Spent all afternoon downloading "legal notices" per the public hearings that are set by the State of LA Office of Conservation, for O&G company applications to drill, spacing of wells, etc., etc., etc.
Seems strange to me: Prior to June 17, 2008, you CANNOT find but a handful of applications/legal notices(per hearings) that contain this: "#2. To force pool and unitize all separately owned tracts, mineral leases and other property within the proposed units in accordance with Sect. 10, Title 30 of the LA Revised Statutes of 1950, with each tract to share in the unit production on a surface acreage basis of participation".
Again...I looked through and read notices begining Jan. 8, 2008...finding just a few legal notices that contain #2.
Why? Why do 90% of the legal notices posted June 17th and following (assoc. with the "Jurassic" or Haynesville shale) (O&G names include Goodrich, Chesapeake, Camterra, Ark-La-Tex Energy, Beusa Energy, Matador, Encana, Cypress Operating, Sklar, Winchester, etc....contain #2?
If anyone can explain or better communicate this "FORCED POOLING" matter and just what these O&G companies are attempting to do with these applications containg same, I would appreciate some feedback ASAP.
Is this a "plus" for the O&Gs or is this a "plus" for the landowner being force pooled? I keep reading negative comments and negative info regarding "force pooling." Do the O&G's get out of paying "bonus" moneys to the pooled mineral owner?
I am sure the O&Gs know exactly what is up...But...doubt that the CEO of Chesapeake is reading this blog. However, here is the invite to him...join the discussion...
I know what I believe about this situation...but for now...will wait for wiser friends than me to respond.
DrWAVeSport Wed. 6/4/08 p.m. Sure am enjoying all the discussions!!!
P.S. I am finding...that the really helpful info is coming from fellow bloggers...and the O&G experts stay pretty dodgy when one tries to get some frank and honest info. Thanks Fellow Bloggers...I "s"HAIL" you all...
I saw the DNR web site your talking about. Forced Pooling has been my greasted worry too. There is not much in the internet about Louisiana forced pooling laws it either.
How are we to hold out and get what are mineral rights are worth if they can swoop down and force pool us.
I read this post on the shreveporttimes.com forum.
"The mineral rights are being leased in 640 acre “pools”.a. Once ¾ (75%) of the land owners sign leases the remaining ¼ (25%) of land owners are “Unsigned lease holders” with no lease agreement.b. The Un-leased mineral owner within the pooled unit is not entitled to receive any share of production or proceeds until the unit operator recovers the cost of drilling, completing, equipping and operating the well."
PS. I am trying to get a web site up with all my notes and links on it.
Would you help me out...? I'm still trying to understand forced pooling. I don't see that it is all that bad or unfair to the landowner. If I assume I'm willing to pass up the bonus, then what this seems to say is that I get 100% (minus the cost of the well, as well as some operations and maybe some risk money for the driller) of the royalties. So while everyone else gets 25%, I'd be getting 100%? If these wells produce 5BCfe of gas on 120 acre spacings (this is what Petrohawk is telling Wall Street), that's about $400,000 per acre payout over the life of the well. If, by passing up $10,000/acre up front, I could get all $400,000, rather than 25% of that, that doesn't sound too bad to me.
Am I interpreting the law reasonably? Is this how it works?
Aside from not getting lease money, are there any drawbacks?
Subject Forced Pooling per Haynesville Shale Play
Question I have read so much per forced pooling. I Live in Shreveport, LA...Approx. 90% of recent legal notices (6/17 thru 7/8) per LA Office of Conservation where O&Gs file applications, contain clauses of "force pooling" & "integrating of all separatly owned tracts, mineral leases, and other property interests...with each tract sharing in unit production on a surface acreage basis of participation..." What exactly does this mean to (us) the landowners (who are attempting to acquire better land leasing deals)? Are they attempting to get out of lease bonus moneys? Nothing really sounds great about being force pooled. If you could give me (and my fellow Haynesville Shale stakeholders) the ups and downs per these forced pooling clauses if they are granted by the LA Commissioner of Conservation...Thanks so much for your help.
Answer Dr; I'm not sure if you're talking about the pooling clause that is commonly found in leases, or about the pooling process that occurs when companies either can't locate or can't come to an agreement with some of the mineral owners in a tract they are attempting to lease.
