Les Bamburg


Carlsbad, CA

United States

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  • Snake Stewart

    (LOL) Thanks Les B, My hottie wife will be a huge fan of yours first thing in the morning when she sees these pics!
  • insomniacnla

    Hi Les B,

    Thanks for keeping up with the local drilling for us that are interested.

    In Sec. 1, 15n 14west, the rig was taken down this morning and looks like it is being moved. I will look around tomorrow and try and see where it is being moved to.
  • Bob

    a trinidad rig just moved in to sec 12 T15N R16
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Les. Just read a on-line report giving Devon's current total at 580,000 acres. Of course the total is not broken out by state. Few operators do. The remainder of your leasehold numbers look within my ballpark. I attempted to exclude TX. acres from my blog rank as I do not actively cover E. TX. and thus did not list some of the companies that you include. Other than a wonkish interest in who has what, I was trying to get an idea of how many unleased (and leaseable) acres remained of the 3.5M. My interest was piqued by comments on the site that the arrival of major new players would pump bonus offers back up. My conclusion was that there were not sufficient unleased, contiguous acres for a major new player to have that affect. Any new major will join the play by buying out the leasehold of existing operators. I foresee no turn of events that returns bonus offers to the levels of the summer. Wishful thinking and unrealistic expectations abound among the members. I would be happy to be proved wrong, but I think many will be disappointed in the new year. For smaller operators to have an opportunity to participate and help sustain the momentum of the play, bonus values have got to decline significantly.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Les. I have a project that has been on the back shelf because it is not real work. Just an interesting project that I think would be beneficial for the site. I have compiled a list of HS companies and would like to turn it into a flow chart of affiliations or working relationships. If you would care to co-author, I think it would make a good blog post.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    When I get caught up, I will send you a working draft. I will write the blog post but will insist on giving you a research credit. Unless you insist otherwise.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Draft of HS Operators Relationships for later conversion to flow chart.

    Petrohawk – KCS – WSF – Mainland Resources
    Chesapeake/Plains – Goodrich – Matador
    Encana/SWEPI – Indigo Minerals
    GMXR – Penn Virginia
    Devon – Penn Virginia

    Remaining HS Operators: Ark-La-Tex Energy, Berry Petroleum, BEUSA(Bridas Energy), Cabot, Camterra Res., Carrizo O&G, Comstock Res., Continental Res., Coronado, Cubic Energy, El Paso, Ellora Energy, Encore Acquisitions, EOG, EXCO, Forest Oil, Franks Operating, JW Operating, Live Oak, Long Petroleum, Nadel and Gussman Jetta, Noble Energy, Petro-Chem, Pinnacle Operating, Questar, Rising Star, Samson Contour, Southern Star, Southwestern, St. Mary, Stroud Petroleum, TM Resources, Will Drill, XTO.

    I remember that Winchester was bought out, but not by whom. I know there is an additional company that is associated with Southern Star which is not listed. It would be helpful to have some means of designating those companies which are wholly owned subsidiaries and those that are joint venture partners.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Updated Devon Net HS Leasehold.


    Devon Energy Corp. (NYSE: DVN): With over 2 Bcf of production per day, Devon covers approximately 3% of all the gas consumed in the U.S. In 2009, I expect the 580,000 net acres in the Haynesville shale will come in handy when they look to replace production from aging Barnett fields.
  • Bob

    when you update your page, that is Trinidad #126 in sec12 15n 16w
  • Spring Branch,mineral owner

    Les B, the last two entries in your recently updated locations of drilling rigs in DeSoto Parish should be Camterra wells, not Comstock.
  • Spring Branch,mineral owner

    Les B, you and Shale Geo and Skip Peel and 4 or 5 others are the primary ones that I pay a lot of attention to when y'all post. I'm not particularly interested in hearing about pink panties or other off the wall stuff. I have a pretty good working knowlege of the play but am interested in learning all I can about it from people who know more than me. By now, I've figured out who they are. More importantly, I've figured out who they aren't. Thanks for all you do.
  • DeSoto/Red River Guy

    thanks, is that above 34 or about how far away?
  • DeSoto/Red River Guy

  • insomniacnla

    Thank you for keeping up with the rig locations.

