Les. Yes, I am aware there are no Haynesville Sand wells in the township. My point is there are a number of Gray Sand (Smackover) wells by companies much more capable than Diamond. If there was producible shale there, I would have expected XTO to form drilling units long before now. And 20N - 10W appears to be too far north unless it is an anomaly. Time will tell. It's just good to have a step out well to help define this corner of the play.
Good morning, Les. I have a question regarding the list of Cotton Valley Units which include the HS formation. S21,22,23 - 14N - 9W did not include the operator though I believe it to be Questar. Can you give me the docket numbers for those units? Thanks. I will post another snapshot grid later today. Have a good weekend.
Les, Have you updated the HOF list lately? I never can find the most recent list. When you do update it, The Ninock 34 in 15/11 made it @ 21.8 and the Sample 32 (pad in 14/11 but lateral in 15/11) will make it because I get the drilling report, but it's not official yet.
Les. Thanks for the Well Hall of Fame update. I notice that several wells are not shown as completed and have no well test data on SONRIS. What source or sources are you using for completion data? Particularly for El Paso - AV Young 7 #H1 (239785) and Weathers 14 #H1 (239598). I also notice that some of the wells on the list have completion data different (and higher) than the SONRIS well reports. Particularly HK Griffith 11 #H1 (238281), Comstock Colvin Craner Hz #H2 (239539) andEl Paso Blake 10 #H1 (238976). If have not reviewed the full list but the five wells I mention are in an AOI that I am tracking and I noticed the variances between what I have and your list.
Thanks for the heads up. What kind of connection do you use on your laptop...cable? Does it only stall with GHS? Does it stall on the homepage? Any other pages?
Les. Though I have not been actively searching for CV/LCV wells that appear to be producing from HA depths, I am running across additional wells on a semi-regular basis. While conducting research in the Elm Grove Field, I ran across these two, #238382 and 237344. Certainly these IP's can't be CV.
Les. At this point I'm not surprised that there are other wells permitted as CV but producing from the HA. A staffer at LOC led me to believe that the instances of such were few. That doesn't seem to be the case as I keep running into additional examples in various fields. Though it's been discussed in brief on the site, I'm wondering what the reaction will be when a CV or LCV well makes your H of F list.
Thanks for the update Les, glad to know they are still interested in our area. Our family land is just north of 155 in section 20 just below Mr. Adcock's section, T13N-R8W. In the presentation you posted a while back with the detailed maps (Chesapeake, I think), it looked like our section was half in the Haynesville area, am i correct in reading that? Many thanks, RB
Thanks always for your help and information, and for taking the time to write. Our Pride/Encana lease expires February 2011, do you think they will have a well in our section by then? thanks, RB
Thank you for the insight, we will keep an eye open next year for the permit. What part of the world are you located, so we can invite you for dinner when the well spuds? Thanks again, RB
Les. I am seeing a few wells completed in the southern reaches of the play with low IPs but very small chokes and very high pressures. Not a total surprise. But I have also run across a couple that are being prepped to P&A. I expect that they experienced serious mechanical problems. Here is one, Encana's San Patricio Cattle 7H (239979):
09/25/2009 07 1872 SPUD 9-12-09; SET 10 3/4 TO 1872' W/ 823 SX; WAITING ON ANOTHER RIG
07/10/2009 01 17000 2240' FWL & 500' FNL OF SEC 7. PBHL: 2240' FWL & 330' FSL OF SEC 7.
Thanks, Les. I was wondering if we might see a spate of mechanical problems with wells drilling in the far south reaches of the Play. The next few months will be interesting as completion results begin to be announced. Happy Holidays.
Just wanted to let you know that I saw the sign for Nabors rig M46 today. It will either drill 240322 or 240579. I assume 240322 first since it was permitted first, then 240579.
Les. Please consider joining in Bill's discussion "Old Fields in the Country", now on the Main Page. The topic is which formations other than HA are good prospects for horizontal drilling and multi-stage fracs.
Les. The LOC now offers twelve month permits. Most of the ones I have reviewed lately are twelve month. Check out the one in the discussion and you will see the expiration date is one year from the approval date.