In the first example, don't worry about it. Most leases have pooling and unitization clauses that allow the lessee to "pool" or "unitize" several or more leases together in order to increase production from a field of oil or gas. If they were not allowed to do this, much production could remain in the ground. While there is the potential for abuse, in most cases you will never even get this clause activated as it is used mainly on fields that are nearing depletion.
This type of pooling and unitization elects one well to inject a substance into it (perhaps salt water) in order to "push" the oil or gas out the other wells that have been pooled. Each mineral owner would share in the production from ALL the wells that were unitized. While your royalty fraction will be less in such a scenario (the newly created unit includes more land than your original lease did) you will still potentially receive more money in the long run as more of the oil or gas reserves are able to be recovered.
If you are instead referring to the forced pooling process; this basically means that you will be "leased" at terms dictated by the State; based on what they think is "fair." A pooling order generally is good for only one year or less, meaning that if they don't drill within the time specified in the pooling order, the order will expire and you will be free to lease again. If you are pooled, and there is production from the well that is drilled, you will be paid based on your election of one of the several options afforded you in the pooling order. If you ignore the pooling order, a choice will be made for you by the terms of the pooling order.
Some people prefer to be pooled, rather than lease to a company they can't reach an agreement with. They feel that the State will offer better terms than the company was offering.
Hope this helps explain the pooling process.
Frederick M. Scott CMM
Answered Question...I want to thank Mr. Scott for his timely and knowledgeable information (and for putting it into an understandable format). I appreciate him answering my questions that I sent to "AllExperts.com" for his reply, last week.
Thank you again, "AllExperts.com" I have enjoyed all the Q&As that your experts put together that are helping the rest of us learn more about the O&G Industry.
Good morning to you. You raise what I think is the key point for remaining an unleased interest owner in a producing unit. By choosing that route, you are giving up the upfront bonus money and the 25% off the top. Instead, you are betting that the well(s) drilled in your unit will pay out, and the 100% net checks you get post-payout will make up for the bonus and 25% gross checks you gave up.
I think this really only works if you're a small landowner. Because of the need for the operator to lease a certain minimum percentage of a unit to make the prospect viable, if too many landowners with too much acreage are holding out on leasing in a section, it may mean that nothing gets drilled in the section. I personally have never seen a producing unit with more than 10% unleased interests, although I frankly don't know what the breakpoint will be in this climate.
Also, it can be unmitigated heck to police the operator's drilling, completion and operating costs. The statute only allows them to charge "reasonable" costs against your interest, but it can be difficult for the small guy to figure out exactly what that is.
By the way, I understand your frustration about information about O&G professionals. The business should always protect its trade secrets, but this information is just basic stuff about how things work. Although there is some obfuscation, no doubt, you should know that there are a whole lot of folks in the industry who don't understand unleased interest owner's rights in Louisiana. This is compounded by the fact that so many of these folks are now coming out of Texas, where unitization is handled a bit differently. That's a by-product of the fact that Shreveport's oil and gas industry picked up and moved to Texas back in the 80s.
Good Monday a.m. to all ning. Haynesville shalers! I am enjoying all the good info this morning.
Just an opine from me...
There is a very difficult consumer situation going on in the U.S. right now. Energy costs are soaring for the American family. In this situation - a crisis in the making that Americans have not had to deal with in a long time, some never - the Haynesville Shale play is "perversely" timing itself. Let me explain my myself.
The higher the energy costs go, the more O&G companies are going to jump in at hurricane speed and lease up all the land they can get their collective hands on, and drill and drill and drill...again, increasing their own costs. The more their costs, the more our costs at the consumer end of this national storm. The more WE, as consumers, don't want to pay the higher costs, the more WE would like to see the lease prices rise. And, it goes around and around again in every place O&G E&P is emerging (again).
Everything has its cost. We pay the consumer costs just like every other American consumer. Would it not be a good deal if the Haynesville Shale players (we) could get parish governments (who will make Millions from leasing out parish property) to write in those deals a local consumer addendum that: 1.) invests in local small businesses. 2.) invests in our school professionals and schools systems. 3.) invests in FAMILIES, i.e., healthwise, educationwise, family-friendly projects, kid-safe projects, after-school child care programs, Senior center projects, etc.
It is too bad it takes billions of dollars to find energy sources and get them to production. I could think of just-as-important ways to spend those billions on another lifelong energy project, the American Family...
Have a Great Monday. Keep joining and keep blogging.
