Bob Ballard


Marthaville, LA

United States

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  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

  • shooks

    Bob, it was made to the landowners, I don't know if it has anthing to do with the suit filed against them or not. They receiver another letter on the 24th, saying not to call, but would send another letter. They will probably get on Monday since Fed-ex doesn't run on the week-end, they also extended the 1st offer till Nov. 23rd, I think. I will let you know when the letter is received.
  • pam kurz

    I haven't received it , yet. I will be anxiously waiting for it. I told Mom about the article you wrote....she got excited....told me to be sure and bring it over when I get a copy of it. I'll let you know when it arrives.
  • pam kurz

    Hey Bob,
    Received the magazine on Wednesday. Thanks! Loved the article you
    wrote. Do you still like to run?
  • smith1

    nope, xto keeps delaying but promising! at least we knew to expect this....
  • smith1

    Just FYI..........My father's land closed and received money yesterday from XTO on 101032, Sabine Parish; finally!
  • smith1

    Actually I know it's Natchitoches Parish, I work for a forestry consulting firm and was doing a land description in Sabine, Stupid me!!lol, and of course, it's Friday!
    But, he said a lady from Lafayette and man was at the signing. NOt sure of names, but will get them and get back to you. Was around $10,000/acre (because of previous agreement back in November), My father is elderly (I have POA but could not make the signing) and said that XTO would be sending them additional funds because the original negotiated amount was $14,000/acre...???Not sure if I understand that or not. My father was just elated with this sum. Will get with my dad and look at paperwork, hopefully, this weekend. Then I will know more.