    This morning, this rig is down and being moved: Patterson #454 Rig, Camterra, Slattery 25 #1 Well, Serial #238889, S25-T16N-R14W Delete Comment
  • Spring Branch,mineral owner

    Thanks, Les B. I responded to Hogeyes. Also asked you a question in the post.
  • Bob

    nomac 116 is through at lee 16-15-16 maybe someone else knows where it went
  • Sarah

    So glad you joined Shelby County Les. :)

    I've not been on here in a long while but thanks go a landman driving up here to Missouri, I've got to start researching again! If you want to look at my latest plea for help my post is uncatagorized in the main area....well you can go to my page and find it from there. Would you mind looking at it? I would love to hear any thought you might have about it. That's if you have time. :)
  • Sarah

    Les, thank you so much for taking the time to look at my situation. I didn't expect you to have all the anwers. But do know, we appreciate your efforts and knowledge you so freely share here. You're input here on the boards is gold. (maybe I should say Shale.)

    I appreciate your thoughts for my family as well.

  • ken hatcher

    LES B, my old home place is in township 8 north, range 13 west. Seem's like i'm in a corridor with eagle to the west and swepi to the east. Am i right?
  • Taylor

    Thanks. That is good to know. That assures me a rig won't be behind the house so to speak! I know, I want my cake and eat it too!
  • jr

    les b

    what are you hearing about north natchitoches parish? anadarko plans a new field near allen but things seem to be moving slow. is the messenger well a cotton valley or haynesville ? how is the well doing? we have land south of messenger.
  • sesport

    Les - James CD 1 just left me a comment that Nabors 620 (now I forgot ser. #) is flaring. It's the PHK well in S37, T17N, R13W I think. Enjoy! sesport
  • James CD1

    Les- well #238527 phk well is flaring as of 3 days ago. Is this a
    good thing or is it too early to tell? Thanks. Sec. 37 T17n R13W
  • DeSoto/Red River Guy

    Any word on whether the Guy well was a hit or a miss in Sec 24-11-13?
  • cocodrie man

    Les . . . I am Charles Jenkins (aka Cocodrie Man) in New Orleans. I have property in Red River and DeSoto parishes.

    You seem very well informed on HS issues. Are you a petroleum engineer?

    I need a bit of help, and though I have an attorney up that way, I do not always get my questions answered. How might I find someone?
  • sesport

    Les - I went off digging for info re. nuclear power reactors at U.S. NRC. (I think these are electric plants.) If so, it looks like there are 15 projected new sites, mostly in the SE U.S. and west of the Mississippi. I'm beginning to think this type of plant is more competition with the ng plants for the federal $ than the renewables. Have you checked these types of plants, and what are your thoughts?

    Thanks for your time, sorry for posting back here. We didn't have a topic for this, though.

    Have a good evening - sesport :0)
  • sesport

    Thanks, Les. After putting the NRC maps side-by-side with a "red states/blue states" map, I wondered if nuclear powered plants would push out the ng powered because of politics. Especially when I noted that Illinois has the highest number of operating reactors in the nation. When I combine the numbers for Regions I and III ( all "blue" states), there are about 50 operating reactors.

    Have a great Sunday with this beautiful weather - sesport :0)
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Les. There are a lot of discrepancies between our grids. I found a number of my mistakes 4 or 5 months ago and started a review process where I printed out every application plat. My most common mistake was placing sections in the wrong township. I guess that was caused by old eyes looking a small detail and in some cases trying to read sideways. Anyway, I propose a joint review. Running north to south.

    I do not have a unit app of 20N-16W, please give me the public hearing date. I find 3 sections in 19N-16W (1 to Matador on Feb. 17 and 2 to Comstock on Feb. 26). And 15 in 19N-14W (11 to Nadel & Gussman - Jetta on Oct. 21, 1 to KCS on Nov. 6, 1 to Matador on Feb. 3 and 2 to Samson Contour on April 7).
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Les. If you are agreement to the 20N & 19N unit totals, I would like to move on to 18N. 18N-16W, you have 6, I had 4, my recount is 5. 1 to Goodrich -Jun. 17, 1 to KCS -Sep. 16, 1 to Goodrich-Sep. 30, 1 to EXCO on Feb. 3 and 1 to Constock on Fed. 26. 18N-14W, I agree with your count of 8.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    We are in agreement on the 17N townships with the exception of 13W. You have 6, I find 4: 1 to Encana Feb. 10, 2 to HK April 7 and 1 to HK April 28.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Encore's Sept. 16 '08 are a real hodge podge. There are 6 units with 1 and a two thirds in 15N-16W and 4 and a third in 16N-16W. I am assigning 4 to 16N-16W. Another reason for our different numbers is probably the April 3, '09 CHK application, it states 3 additional D/P Units but the plat only shows 2. I am changing my total to 19 matching your total.