I don't have much time this a.m. However, I am putting 3 http addresses here for anyone who would like some reading material on the Barnett Shale Play in Texas.
I know, we are all in the middle of the Haynesville play, but the timeline and unfolding of the Barnett Shale Play is quite interesting (beginning 3+ years ago) and seems to be paralleling the Haynesville. Kind of like having two hunting dogs, one named Barnett and one Haynesville. One dog 3+ years old; one just a pup. One has mastered the hunt; one is learning from the other.
Anyway, here are the https:
(Blog for Barnett shalers)
(Ft. Worth League of Neighborhoods)
(Barnett Shale Energy Education Council)
and a little press (dated 5/16/08)@ pressconnects.com:
"Gas drilling raises economic prospects"
"Drilling for Natural Gas Faces Hurdle: Fort Worth" (dated 5/04/05 - The Wall Street Journal) (THREE YEARS AGO!)
Thanks for catching that one.That comment didn't come out right at all.Maybe it was my speed typing at 16 words a minute.I guess you really do have my back!!!!!!!Keep it up,I need all the help I can get.I would love to be organized to the point where this whole area was together! 7 or 8 Parishes would be a pretty formidable group! Wishful thinking because I am having a hard enough time with the clowns on my street.I am sure you are in a very similar situation.We ARE making a difference!Maybe small at this point but a difference none the less!
You hit on something in your discussion of rentals that I've been thinking about... that there just aren't enough rigs and pipelines to drill out the entire area in 3 years. My land is in southern DeSoto parish, and I sit back and watch all the activity 25 miles to the north, do some math, and don't see how they will move down to me any time soon. So, I am thinking of getting leased fairly soon, under the hope that they don't get to me in 3 years. Then, I get more bounus money. What do you think?
Not sure if you received feedback regarding the two wells. The Moncla 31 #1 well (T16N-R13W-Sec 31) spud 5-4-08, drilled to 12485' (6/2/08). The RRT Trust #1 well (T16N-R13W-Sec 30) spud 3-21-08, drilled to 11939' (4/15/08). Both wells are vertical and waiting a gas pipeline before being completed. It is not yet clear what interval will be completed and produced.
Hello Doc , I have been on a self impossed "Shale" restricted diet for a couple of days. Posting anyway . It sickens me to no end how some of these folks can throw untold millions away per neighborhood ! Very few of these people are even from around here , and most of those were hired by big guns from out of state.Being a landman around here 2 years ago was probably a lot like work. Now its more like extortion.
Unfortunately all of them get lumped into the same boat and I guess it is a little unfair for guys that have been here doing this for awhile. Tough break cause I have to look at them all with the same amount of disdain until this is over. Which may be never!
I have been trying to keep up with forced pooling and the 200% penalty law. Do you have any more of an understanding then you did to start with on these two matters? If so I would greatly appreciate your input on these issues!
I hope that you can forgive me for not jumping in there with CV ! You have no idea (well you and kass probably do if anybody does) how difficult it has become , now that this information is out there , to listen to people rant about joining a "pay per sign" club .They will have to sign for much more upfront to make up for hit on bonus and they will never catch up on royalty %.
Maybe our own bit of ranting is doing some good because I see were some are doing a flat rate now instead of royalty %. Its to late for some but if you can help just one it has to be worth it to go through all this trouble! It took months to put all the intel together for the post about forced pooling and how much your land could actually be worth .Some just look at it and say "oh well ,we are fixin' to join the club and get slammed by this yo-yo we don't even know thats on our team.I think he's a gynecologist or sumpen' another.
The guys that knew about this play long ago have a right to come here and do their deed. Just as I have the right to view them as predators! At least buzzards wait till your dead ! I had better go for now , as I have ingested way too many "Shale" calories for this meal.
Thanks is not nearly enough for what you and the other faithful "Shalers" have and are doing for this part of the country. People have said that I am somewhat "passionate" about this whole thing. I guess they are right for the most part although I am beginning to feel less and less empathy for some.I have found it nearly impossible to distance myself from people that obviously don't want any help. Kind of stupid on my part but I guess that is just a part of me and who I am. Nobody will be able to say I didn't care or that I held back.Many are rather tired of my ranting , including myself ! As long as I can live with it , thats all that matters to me in the long run.As long as I know I tried to do the right thing ! Have a good evening Doc and thanks again for everything!
