Here in the Deep South, it aint right but it is what it is.Maybe President Elect Obama can help dilute more of the racial problems that still exist here. If he leads well it can only be a positive for this country.
Told a friend this morning that the show was a joke! The political unrest has given the sellers, at the shows, a green light to inflict as much fear/price gouging as possible on to the already fearful masses in my part of the country.They were all screaming 2nd Amd & Last case of 9mm all at the same time. Only to reach under the counter for another case 10 minutes later. I was very dissapointed with the show,to say the least. Hows your season going ? Is it about the same time as ours ?
I just got through posting. Politics are so difficult due to the galvinizing effects of the outcome. It can be as brutal as war. By the posts it seems to be a war at times.
Those guys are my babes. They are spoiled as all get out but its either love 'em our get my arse kicked out of the house by my hottie wife. (LOL) It sounds kinda funny but its true. Now that I realy think about it......Its pretty sad isnt it ? Have a good one
Hey Cannie,
Surely she wasnt talking about me & mine. HA!HA!HA!HA!
How are you? Havent talked in a while. I just want you to know that my newest family member is on a lot of peoples prayer lists. I will never understand why children must suffer.I guess thats one of those questions that cant be answered.
Have a good one
Hey Cannie,
I'll be the first to admit that I didnt vote for him . But if he fails, guess what, we all fail. This is the most volatile time in our short history as a nation. We can not afford to let petty differences in political opinion drive us into wanting the sitting President to fall flat on his face. If that happens , we may not be able to recover. Have a good one and keep the faith. Sometimes its very hard to depending on who or what you are dealing with. I know for a fact. But I also know........ Ephesians 6:12
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Thanks for the kind words, Cannie. It is gratifying to know that many members appreciate my participation on the site. And tends to make up for those who do not. LOL! How does it feel? NIce. Humbling. A little embarrassing. That is why I am replying to each member on their personal pages instead of on the Main Page. Regards, Skip
I'm so glad I got to meet you, your wife and cousin. I hope that you really enjoyed your visit. I hope you have a lot of fun kidding your friends about those hopeless Southerners, cuz dose of us dat ain't too smart down here wants to keep our paradise a secret. We's is kinda hard to understand since we don't have many teeth. Don't forget to tell them about all of the alligators that you saw in the streets too (LOL).
When your friends said you aren't coming back, what they didn't understand, is that after you've spent much time down in the South, you may not want to go back up North (at least I hope y'all liked it that much down here).
Very nice to have met and visited with you, too. Ten years = too long! I don't get on GHS as often as most, but I do "check my messages" -- Enjoy the remainder of your visit and keep in touch!! Tam
what a pleasant surprise. My father is from that area and cousins still live there. They are Anderson's. I grew up near Alexandria, Louisiana so not familiar with northwest Louisiana at all. Info about this well came from EXCO PRODUCTION AND A LANDMAN SENT A PLAT WITH THE PLANS FOR THIS WELL.
You do favor Forrest Whitaker. I am told that I look like a movie star also.................Lassie!!!
I hope that your family are all well.
Come and see us again.
Thanks, Mr. C, the inspirational quote from Angelou came first, I fit the rest to it. Your daughter must be a creative person to enjoy the mix of those colors. Say "hi" to all, hope spring is popping it's head out up there, too.
Hey Cannie,
Hope things are going well. Just saw your post on the Shalebowlers blog and just wanted to remind you how much you guys have done for me. I would never be able to earn what I received from having been introduced to Lauren, so I am not even trying to. All I can do is try to honor her memory by passing it forward. Trying to make a difference to someone, somewhere.
I am glad that some semblance of normalcy is returning to your lives. It is a big step in laying the pain to rest. Please tell everyone that they are still in our hearts and prayers.
Hey, Cannie - You need to rent another car and head this way again in about another week and a half for the Mudbug Madness festival. (No pun intended with regard to the mud you collected on that last rental. ha, ha) Think spicy tiny lobsters. It's only ... what ... a 15 hr. drive?