    16N-15W: 1 to CHK July 10, 2007, 3 to Fossil Aug. 28, '07, 1 to CHK Nov. 6, '07, 4 to CHK Jun. 10, '08, 1 to CHK July 15, '08, 1 to CHK Oct. 7, '08, 4 to CHK on Oct. 7, '08, 1 to CHK Oct. 21, 1 to CHK Dec. 9, '08, 1 to CHKDec. 16, '08, 2 to CHK Jan. 27, 2009, and 1 to CHK Mar. 17, '09. Total 21.

    16N-14W: 2 to Camterra Apr. 29, '08, 3 to CHK june 10, '08, 1 to Camterra Aug. 19, '08, 4 to Camterra Oct. 21, '08, 1 to CHK Feb. 10, '09, and 2 to CHK Feb. 26, '09. Total 13.

    16N-13W: 1 to J-W Mar. 17, '09.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Thanks. That may be one that was added after the next hearing date was begun. I hate it when they do that but usually catch it. When you get a chance, send me your review for 16N - 15W-13W. We can take a break and do a few more next week. I appreciate the help. I keep a list of all the HA apps as a base reference but get a lot more use out of a spreadsheet that lists the sections by township with a color code that shows which operator has which section. It is something that I would not post on the site but would not mind sharing with you by private email if you are interested. skippeel@gmail.com
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Got it. Thanks for the help.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    I appreciate the help. That's enough for tonight. I'll recheck some additional township rows and send my list next week.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Thanks for the break out on the Encore units. Can you tell me where I can find the plat for the J-W HA units that you referenced for 8/19/08 (08-1212)? The plat in the public hearing app on SONRIS is for Hoss/CV/LCV.
  • ken hatcher

    les b, my land two miles north of noble ajacent to hwy. 171 is in t-8 & t-9...range 13-w. do you have any idea why more activity to the east and particulary the west. as usual appreciate your thought's!!
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Les. The last field order in Elm Grove is dated 4-10-2001.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Les. I got tired of looking at the question mark on my spreadsheet for the CHK - Greenwood-Waskom Hearing scheduled for April 22. The application lists three units but the plat shows only two. I called the staff at LOC. The second page of the plat did not get uploaded. The omitted Sand Unit EE is Section 3. I will perform some additional review on the spreadsheet this weekend and compare my list to yours.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    I think you answered this for me previously but Keith has been playing with the site again and my home page is blank. 16N-12W. You show 6 units but I can only find 5. Sections 3,4,5,8 to JW and 6 to HK. What section am I missing and to who? If you've got it, please give me the hearing date so I can add the plat to my file. Thanks.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Ah, the illusive WSF HA app. Remembered seeing it and then could not find it again. Thanks.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    15N-16W. This one's a Chinese Fire Drill. S10-12(Fossil-08/07), 35,36(Goodrich-07/22/08), 14,23(CHK-08/19/08), 31/32/5/6, 5/6/7/8(Encore-09/16/09), 13,34(CHK-10/07/08), 14,21,24(CHK-10/06/08), 8(CHK-11/13/08), 25(CHK-01/27/09), 15(CHK-02/10/09).4(CHK-02/10/09), 28(CHK-03/10/09), 1-3(CHK-05/05/09). CHK applied twice for 14 and Encore applied for a portion of 8 and CHK for all of 8). I'd like to know how that works. Enlighten me if you know. Anyway with the 3 brand new ones, my count is 21.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    15N-15W. If your total is still 30, we are in agreement.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Oops. Spoke too soon. Fossil and CHK both applied for S10. Since CHK did so last, I am assigning it to them and changing my total to 29.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Les. 15N -15W. I have section 18 to Fossil. The sections missing in my count are: 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 25, 29.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Aug. 28, 2007 Fossil Operating applied for HA units in Sections 2-5, 7-10, 17, 18 of 15N -15W. I went back and reviewed the plat to be sure I did not misread it the first time.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Our largest discrepancy was 13N- 9W. I did a review and came up with 31. Sometimes I get a little cross eye staring at all these numbers.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Instead of going in sequence, I am reviewing the townships where the largest discrepancies exist. I just finished 14N-15W and I am in agreement on 13 units.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Ha! Got to get a bigger (better) magnifying glass. Thanks.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    According to my records, the Samson Contour application for Section 2 of 13N - 9W was not held. And never rescheduled. It was the first HA unit application that I recorded. Jan. 9, 2007.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    If the public hearing for Jan. 9, 2007 was not held. How does Samson come up with a Field Order including the same section with no public notice? Sheesh. Just keeping up with the public hearing schedule is a task. Do I need to review field orders to get a really accurate and complete list of the units?