Good evening Doc. I assume you have heard about the Big Monster in Elm Grove and was just wondering if you have chosen any particular vacation destinations or are you going to just play it by ear when the time comes.Seriously, do you have someone that you are or would use for financial services. The three guy's I had been using have pretty much burned all those bridges with my 403B performances as of late.E-mail me if you would like at snakestewart@bellsouth.net
Hello DrWAVeSport,
I have read so much on all of this that it is mind-boggling, however, I like the way you think. I'm dumb to most of this,not a dummy totally though. I am trying to educate myself on leasing, royalties, etc. basically everything. I don't have a lot of land,but what i do have i certainly am NOT going to give away. I have not been approached yet by the BIG companies, but people all around me have already leased. Not me, I've been told everything from I need to call Chesapeake to you gonna get left out. I'm not calling anyone and if I get left out I guess it wasn't meant for me to have. There are people in the neighboring area that called these companies daily until they came down to this area. You talk my kind of talk, I have read all your posts on here and tigerdroppings.com. I will continue to read them as you are helping me to understand a lot. Thanks for all the info.
Hey DOC , Just wishing you and yours a happy 4th ! My adrenalin is gonna get me shot one day! I certainly hope it isn't when we are having that cup of java I promised you ! HA ! HA! That was terrible.
I guess part of me wants to see the good in all.Maybe thats why I kinda' throw a bone out there for O & G every once and a while. I don't think getting put on a hit list will do any of us any good either.We are going to have to use these guy's to get where we need to get.A means to an end so, to speak.Please don't take the softspoken last few posts to mean any more then what they were.If people associated with a group are going to cave , they really serve no purpose but to weaken the whole.I guess you could say it's like weeding the garden.
I guess my reply could have been taken several different way's about O & G 's helping. If you truely think about it , their open assaults in the past have actually given us more of an idea about where they are coming from.Thus helping us to better understand our adversary.
I guess another part is I had seen some pretty harsh posts that didn't add to anything but fueling the flames of hatred that are everywhere.Maybe not as much in some areas but it is pretty much everywhere.I see this site as a refuge for people like ourselves that are looking to get as much info as we can to help our causes.Not some place to just spew fire all the time.I like spewing but I would like to think I bring it up to a more appropriate level.Some posts are outright nasty.
DOC ,Please don't thihk they are winning me over , look at it like a misdirection or something.I am working an angle.It may show up before long.
thanks, hope it finds me. sure could use the $$$$$$$$ . I'm south of Natch. around old river. I received a call from an attorney, wanting to lease my mineral rights, but thats all.
I could not help but notice your post regarding $30,000, 30% royalty in Stonewall. As I am in Stonewall and have not yet leased, it really caught my attention. Do you know where about in Stonewall, like east or west of Hwy. 171? Or the company involved? That is just wonderful news! Thank you!
I had a reply to my email by J.Welsh asking or more info
-parish sec t.r. I sent this to him and asked why and to
who's benefit this would be. He thanked me for info
and said he would get back asap. Have you had any
response from anyone with state regarding this. It seemed to me like he had no knowledge of any of this.
Could that be possible?
Dr...I saw a comment that you made about JW Operating. Tell me more. I have a lease with them and I will be contacting the attorney general tomorrow. The more information that I have right now, the better. There are a few neighbors with same lease that are fed up, too. Need your help.
I spoke with Jim Broussard in SHV DNR ofc. this AM. I asked specific question. How would the "redefine
the depth" affect an old lease HBP if they drilled new
wells in section (only 1 in section now) or if they reworked the old well. Advised me he didn't think they
were going to do that anymore because they were
getting complaints in Baton Rouge. You mean to tell
me they would just keep letting the O/G do it if we
had not sent fax,emails, etc. Still want to know why
they would ask and for what reason. AND is it going
to stop or what?
I don't know If I would have had the guts to do this if
it were not for you. Keep on keeping on and I will
too. Do you think Glillian works for the oil and gas
I am sure you got email from stephen walker on behalf of the comm of cons. ofc. If you didn't I will email it to
you. He just wanted my email so he can keep me posted as intrested party on the redefining issue. That is all fine and good but why can't they just answer our
questions? Do ya think they don't know what to say?
congrats on what you and jay have managed to do getting this whole redefining issued cleared up. i speak for all of my family when i say thanks is not enough..keep up the good work and put the word out there for all of us that might not be a ontop of the local government issues as someone with your knowledge.
