Hello! I hope the site is a place for to learn, network and contribute. My name is Keith and I started the site in June of 2008 to open up lines of communication between landowners. We now have over 10,000 members.
Daryl,Sorry so late getting back with you. On your lease if you have one, Their are 2 important clauses in fine print. You have the right to renew the lease for a certain amount disclosed ususally 150.00-250.00 for one or two more years. If the O&G feels like it wasn't a good investment they will try to sell that tract of land they had leased from you. But if they find a new lessor you most likely have the option to renew that contract without losing your up front bonus and percentage of royalties. I hope this makes sense, Joe.
I'm trying to learn as much as I can...if you make a mistake in this field it can be one that can cost thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands. The oil/gas companies have a real unfair advantage which is why I like this site....it helps us little guys.
Darryl, Guilty as charged, LOL. Actually, I'm probably a bonafide "Shale Junkie" at this point. Have to visist GHS at least once a day or my day is not complete.
Darryl, the Murray well was still producing in May which is the latest month information is available. The May rate averaged 578 thousand cubic feet per day (Mcfd) which is very good for a vertical Haynesville Shale well. Shell lost coiled tbing in the well after completion and there is some indication the well is producing with the coiled tubing still stuck in the well.
Shell, Murray 31 #1 Well, Serial #236843, S31-T10N-R11W, Grogan Field
darryl s. jenkins
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Have fun SHALING!
Keith "Haynesville"
Site Publisher
P.S. Be sure to check out our BLOGS
May 19, 2009
Joe Dyer
Jul 2, 2009
Jul 20, 2009
Jul 21, 2009
Les Bamburg
Shell, Murray 31 #1 Well, Serial #236843, S31-T10N-R11W, Grogan Field
Aug 1, 2009