Yeah, about that. But it's "just down the road a piece". I prefer the 3hr. version outta DFW. Sounds damn tasty though! If I keep comin' down there, one day I won't go home and y'all will be stuck with me!
Haven't been by in awhile to give you a 5 pt. shot in the arm. lol And to tell you, if you're interested (and who isn't with gas to get sold) that there's a discussion about HR 1622 re. NGVs over in the political group. Don't worry, it's a respectable discussion. ha, ha
Now, I see your better half has made an appearance, so I'm off to help her catch up on points, too. You have the advantage for now, but look out if I decide to be preferential. :-P
You need to pass along those gator stories to the yankees up there. Tell them we walk 'em around on leashes down here. Better than dogs as pets. When we get tired of them, we just fry them up to eat.
Cannie, from your Browning fan down here in Mansfield, Howdy and congrats on the new addition to your family! Wishing many blessing for you all. You should give me a holler if you get to Mansfield. I'll take you out to Trinity Tactical Gun range and we'll throw a few hundred rounds downrange :)
Thanks again. It tears me up (emotionally) & tears me up (tear ducts) to even have to post that. But I'll do it if I can figure out a way to make a difference. :0)
Cannie, Thanks for agreeing with me and seeing my point of views. If everyone would take that approach this site will be well respected by members and future members of this country which we already have from many states with oil & gas futures. P.S. If you would like to become member or freind I'll do the same Thanks,Joe
Cannie, It's Joe Dyer, What's up? Sesport sent me your way. I have a friend of mine that Petrohawk is going to run a pipeline along the levee in south Bossier Parish. Do you know what the going rate is for that? I have heard different ways also. Per foot,yard,sec.,rod,etc. Can you help us out? Thanks, Joe.
We touched on the water issues months ago but it did not resonate with the members. There is no royalty income associated with H2O, LOL! For some who are paying attention and have a little entrepreneural spirit, they may make more in water sales than royalty. It's that can't see the forest for the trees thing. Regards, Skip Your friend.
BD. I'm thinking more of fresh water for fracing. Now if you could pipe fresh water out to the pads and pipe the used frac water back to a treatment facility, you could write your own ticket.
Twitter is great. I did not want to be left out in the cold, so I decided to use this for social networking and I like, but you have got to Tweet, and from what I have seen you have a lot to share. God bless you and your family, and stay HAYNESVILLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Bobi Carr ("parker")
Just dropping in to say hi.
The screen on the top showing who's online is neat.
Hope your having a great day.
Have you and your son gotten any coyote's or deer lately?
Nov 3, 2008
Snake Stewart
Told a friend this morning that the show was a joke! The political unrest has given the sellers, at the shows, a green light to inflict as much fear/price gouging as possible on to the already fearful masses in my part of the country.They were all screaming 2nd Amd & Last case of 9mm all at the same time. Only to reach under the counter for another case 10 minutes later. I was very dissapointed with the show,to say the least. Hows your season going ? Is it about the same time as ours ?
Nov 10, 2008
Snake Stewart
Those guys are my babes. They are spoiled as all get out but its either love 'em our get my arse kicked out of the house by my hottie wife. (LOL) It sounds kinda funny but its true. Now that I realy think about it......Its pretty sad isnt it ? Have a good one
Nov 10, 2008
Snake Stewart
Surely she wasnt talking about me & mine. HA!HA!HA!HA!
How are you? Havent talked in a while. I just want you to know that my newest family member is on a lot of peoples prayer lists. I will never understand why children must suffer.I guess thats one of those questions that cant be answered.