Hey Doc, Hows it going ? Hope things are well for you and yours. You told me this thing was moving 90 miles an hour and I couldn't see the forrest for the trees. Finally hit another slowdown around here for a little while at least. Maybe one day I can buy you that cup of Java my friend. Have a great one. Snake
I'm writing you, since you were good about taking up the fight on redefining zones....
Here's another issue, that has come up in some of the discussions on this site... Why is a drilling company allowed to form a 640-acre unit, when all that they intend to drill for the near-term might be a single vertical well. Surely that vertical well will not drain all the 640 acres. Something does not seem right to me. I would think that if the company wants to hold 640 acres, they ought to be drilling wells that drain all 640 acres.
To whom in the Louisiana DNR did you write with your issue? I'd like to pursue this with them.
Just dropping by to say hello. Have one "shale" of a day. Also, there some new profile questions. Check those out by clicking HERE. Also, we are coming up on our 10,000th member. Be sure to celebrate with me. Click here for more about that.
Hi, I am so glad to hear from you. Every time I see a mention of redefineing
the CV I think of you. At least we helped that one. I hope things are better
with the family illness. I Have leased with Petrohawk and went to one of those
pre application meetings last Monday. Petro has applied for unitization in my
sec. (got a letter today) so now we wait and see. Please keep in touch. Glad your
Snake Stewart
Keep up the good work.Surely there are more of us out here then I am seeing
Jun 3, 2008
DrWAVeSport Cd1
Seems strange to me: Prior to June 17, 2008, you CANNOT find but a handful of applications/legal notices(per hearings) that contain this: "#2. To force pool and unitize all separately owned tracts, mineral leases and other property within the proposed units in accordance with Sect. 10, Title 30 of the LA Revised Statutes of 1950, with each tract to share in the unit production on a surface acreage basis of participation".
Again...I looked through and read notices begining Jan. 8, 2008...finding just a few legal notices that contain #2.
Why? Why do 90% of the legal notices posted June 17th and following (assoc. with the "Jurassic" or Haynesville shale) (O&G names include Goodrich, Chesapeake, Camterra, Ark-La-Tex Energy, Beusa Energy, Matador, Encana, Cypress Operating, Sklar, Winchester, etc....contain #2?
If anyone can explain or better communicate this "FORCED POOLING" matter and just what these O&G companies are attempting to do with these applications containg same, I would appreciate some feedback ASAP.
Is this a "plus" for the O&Gs or is this a "plus" for the landowner being force pooled? I keep reading negative comments and negative info regarding "force pooling." Do the O&G's get out of paying "bonus" moneys to the pooled mineral owner?
I am sure the O&Gs know exactly what is up...But...doubt that the CEO of Chesapeake is reading this blog. However, here is the invite to him...join the discussion...
I know what I believe about this situation...but for now...will wait for wiser friends than me to respond.
DrWAVeSport Wed. 6/4/08 p.m. Sure am enjoying all the discussions!!!
P.S. I am finding...that the really helpful info is coming from fellow bloggers...and the O&G experts stay pretty dodgy when one tries to get some frank and honest info. Thanks Fellow Bloggers...I "s"HAIL" you all...
Jun 4, 2008
How are we to hold out and get what are mineral rights are worth if they can swoop down and force pool us.
I read this post on the shreveporttimes.com forum.
"The mineral rights are being leased in 640 acre “pools”.a. Once ¾ (75%) of the land owners sign leases the remaining ¼ (25%) of land owners are “Unsigned lease holders” with no lease agreement.b. The Un-leased mineral owner within the pooled unit is not entitled to receive any share of production or proceeds until the unit operator recovers the cost of drilling, completing, equipping and operating the well."
PS. I am trying to get a web site up with all my notes and links on it.
Jun 5, 2008
Am I interpreting the law reasonably? Is this how it works?
Aside from not getting lease money, are there any drawbacks?
Jun 5, 2008
DrWAVeSport Cd1
Question I have read so much per forced pooling. I Live in Shreveport, LA...Approx. 90% of recent legal notices (6/17 thru 7/8) per LA Office of Conservation where O&Gs file applications, contain clauses of "force pooling" & "integrating of all separatly owned tracts, mineral leases, and other property interests...with each tract sharing in unit production on a surface acreage basis of participation..." What exactly does this mean to (us) the landowners (who are attempting to acquire better land leasing deals)? Are they attempting to get out of lease bonus moneys? Nothing really sounds great about being force pooled. If you could give me (and my fellow Haynesville Shale stakeholders) the ups and downs per these forced pooling clauses if they are granted by the LA Commissioner of Conservation...Thanks so much for your help.