Hi Les,
The Patterson #203 rig has moved onto a location in S. Bossier. I am pretty sure that it is #240592, but I am not as familiar with this area. The well is to the Southeast of the intersection of Hwy 71 South and Taylortown road. The rig sign has been there for a few days. Hope this helps.
I'm not sure which one it is. I looked at the map on Sonris and #240592 looks about right, but I'm not certain. There is not a well sign at the entrance. It's too wet for me to drive out and take a look. Hopefully you will get verification from another source.
have you heard of any info on the stewart 31 # 1 well, sn 240122, s31, t20n, r10w, sonris lite doesnt say anything but waiting on a competion rig, did they make a well ?
well i guess if they are waiting on a completion rig there must be something there, why would they want to complete a dry hole?, wish i knew exactly where it was i would drive by there and see if they have some kind of well head there
Thanks for the graph references. I won't sidetrack the topic anymore, but I was thinking something along the lines of a pictograph or bar graph that shows proportional differences in the amounts of mcf, mmcf, bcf and tcf of gas. I have difficulty wrapping my brain around amounts of gaseous volumes, lol. I'll just look up some references and get out the 64 box of Crayolas (no pink to be involved 80P) to see what I can come up with to use as a mental image.
It's still too muddy for me to drive down to find the Patterson #203. I did go South of there this morning and it is just north of 14-16-12. It looked to be about 1500 feet from #218354.
I'm really confused at this point ...Just received a check and its very small! I called and they said the well was not producing more than 3mcf a day,and we were paid accordingly. Could you share with me where u got your information??? thats a huge differance and monies are not in sink with your numbers.I went to Sonris and could not find what I'm looking for .Maybe I'm looking in the wrong spot on Sonris lite ..Could you help me? Kelly
Les. Other than a major holiday week, I can not recall a week when there were zero new unit applications added to the LOC Commissioner's Hearing Schedule. Of course my experience only goes back two and a half years. LOL! Have a good weekend.
Les we have land in San Augustine County and are not leased at this time however there is quite a bit of land around us that has been leased (mainly by Devon, Encana and Cabot). We have received a letter from Seitel Data requesting to do a Seismographic Survey on our land. I was wondering what your thoughts are in regards to allowing this before our land is leased? My initial thought is not to allow it but I am thinking with so much land around us already leased that it may not hurt my chances of getting leased. I have also heard different. I enjoy reading your posts. Thank you for your time.
Les B,
What is your job? You have a broad knowlege and I appreciate what you have expalined and taught Jack Blake. Thanks for repeating when necessary. Jack Blake was dropped on his head as a wee little lad and had to ride the short bus, so it takes a couple times for Jack to catch on.
Jack just wonders how it is Les B knows so much about HS..........................
How could you possibly know where I hold acreage? That is hands down the single most impressive thing I have ever seen out of somebody here!
I have been keeping a daily eye on SONRIS for that info so I caught it last week on about Thursday I think. I'm pleased that it is a good well though I still might not make much off of it since gas is so cheap and I'm unleased. Sooner or later it looks like that section will be one that makes some fair coin when the price of gas rebounds.
I'm looking hard at the recent HK map to see if a small tract I have off of N. Lakeshore Dr. will ever get drilled. It is only 4.31 acres and is in 22-18-15. Looks like it might be just south of their "don't plan on drilling" line but it's close. I'm holding my breath on that one.
Thanks for all you do. Your help on GHS is valued by many. Count me as one of your biggest fans.
Hey Les B, you probably get tired of hearing thank you for all you do, but here's another "thank you". Just was wondering if you've heard any info in my area. Still waiting on everything, no clearing, no pad , and no pipe line, yet. We keep hearing every now and then that they're coming, but nothing yet. Any heads up would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the info. Just leased a couple of weeks ago. Is this a Haynesville well or a Cotton Valley? Again thanks for the heads up and I appreciate all you do.
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Sep 18, 2009
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Oct 17, 2009
Spring Branch,mineral owner
Oct 23, 2009
Spring Branch,mineral owner
Oct 23, 2009
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Nov 13, 2009
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Nov 13, 2009
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Nov 13, 2009
Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)
Nov 17, 2009
Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)
Nov 17, 2009
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Nov 24, 2009
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Nov 25, 2009
Nov 26, 2009
Nov 26, 2009
Nov 28, 2009
Nov 29, 2009
ken hatcher
Dec 3, 2009
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
09/25/2009 07 1872 SPUD 9-12-09; SET 10 3/4 TO 1872' W/ 823 SX; WAITING ON ANOTHER RIG
07/10/2009 01 17000 2240' FWL & 500' FNL OF SEC 7. PBHL: 2240' FWL & 330' FSL OF SEC 7.
