Heather, I think your response to the question of "What kind of "Shaler" will you be? Was as good as it gets. So many come on this site with the response that will be the best shaler and only deal with relavent hard core topics. You will stand out and I am glad you said it.
Heather, once you get a feel of this site, you will find that many are here to help you in whatever it is you want to know. Go to the y'all at the top of the page and click under the headings, the top shalers are the ones that haven't been kicked off, some have political views that you have to blow off but many of them can answer questions that others can't. I very seldon invite someone as a friend onto www.gohaynesvilleshale.com but your post stood out and if I can be of any help feel free to contact me. I am a Landman. Oh and this, KB would be the top poster but she deleted all her stuff a couple of weeks ago, Watch what KB has to say. Good luck in your shaling experience.
Two Dogs, Pirate
Mar 21, 2009
Two Dogs, Pirate
Mar 21, 2009
Two Dogs, Pirate
Mar 21, 2009