Answer Dr; I'm not sure if you're talking about the pooling clause that is commonly found in leases, or about the pooling process that occurs when companies either can't locate or can't come to an agreement with some of the mineral owners in a tract they are attempting to lease.
In the first example, don't worry about it. Most leases have pooling and unitization clauses that allow the lessee to "pool" or "unitize" several or more leases together in order to increase production from a field of oil or gas. If they were not allowed to do this, much production could remain in the ground. While there is the potential for abuse, in most cases you will never even get this clause activated as it is used mainly on fields that are nearing depletion.
This type of pooling and unitization elects one well to inject a substance into it (perhaps salt water) in order to "push" the oil or gas out the other wells that have been pooled. Each mineral owner would share in the production from ALL the wells that were unitized. While your royalty fraction will be less in such a scenario (the newly created unit includes more land than your original lease did) you will still potentially receive more money in the long run as more of the oil or gas reserves are able to be recovered.
If you are instead referring to the forced pooling process; this basically means that you will be "leased" at terms dictated by the State; based on what they think is "fair." A pooling order generally is good for only one year or less, meaning that if they don't drill within the time specified in the pooling order, the order will expire and you will be free to lease again. If you are pooled, and there is production from the well that is drilled, you will be paid based on your election of one of the several options afforded you in the pooling order. If you ignore the pooling order, a choice will be made for you by the terms of the pooling order.
Some people prefer to be pooled, rather than lease to a company they can't reach an agreement with. They feel that the State will offer better terms than the company was offering.
Hope this helps explain the pooling process.
Frederick M. Scott CMM
Answered Question...I want to thank Mr. Scott for his timely and knowledgeable information (and for putting it into an understandable format). I appreciate him answering my questions that I sent to "AllExperts.com" for his reply, last week.
Thank you again, "AllExperts.com" I have enjoyed all the Q&As that your experts put together that are helping the rest of us learn more about the O&G Industry.
DrWAVeSport 6/7/2008 p.m.
Jun 7, 2008
I think this really only works if you're a small landowner. Because of the need for the operator to lease a certain minimum percentage of a unit to make the prospect viable, if too many landowners with too much acreage are holding out on leasing in a section, it may mean that nothing gets drilled in the section. I personally have never seen a producing unit with more than 10% unleased interests, although I frankly don't know what the breakpoint will be in this climate.
Also, it can be unmitigated heck to police the operator's drilling, completion and operating costs. The statute only allows them to charge "reasonable" costs against your interest, but it can be difficult for the small guy to figure out exactly what that is.
By the way, I understand your frustration about information about O&G professionals. The business should always protect its trade secrets, but this information is just basic stuff about how things work. Although there is some obfuscation, no doubt, you should know that there are a whole lot of folks in the industry who don't understand unleased interest owner's rights in Louisiana. This is compounded by the fact that so many of these folks are now coming out of Texas, where unitization is handled a bit differently. That's a by-product of the fact that Shreveport's oil and gas industry picked up and moved to Texas back in the 80s.
Jun 8, 2008
DrWAVeSport Cd1
Just an opine from me...
There is a very difficult consumer situation going on in the U.S. right now. Energy costs are soaring for the American family. In this situation - a crisis in the making that Americans have not had to deal with in a long time, some never - the Haynesville Shale play is "perversely" timing itself. Let me explain my myself.
The higher the energy costs go, the more O&G companies are going to jump in at hurricane speed and lease up all the land they can get their collective hands on, and drill and drill and drill...again, increasing their own costs. The more their costs, the more our costs at the consumer end of this national storm. The more WE, as consumers, don't want to pay the higher costs, the more WE would like to see the lease prices rise. And, it goes around and around again in every place O&G E&P is emerging (again).
Everything has its cost. We pay the consumer costs just like every other American consumer. Would it not be a good deal if the Haynesville Shale players (we) could get parish governments (who will make Millions from leasing out parish property) to write in those deals a local consumer addendum that: 1.) invests in local small businesses. 2.) invests in our school professionals and schools systems. 3.) invests in FAMILIES, i.e., healthwise, educationwise, family-friendly projects, kid-safe projects, after-school child care programs, Senior center projects, etc.
