

Aledo, TX

United States

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  • Aubrey C. Sanders, Jr.

    I am not a lawyer. However, I have had much experience with both leases and estates. Mostly in La., but fair amount in ARK.

    Based upon your note I presume you have executive rights to minerals for all parties interest. And that minerals are undivided. My question is: Does person desiring to lease offer same ORRI to all owners, or just to you? If only to you I would think it constitutes bribery.

    If I were in your position I would check out persons or Company thoroughly before entering into lease. Always do that before leasing to anyone. I would never lease for 1/8th royalty.

    If I knew name of company wanting to lease and location of your land I would be happy to do more research for you.
  • Aubrey C. Sanders, Jr.


    I welcome you as my friend. You may feel free to contact me at my e-mail address which is: or by phone if you wish @ (480) 993-8048. BTW, this lease mans approach seems very unusual to me. Was the ORRI to be assigned to you or to leaseman? It is not unusual for landmen to get 1/32nd or 1/64th ORRI from the company they turn leases to.
  • Rod B.

  • fox

    chatty---no, i finsished at stanley a long time ago. you probably do know me. If you have folks still here, they probably know me too.
  • Zydeco

    the best attorney is Warren Thornell. his web-site is HE IS VERY SMART, experienced . even his web-site will give you information on what to do...
  • Rod B.

    So, your not going to tell me how this is are you? That's not very friendly. Did you graduate at Stanley High School in 1976???? Just give me your last name. Are you married and have kids? I still live in the Hunter community, have two kids, boy and girl all grown, and I am still married. What was your question?
  • Zydeco

    Warren Thornell attorney in Shreveport, La... I HIRED him after many many research projects... HE IS Awesome... I live in Weatherford. my granny is from the lower part of Arkansas... so in my research i found Colombia, Co.... Yes is firm is very busy, yet one feels like a precious project... I highly recommend him... if you really want to know.
  • Aubrey C. Sanders, Jr.

    Yes, I guess I did get kind of "caught up in Super Bowl hype."
    As a long time Steeler fan I enjoyed the outcome and winning small bet. I am great admirer of T. Bradshaw as he and I are both Tech alumni, although I was long gone from Tech when he played. My brother-in-law (Don Guidry) was QB for Northwestern when TB was at Tech. So, Ihad to be NW fan in those years. I hope to see some of my Shaler friends when I will be in LA for couple of weeks starting 2/18. Good to hear from you all.