

Greenville, SC

United States

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  • CR

    To the O&G company it's only business. To the land owner it's a life changing event. They never give it a second thought. Was it a very large tract of land?
  • CR

    Rozzy, you were definately robbed. Someone in this area has a lawsuit filed for just this type of thing. Do not hire an attorney that charges a percentage of the royalty! Do you know who the attorney is they hired? You need to find out more from public records if you can. All these records are at the courthouse of the parish your land is located in. If your aunties live in Shreveport it may also be at the Caddo Parish courthouse. With 160 acres you stand to make a LOT of money if you can figure all this out.
  • CR

    Rozz, Cody Mayo works for a percentage of the bonus and the royalty. He claims he can get these bad leases nullified and he only gets paid if he does. If at all possible, it would be better to find an attorney who works for a set fee. This way you won't be paying someone part of what's yours forever. It may be hard to get you Aunts to change attorneys but it's worth a shot. I personally don't know any to refer you to. Someone on here can tell you a good one I'm sure.
  • CR

    Rozzy, if he doesn't want a percentage of the royalty it might be ok. If I were you I'd call him for sure and get all the info straight from him. If you can get out of that lease it would be worth paying some of the bonus money you'll get when you sign again.
  • Keith Baker

    How do I conduct research on property owners in Lousianna? I live in the Seattle area and can't seem to find a website that will help. My grandfather's grandfather purchased some property that I am trying to research. He was born/died in DeSoto Parish, so I think it was there. Do you have a recommendation?

    Thanks in advance,
  • inthestix

    Hey Rozzy....I think you are HOT!!!!! Great looking gal you are!!
  • Dorcheated A1

    Nice looking family Rozzy you must be proud.
  • Dorcheated A1

    Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your post.
  • Rick

    Hi Rozzy, I was checking in to see how things are going for you and your family on dealing with attorney Mayo and the lease situation. I thought about ya'll this evening as I watched TV, I caught part of a news broadcast on a program called "Louisiana, the State we're in". There was a news lady interviewing some people apparently from down in ya'lls area that are dealing with the same problem as ya'll. The lady was a pastor and her and her family are in the same fight. They have a group of neighbors that are using Cody Mayo to try to overturn alot of leases. I wondered if ya'll were part of the group.

    I tuned in late in the article so I don't know what all was said initially but I did hear them saying that the landman they dealt with was actully threateing people down in that area and using strong armed scare tactics and they said they feared that it was probably even worse on some of the older folks that the agent dealt with. I just thougt I would mention it to you in case you weren't aware of the neighborhood group and to let you know that there is at least some news publicity about what has gone on, so maybe some of that will help your cause.

    I also wanted to mention that I appreciate your political stand; I read a few of the post on the McCain-Obama comments and it is refreshing to find you and others looking past just the issue of race in deciding how to vote. You and I are close in age and this is THE most important election we have every had the priviledge to take part in.
    Even if I wanted to vote for Obama, I have to take a stand on behalf of my Lord and His word says that things like same sex marriage and abortion, the killing of innocent lives while in what should be the most safe place in their lives, their mother's womb IS an abomination and those that believe that Word know that is the strongest term for detest that God used; so I cannot support nor vote for any person or party that supports what I believe is wrong.
    Even if Christians made a concession and agreed to support abortion for rape, incest that's only 1%, health/threat to the life of the mother is only 3% and fetal abnormalitites is only 1%, figures prove that those only account for 5% of all abortions, so the other 95% is for CONVENIENCE, for birth control and it is sad that our great country has slipped that far; the laws of the U.S. protect the unborn baby eagle but not the unborn human child. Rozzy, the figures are staggering and sobering, 1.6 MILLION abortions in the US each YEAR, that's 4400 babies EACH day, 1 baby every 20 seconds. If that were puppies or kittens or baby seals or cute little sealions, this entire nation would be outraged and up in arms but we sit back and accept it for our children. Government money (our taxes) pays over $275 million dollars yearly for Planned Parenthood which is a cleaned up term for legal abortion, and over half of their clinics are in minority neighborhoods, they are following their original founders dreams of quietly trying to destroy a race by making them think they are helping them and Barak Obama admits he is IN FAVOR of abortion. How many Martin Luther Kings or Ronald Reagans have we allowed to killed in abortion clinics, we'll never know! They never were given that chance.
    Thank you for standing for what is right, as I to am commanded to do, the Word says, "Open you mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die" (Proverbs 31:8), I have been blessed with an ear to hear as Jesus taught His deciples in Matthew 13, and when I'm blessed to hear and receive and then I keep the Word to myself and don't speak or stand for those that can't speak, it is a sin on my part, so I intend to stand up for the speechless when I vote.
    I pray for an answer to your families situation and encourage ya'll to stand on the rock; For never have I seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread, and He will take the wealth of the wicked and put it in our hands, the hands of the just!
  • Rozzy