Have a good one
Feb 18, 2009
Snake Stewart
I'll be the first to admit that I didnt vote for him . But if he fails, guess what, we all fail. This is the most volatile time in our short history as a nation. We can not afford to let petty differences in political opinion drive us into wanting the sitting President to fall flat on his face. If that happens , we may not be able to recover. Have a good one and keep the faith. Sometimes its very hard to depending on who or what you are dealing with. I know for a fact. But I also know........ Ephesians 6:12
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Feb 23, 2009
Scottie Schufford
Feb 25, 2009
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Mar 5, 2009
Two Dogs, Pirate
Mar 10, 2009
Kathy Morgan
Mar 14, 2009
Bobi Carr ("parker")
I'm so glad I got to meet you, your wife and cousin. I hope that you really enjoyed your visit. I hope you have a lot of fun kidding your friends about those hopeless Southerners, cuz dose of us dat ain't too smart down here wants to keep our paradise a secret. We's is kinda hard to understand since we don't have many teeth. Don't forget to tell them about all of the alligators that you saw in the streets too (LOL).
When your friends said you aren't coming back, what they didn't understand, is that after you've spent much time down in the South, you may not want to go back up North (at least I hope y'all liked it that much down here).
Mar 15, 2009
Bobi Carr ("parker")
I'm glad y'all enjoyed enjoyed it. I wish I could have been there earlier.
Mar 15, 2009
Bobi Carr ("parker")
I am so sorry to hear about Lauren. Her family and yours will be in my prayers.
Mar 15, 2009
Horseshoe Girl - a1
Very nice to have met and visited with you, too. Ten years = too long! I don't get on GHS as often as most, but I do "check my messages" -- Enjoy the remainder of your visit and keep in touch!! Tam
Mar 16, 2009
Mar 17, 2009
Mar 17, 2009
You do favor Forrest Whitaker. I am told that I look like a movie star also.................Lassie!!!
I hope that your family are all well.
Come and see us again.
Mar 28, 2009
Mar 28, 2009
Apr 10, 2009
Best always - sesport :0)
Apr 15, 2009
Snake Stewart
Hope things are going well. Just saw your post on the Shalebowlers blog and just wanted to remind you how much you guys have done for me. I would never be able to earn what I received from having been introduced to Lauren, so I am not even trying to. All I can do is try to honor her memory by passing it forward. Trying to make a difference to someone, somewhere.
I am glad that some semblance of normalcy is returning to your lives. It is a big step in laying the pain to rest. Please tell everyone that they are still in our hearts and prayers.
Apr 25, 2009
Have a good weekend! sesport :0)
May 9, 2009
Big Daddy, bcnr
May 9, 2009
Pat Hayes
May 10, 2009
Now, I see your better half has made an appearance, so I'm off to help her catch up on points, too. You have the advantage for now, but look out if I decide to be preferential. :-P
Have a good evening - :0)
May 27, 2009
Bobi Carr ("parker")
You need to pass along those gator stories to the yankees up there. Tell them we walk 'em around on leashes down here. Better than dogs as pets. When we get tired of them, we just fry them up to eat.
Hope y'all are doing well.
May 27, 2009
Steven B. Bledsoe Sr.
May 30, 2009
Jun 3, 2009
Snake Stewart
Saw you online and thought I would holler. Hope things are going well for you guys.
Jun 26, 2009
Joe Dyer
Jul 3, 2009
Joe Dyer
Jul 11, 2009
Joe Dyer
Jul 12, 2009
BirdDawg, plain ole' idiot
Congratulations man, I am proud for you.
Jul 25, 2009
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Aug 10, 2009
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Aug 10, 2009
Out of state owner, too, and often wonder about what is going on with Exco.
Nov 8, 2009
Bobi Carr ("parker")
Thanks for the birthday wishes.
Nov 15, 2009
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Jan 9, 2010
Your propery is right next to our property, the Murray property.
Are you on Twitter??
Jan 17, 2010
Twitter is great. I did not want to be left out in the cold, so I decided to use this for social networking and I like, but you have got to Tweet, and from what I have seen you have a lot to share. God bless you and your family, and stay HAYNESVILLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Jan 31, 2010
Jan 31, 2010
Bobi Carr ("parker")
Give me a holler, please.
May 7, 2010