Dec 20, 2009
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Dec 20, 2009
Bobi Carr ("parker")
I'm so glad you are addicted to the shale too. I sincerely appreciate all of the information that you share with us novices.
Dec 22, 2009
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Dec 28, 2009
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Dec 28, 2009
Bobi Carr ("parker")
Just wanted to let you know that I saw the sign for Nabors rig M46 today. It will either drill 240322 or 240579. I assume 240322 first since it was permitted first, then 240579.
As always thanks for all you do.
Jan 8, 2010
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Jan 10, 2010
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Jan 10, 2010
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Jan 13, 2010
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Jan 16, 2010
Bobi Carr ("parker")
The Nomac #48 is moving into #240767.
Feb 5, 2010
Bobi Carr ("parker")
The Patterson #203 rig has moved onto a location in S. Bossier. I am pretty sure that it is #240592, but I am not as familiar with this area. The well is to the Southeast of the intersection of Hwy 71 South and Taylortown road. The rig sign has been there for a few days. Hope this helps.
Feb 10, 2010
Bobi Carr ("parker")
I'm not sure which one it is. I looked at the map on Sonris and #240592 looks about right, but I'm not certain. There is not a well sign at the entrance. It's too wet for me to drive out and take a look. Hopefully you will get verification from another source.
Feb 11, 2010
Feb 24, 2010
crtbrll b2
Feb 25, 2010
crtbrll b2
Feb 25, 2010
Thanks again 80)
Feb 28, 2010
Bobi Carr ("parker")
Nabors #49 is on location of Wiggins 34 #240485. The well is scheduled to spud tomorrow.
Mar 3, 2010
k .r. hunt
Mar 4, 2010
Bobi Carr ("parker")
It's still too muddy for me to drive down to find the Patterson #203. I did go South of there this morning and it is just north of 14-16-12. It looked to be about 1500 feet from #218354.
Hope this helps.
Mar 4, 2010
k .r. hunt
Mar 4, 2010
Bobi Carr ("parker")
I've been told that the Rig on Henderson 33 (#240322) has completed drilling and has been moved to Henderson 28 (#240579).
Mar 4, 2010
ken hatcher
Mar 16, 2010
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Mar 19, 2010
Mar 20, 2010
Mar 21, 2010
Jim 007
Apr 13, 2010
Jack Blake
What is your job? You have a broad knowlege and I appreciate what you have expalined and taught Jack Blake. Thanks for repeating when necessary. Jack Blake was dropped on his head as a wee little lad and had to ride the short bus, so it takes a couple times for Jack to catch on.
Jack just wonders how it is Les B knows so much about HS..........................
May 16, 2010
Bobi Carr ("parker")
Skip and KB have both mentioned that you recently posted your maps, but I can't find them. Would you mind re-posting.
May 25, 2010
k .r. hunt
May 28, 2010
El Theo
How could you possibly know where I hold acreage? That is hands down the single most impressive thing I have ever seen out of somebody here!
I have been keeping a daily eye on SONRIS for that info so I caught it last week on about Thursday I think. I'm pleased that it is a good well though I still might not make much off of it since gas is so cheap and I'm unleased. Sooner or later it looks like that section will be one that makes some fair coin when the price of gas rebounds.
I'm looking hard at the recent HK map to see if a small tract I have off of N. Lakeshore Dr. will ever get drilled. It is only 4.31 acres and is in 22-18-15. Looks like it might be just south of their "don't plan on drilling" line but it's close. I'm holding my breath on that one.
Thanks for all you do. Your help on GHS is valued by many. Count me as one of your biggest fans.
May 28, 2010
Jun 5, 2010
Thanks for the info. Just leased a couple of weeks ago. Is this a Haynesville well or a Cotton Valley? Again thanks for the heads up and I appreciate all you do.
Jun 8, 2010
Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)
Jun 11, 2010