It is too bad it takes billions of dollars to find energy sources and get them to production. I could think of just-as-important ways to spend those billions on another lifelong energy project, the American Family...
Have a Great Monday. Keep joining and keep blogging.
Jun 9, 2008
DrWAVeSport Cd1
I don't have much time this a.m. However, I am putting 3 http addresses here for anyone who would like some reading material on the Barnett Shale Play in Texas.
I know, we are all in the middle of the Haynesville play, but the timeline and unfolding of the Barnett Shale Play is quite interesting (beginning 3+ years ago) and seems to be paralleling the Haynesville. Kind of like having two hunting dogs, one named Barnett and one Haynesville. One dog 3+ years old; one just a pup. One has mastered the hunt; one is learning from the other.
Anyway, here are the https:
(Blog for Barnett shalers)
(Ft. Worth League of Neighborhoods)
(Barnett Shale Energy Education Council)
and a little press (dated 5/16/08)@ pressconnects.com:
"Gas drilling raises economic prospects"
"Drilling for Natural Gas Faces Hurdle: Fort Worth" (dated 5/04/05 - The Wall Street Journal) (THREE YEARS AGO!)
Natural gas? The new gold?
Jun 10, 2008
Snake Stewart
Jun 13, 2008
Jun 14, 2008
Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)
Jun 18, 2008
nisie, not a happy camper landowner
Jun 20, 2008
Les Bamburg
Jun 22, 2008
Snake Stewart
Unfortunately all of them get lumped into the same boat and I guess it is a little unfair for guys that have been here doing this for awhile. Tough break cause I have to look at them all with the same amount of disdain until this is over. Which may be never!
I have been trying to keep up with forced pooling and the 200% penalty law. Do you have any more of an understanding then you did to start with on these two matters? If so I would greatly appreciate your input on these issues!
I hope that you can forgive me for not jumping in there with CV ! You have no idea (well you and kass probably do if anybody does) how difficult it has become , now that this information is out there , to listen to people rant about joining a "pay per sign" club .They will have to sign for much more upfront to make up for hit on bonus and they will never catch up on royalty %.
Maybe our own bit of ranting is doing some good because I see were some are doing a flat rate now instead of royalty %. Its to late for some but if you can help just one it has to be worth it to go through all this trouble! It took months to put all the intel together for the post about forced pooling and how much your land could actually be worth .Some just look at it and say "oh well ,we are fixin' to join the club and get slammed by this yo-yo we don't even know thats on our team.I think he's a gynecologist or sumpen' another.
The guys that knew about this play long ago have a right to come here and do their deed. Just as I have the right to view them as predators! At least buzzards wait till your dead ! I had better go for now , as I have ingested way too many "Shale" calories for this meal.
Thanks is not nearly enough for what you and the other faithful "Shalers" have and are doing for this part of the country. People have said that I am somewhat "passionate" about this whole thing. I guess they are right for the most part although I am beginning to feel less and less empathy for some.I have found it nearly impossible to distance myself from people that obviously don't want any help. Kind of stupid on my part but I guess that is just a part of me and who I am. Nobody will be able to say I didn't care or that I held back.Many are rather tired of my ranting , including myself ! As long as I can live with it , thats all that matters to me in the long run.As long as I know I tried to do the right thing ! Have a good evening Doc and thanks again for everything!
Jun 28, 2008
Snake Stewart
Thanks and have a great day!
Jun 30, 2008
I have read so much on all of this that it is mind-boggling, however, I like the way you think. I'm dumb to most of this,not a dummy totally though. I am trying to educate myself on leasing, royalties, etc. basically everything. I don't have a lot of land,but what i do have i certainly am NOT going to give away. I have not been approached yet by the BIG companies, but people all around me have already leased. Not me, I've been told everything from I need to call Chesapeake to you gonna get left out. I'm not calling anyone and if I get left out I guess it wasn't meant for me to have. There are people in the neighboring area that called these companies daily until they came down to this area. You talk my kind of talk, I have read all your posts on here and tigerdroppings.com. I will continue to read them as you are helping me to understand a lot. Thanks for all the info.
Jul 3, 2008
Snake Stewart
Jul 3, 2008
Snake Stewart
I guess my reply could have been taken several different way's about O & G 's helping. If you truely think about it , their open assaults in the past have actually given us more of an idea about where they are coming from.Thus helping us to better understand our adversary.