    The Resume of Jesus Christ

    Address: Ephesians 1:20
    Phone: Romans 10:13
    Website: The Bible. Keywords: Christ, Lord, Savior and Jesus

    Hello. My name is Jesus -The Christ. Many call me Lord! I've sent you my resume because I'm seeking the top management position in your heart. Please consider my accomplishments as set forth in my resume.


    · I founded the earth and established the heavens, (See Proverbs 3:19)
    · I formed man from the dust of the ground, (See Genesis 2:7)
    · I breathed into man the breath of life, (See Genesis 2:7)
    · I redeemed man from the curse of the law, (See Galatians 3:13)
    · The blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant comes upon your life through me, (See Galatians 3:14)

    Occupational Background

    · I've only had one employer, (See Luke 2:49).
    · I've never been tardy, absent, disobedient, slothful or disrespectful.
    · My employer has nothing but rave reviews for me, (See Matthew 3:15-17)

    Skills Work Experiences

    · Some of my skills and work experiences include: empowering the poor to be poor no more, healing the brokenhearted, setting the captives free, healing the sick, restoring sight to the blind and setting at liberty them that are bruised, (See Luke 4:18).

    · I am a Wonderful Counselor, (See Isaiah 9:6). People who listen to me shall dwell safely and shall not fear evil, (See Proverbs 1:33).

    · Most importantly, I have the authority, ability and power to cleanse you of your sins, (See I John 1:7-9)

    Educational Background

    · I encompass the entire breadth and length of knowledge, wisdom and understanding, (See Proverbs 2:6).
    · In me are hid all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, (See Colossians 2:3).
    · My Word is so powerful; it has been described as being a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path, (See Psalms 119:105).

    · I can even tell you all of the secrets of your heart, (See Psalms 44:21).

    Major Accomplishments

    · I was an active participant in the greatest Summit Meeting of all times, (See Genesis 1:26).
    · I laid down my life so that you may live, (See II Corinthians 5:15).
    · I defeated the archenemy of God and mankind and made a show of them openly, (See Colossians 2:15).
    · I've miraculously fed the poor, healed the sick and raised the dead!
    · There are many more major accomplishments, too many to mention here. You can read them on my website, which is located at: www dot - the BIBLE. You don't need an Internet connection or computer to access my website.


    · Believers and followers worldwide will testify to my divine healings, salvation, deliverance, miracles, restoration and supernatural guidance

    In Summation
    Now that you've read my resume, I'm confident that I'm the only candidate uniquely qualified to fill this vital position in your heart. In summation, I will properly direct your paths, (See Proverbs 3:5-6), and lead you into everlasting life, (See John 6:47). When can I start? Time is of the essence, (See Hebrews 3:15).
  • Rick

