M. Mcwilliams

United States

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  • insomniacnla

    I will email you. I think they are either in Sec. 21 or Sec. 22.
  • insomniacnla

    I keep meaning to send you an email. When she brought you that basket of brownies, if you saw a little boy with her, that was my son. He helped her deliver it to you. It is a small world.
  • Snake Stewart

    If you prefer, I could continue as I have. I understand the whole undercover thing. I was just stupid enough to blown mine months ago (LOL)
  • sesport

    I responded to your question re. my .017 acre. My townhouse lot is 22 ft X 32 ft. I used somebody's formula on this site several weeks ago, so it may be a miscalculation. If you figure differently, and to my advantage, let me know. Thanks.
  • sesport

    No problem, I can see how one would find it hard to believe there is a property that small. It is, however, making neighbors come together and talk about what is important for the neighborhood in terms of lease clauses.
  • Snake Stewart

    Just let me know who you are if you do.Its hard enough trying to keep up with who i who on thi site.(chuckle,chuckle)

    P.S. Kill the comment about the Ms. part and these chuckleheads may not even notice. (LOL) Have a good one.