I guess another part is I had seen some pretty harsh posts that didn't add to anything but fueling the flames of hatred that are everywhere.Maybe not as much in some areas but it is pretty much everywhere.I see this site as a refuge for people like ourselves that are looking to get as much info as we can to help our causes.Not some place to just spew fire all the time.I like spewing but I would like to think I bring it up to a more appropriate level.Some posts are outright nasty.
DOC ,Please don't thihk they are winning me over , look at it like a misdirection or something.I am working an angle.It may show up before long.
Jul 4, 2008
Bob N5
Jul 4, 2008
I could not help but notice your post regarding $30,000, 30% royalty in Stonewall. As I am in Stonewall and have not yet leased, it really caught my attention. Do you know where about in Stonewall, like east or west of Hwy. 171? Or the company involved? That is just wonderful news! Thank you!
Jul 12, 2008
Jul 12, 2008
Jul 12, 2008
Snake Stewart
Jul 12, 2008
Les Bamburg
Jul 14, 2008
James CD1
-parish sec t.r. I sent this to him and asked why and to
who's benefit this would be. He thanked me for info
and said he would get back asap. Have you had any
response from anyone with state regarding this. It seemed to me like he had no knowledge of any of this.
Could that be possible?
Jul 14, 2008
James CD1
answered you questions or mine. How in the world
could he not know and give us some answers.
Jul 17, 2008
Snake Stewart
Jul 18, 2008
James CD1
Jul 21, 2008
James CD1
kinda hoping for more!
Jul 21, 2008
Har C2
I see a V in your name. If you are put a space between name and letter. DrWaveSport V.
Easier to read.
Jul 21, 2008
Har C2
I noticed that several people living outside of LA like it alot.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I just updated the maps an hour ago.
Refine, debate, refine again and this will be a good thing.
Jul 21, 2008
Jul 21, 2008
Mom A1
Jul 22, 2008
James CD1
the depth" affect an old lease HBP if they drilled new
wells in section (only 1 in section now) or if they reworked the old well. Advised me he didn't think they
were going to do that anymore because they were
getting complaints in Baton Rouge. You mean to tell
me they would just keep letting the O/G do it if we
had not sent fax,emails, etc. Still want to know why
they would ask and for what reason. AND is it going
to stop or what?
Jul 23, 2008
James CD1
I don't know If I would have had the guts to do this if
it were not for you. Keep on keeping on and I will
too. Do you think Glillian works for the oil and gas
Jul 23, 2008
Har C2
Sorry but I change Region V to Cd1. Cd=Caddo
Working out the kinks. If you have any suggestions contact me please.
Jul 23, 2008
Renee S Cd1
Jul 25, 2008
Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)
Jul 28, 2008
James CD1
you. He just wanted my email so he can keep me posted as intrested party on the redefining issue. That is all fine and good but why can't they just answer our
questions? Do ya think they don't know what to say?
Jul 28, 2008
James CD1
Are you going to the meeting tomorrow? I am planing
on going.
Jul 30, 2008
James CD1
didn't see it sooner. Didn't it sound like they would/
could make exceptions?
Jul 30, 2008
Natch N3
Jul 30, 2008
Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)
Aug 3, 2008
Snake Stewart
Aug 17, 2008
Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)
Graphics provided by MySpaceGraphicsandAnimations.net
Sep 12, 2008
I'm writing you, since you were good about taking up the fight on redefining zones....
Here's another issue, that has come up in some of the discussions on this site... Why is a drilling company allowed to form a 640-acre unit, when all that they intend to drill for the near-term might be a single vertical well. Surely that vertical well will not drain all the 640 acres. Something does not seem right to me. I would think that if the company wants to hold 640 acres, they ought to be drilling wells that drain all 640 acres.
To whom in the Louisiana DNR did you write with your issue? I'd like to pursue this with them.
Thanks. msfva
Sep 15, 2008
Bobi Carr ("parker")
You are getting some well deserved accolades today. Come check into the site and say hi. Your input is missed.
Oct 28, 2008
Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)
Nov 3, 2008
Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)
Feb 13, 2009
James CD1
the CV I think of you. At least we helped that one. I hope things are better
with the family illness. I Have leased with Petrohawk and went to one of those
pre application meetings last Monday. Petro has applied for unitization in my
sec. (got a letter today) so now we wait and see. Please keep in touch. Glad your
Dec 5, 2009