Eat Beef


Huxley TX

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • Bobi Carr ("parker")

    Whitaker, Chalk, Swindle & Sawyer, LLP ( is an excellent firm out of
    Fort Worth.
  • Bobi Carr ("parker")

    Eat Beef,

    I don't know if they would give you the information, but try calling the County Appraisal District. They may give you the address of the person the parcel is appraised.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    EB. Happy holidays. I will be off-line and taking a shale break for my holidays. I'll look forward to the new shale year. Regards, Skip
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    EB. Suggestion. Go to the bottom of the discussions on the Main Page and click on "View All". Then enter "Right of Way" in the search box. If the posts you are looking for are Jim McConnell's, they have probably been erased as Jim left the site and returned as Jim Krow. Some of the longtime members call it "shalecide". Jim got kicked off the site for getting into heated discussion with some of the other members and H allowed him back on the site under probation. His old comments are gone. A shame as he is one of the most knowledgeable and valuable members. Good Luck. And season's greetings, Skip
  • king john

    how did this get public?
    k. j.
  • Suzanne Brown

    My grandfather was a Wheeler, my mother was Dean and married Basil Sargent. I was born in Center and now live in Tn. Center will always be home to me. Suzanne
  • Suzanne Brown

    I forgot to add that I have the orginial picture and the orginial Texas land grant to the Wheeler home place in Aracdia. Suzanne
  • Suzanne Brown

    I don't have the book. My email is I would love to read it. I am not sure about the signature on the grant it is very hard to read and I have it seal in a frame to keep it.
  • Mark

    Bulldog Offroad Shirley Frances Road in Shreveport website is It has 4wd 3 cyl motor steering wheel is on rt instead of left. Takes a little time to get used to. I've had it about a year now. No problems. Not supposed to drive it on hiways off road only
  • Les Bamburg

    My information indicates the Rowan #61 Rig is still working in West Texas (TRRC 8) for Chesapeake. Maybe it will be on location in the next week or two.
  • Charmine

    They are in Shelby County. I haven't posted in forever, as I haven't been on much. Here is a link to the Tyler Paper. The drilling report is in the business sections and comes out every Sunday. Have I been missing anything new and exciting?
  • Charmine

    Welcome back Eat Beef! ( I saw your post on Intrepid's page) I am back as well, as the landman called last week. Kinda funny that you mentioned all the landmen back in records on Monday...what is going on down there? Has one of the wells finally spud well and they are getting ready to release info to the general public? What is the word on the streets in Center? Please keep me posted, and I'm glad you've had a great year!