I'll understand if you're unable to disclose. Appreciate your help.
That is a great idea. However, I am out of the group beginning business....what would be good is if you started the group. You can create a group and then i will approve it.
Thanks Les, i appreciate your info,i have a little property just southwest of the Donner well, & 243 acres underwater just to the west of the Donner well.
nisie, not a happy camper landowner
Jun 20, 2008
DrWAVeSport Cd1
Thank you for your reply. They field guys over at TigerDroppings had nothing really new that wasn't general knowledge.
However, they are continuing to put new pads out along this same area. I am interested in the more "privileged" info...but I guess clearing off for more pads is sort of a clue.
Thanks again for the FYI! If I can return the favor, please do not hesitate to ask.
DrWAVeSport 6/22/08 p.m.
Jun 22, 2008
Natch N3
Jun 26, 2008
Natch N3
Jun 26, 2008
Wanda Curry N2
Jul 3, 2008
Tech75 B1
Jul 6, 2008
Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)
Jul 8, 2008
DrWAVeSport Cd1
I thought this was considered the "Haynesville?"
I am interested in what you think per same. Thanks in advance.
DrWAVeSport 7/9/08 very late indeed
Jul 9, 2008
David Smith
You seem to work in the industry. I know about o&g what I've learned in the past few months.
I'm trying to make some rational plans for my future, and hope you don't mind giving me some more insight. I hope you dont mind me not putting this out in the full room; I just don't want everyone seeing my business.
I have 99 acres of mineral rights in southeast DeSoto that I've leased to Chesapeake. The acreage is in two roughly equal sized tracts about two miles apart, one north of SR 346, the other on the road's south side.
I've never known of oil or gas at any level being on the land. Do you know if they could drill a shallow well there that would allow them to hold off on the deep drilling? Also, your $1,000/acre estimate -- I guess that is gross, not what I would get with my 25% royalty.
David Smith
Jul 13, 2008
David Smith
Do you mind telling me who you are professionally. I'm a commercial appraiser, but being in Florida know nothing about mineral rights, as you can see.
Jul 13, 2008
David Smith
Jul 13, 2008
David Smith
Jul 13, 2008
DrWAVeSport Cd1
Per O&G Reps., I should say I am requesting...J-W Oper. Co. or any O&G Co. Rep. that has submitted an application permit to the OofC that includes a "depth" change of a well-established drilling field like the LCV, etc. which technically reaches into the explanation for same. I have not received any answer on this forum. However I did see this on "TD" forum per TigerDog83:
What happens when they reclass or combine the zones? Like J-W is trying to doin Desoto right now.What exactly could an operator accomplish by doing this? Thanks.
It doesn't really matter what they call the formation unless leases are past primary term. If the leases are still in primary term and have pugh clauses in them then it should not matter because drilling has to be done to the Haynesville to hold it and all depths above. Pugh clauses would adress this depth whether the zone was called Lower Cotton Valley or Haynesville. With primary term leases the only way this could benefit the operator is by keeping their activities secret from other operators. If the leases are past primary term then the operator could be trying this to hold the Haynesville through a re-definition of what the zone means. This would be advantageous to the operator. Knowing J-W and the area in question I think these leases are in the primary term since this is outside the Caspiana Cotton Valley area so the lessors are probably making a big deal over something that is insignificant in the long run. If J-W is pooling tracts here the lessors better stop holding out and lease or else J-W sounds like they'll be drilling. If you get too greedy instead of taking a good offer this is always a possibility especially when you only own less than 10 acres. A 2 acre tract is almost invisible to an operator in a 640 acre unit.
Thanks for your interest. I look forward to a better explanation from the man who is handling these requests...Mr. James H. Welsh
Jul 17, 2008
David Smith
I have a cousin who's a geologist who values royalties by their percentage of top bonus payments in an area. He says, for example, if bonus payments top out at $16,000/acre and royalties are 25%, then the value of that acre (or royalty) is $4,000 (plus its surface value.)
As an appraiser, I'm trained to value by income: (amt of production x gas price)/discounted for time.
I also look at cap rates, and at $4,000/acre, one would expect annual income of $400 or $500/acre, which seems very low for a field of this supposed potential.
Any insight?
thanks, David
Jul 21, 2008
Could you send your email address to my inbox?
Jul 25, 2008
David Smith
I'm also curious about the quick and dirty valuation method based on lease payments and royalty percentage that my cousin used. Are you familiar with it?
Jul 26, 2008
David Smith
My DCF, which estimates 12MMcf daily, beginning in Year 8 and dropping off 10% per year, current gas prices increasing by 5% annually and the $1,000/year you estimated from a small vertical well in Years 2-7, shows a 30 year well having a present value of $124,000 per acre for my 25% royalty. I've attached my spreadsheet.
Someone today offered me a quick $10,000/acre, and I turned him down.
Jul 28, 2008
David Smith
Attached is one way to get to 52BB. Shows a PV of $82,000/acre.
Aug 1, 2008
Aug 2, 2008
Aug 5, 2008
Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)
Aug 12, 2008
I too wanted to thank you Les, for that last bit of info you sent me. And thanks tons for letting me ask you questions and freely giving advice.
Aug 13, 2008
So,...don't enjoy yourself too much. Glad you're still hangin' out here though, not making yourself scarce.
Aug 14, 2008
Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)
Aug 29, 2008
Les - read this comment to Jay when I was checking his response to my question. Thanks for that data. My question to you is "Where is south?" As you mention this wasn't public information, I'll understand if you're unable to disclose. Appreciate your help.
Aug 30, 2008
Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)
That is a great idea. However, I am out of the group beginning business....what would be good is if you started the group. You can create a group and then i will approve it.
Aug 30, 2008
Sep 18, 2008
Mickster a call from a surveyor yesterday about seismic testing in our area beginning in January.
Sep 19, 2008
Do you know anything about CGGVeritas?
Sep 19, 2008
Sep 27, 2008
Oct 6, 2008
Oct 7, 2008
In DeSoto Parish, Sec. 1, 15n 14w, the rig sign there is Patterson Rig No. 88 for the Camterra well.
Oct 8, 2008
Oct 19, 2008