    Good morning Rozzy, that is a great resume' and application that you posted for your friend Jesus. The Word that I have received and cling tight to is that He available to me, my family, my company, my church and everyone else that will accept and acknowledge Him.
    He must really be SOME kind of Lord, but I must admit that it is unusual by today's standards to find a Lord that desires to be MY servant, but that's what He seeks. I mean, He says that He used to wash His friends feet!? And how awesome it is to find someone that can go before me and make the crooked places straight while at the same time dispatching part of His virtue, namely Goodness and Mercy, to follow behind me and protect me ALL the days of my life!
    Oh yeah, I've gotta say it is a very special applicant that would let MY enemies beat Him across the back with a whip just so that by His stripes I could be healed, and allow those same enemies to mash a crown of big ol' thorns into His head and cause it to hurt and bleed just to provide mental strength, stability and healing for me. And all the while being denyed and mocked by His friends and people that He had made to walk and talk and see; now that's the kind of character I'm looking for as I search through millions of resumes.
    He authored a really great book too, He calls it the B-I-B-L-E, and after reading it, I'll tell you, now that's the book for me! Yeah, when I interviewed Him, He was telling me about how He got over 40 of His friends and followers to write about Him over a span of hundreds of years, guys that didn't even know each other and weren't able to compare notes, yet they ALL told the same great truths about Him. Now you gotta admit, that's a great research author there, He didn't want His readers to take the words of one man, possibly deranged or messed up in the head or politically motivated like some of the other fellows that have turned in resumes, like Muhammed or ol' big belly Buddah; no, He used doctors, lawyers, scholars, common guys like fishermen, all kinds to document His history and the fact that they ALL told the same thing was His way of proving He visited them all and SHOWED them His story.

    As the interview progressed, He told me some things from His book and it was some pretty cool stuff! He had this one friend that had died and the old school tradition was to wrap the dead and cover their eyes before burial. Well, Jesus is busy doing His Father's business and this guy's family is wondering where He's at, why didn't he show up earlier, they were like "Hey man, you could have saved this brother's life if you had only been here" but now it's been several days and he's dead and STINKS and Jesus says, fear not, he's not dead and He tells the cat Laz, rise up and what does the dude do? He GETS UP!! Man, it was a cool story to hear and when Jesus was telling it, it was SO real! Ol' Laz was wrapped up in bondage, kinda like alot of churches today, and Jesus removed the wrap and freed Him from his bondage, like He's still doing today. And Laz had his eyes covered and couldn't see, kinda like alot of Christians today and Jesus removed the covering so he could see, like He's still doing today. Look Rozz, we HAVE to hire this man!
    He even told a story about how He died and went to the grave, it was awesome too! Listen up, after He was beaten and suffered like I mentioned awhile ago, His enemies layed Him on a big cross and used NAILS, big spike NAILS and nailed Him to the big cross and then raised Him and the cross up and left Him hanging there to die! But, being the perfect Son of God, He still hadn't sinned and couldn't die yet because death comes by sin, so get this, this guard dude offers Him some drink and He says nawh, you know I mean why would a dying man be concerned about a drink? Then He has a talk with His Dad in heaven and His dad reassures Him that this is how it has to end, so the guy on the ground offers another drink, it was a drink of water and some distilled liquid, you know like wine or whiskey, and Jesus being all wise, knew He had to do something to allow the sins of the world, you know, mine, yours and EVERYONE else's, to be blamed on Him, SO He tells the guy to extend Him a drink and low and behold, the second that sin offering touched His mouth, the sins of the WHOLE world fell upon Him, that had to hurt! and He spoke the greatest Hebrew word ever spoken, "Tetelestai, Tetelestai, which in our lingo means, "It is finished", wow, now that was awesome, He had finished the work of His father, but it wasn't over yet.

    Rozzy, when we choose this Savior, we might have to make a movie about Him or something! cause the story don't end there! They get Him down off that cross and get this, they don't even look for a permanent grave for Him, they borrow a tomb cause He is so confident that He's not gonna need it long that He just borrows it for a few days! But in the meantime, He's still got some work to do to complete His ministry, so come to find out, He had told His friends and homies that these cats were gonna kill Him but that He was gonna rise up and come visit them and show them He had been resurrected by His Dad. Well, they were doubting Thomases back then so they had to be shown. Well, He's in this borrowed tomb and a couple of women that had believed in Him and had been His friends came to check on Him and what you say, He's GONE! What they didn't know was He had gone into the Devil's abode and snatched away the keys to death, Hell and the grave and let Satan know in no uncertain terms that Jesus is Lord of lords and King of kings and for Ol' Belzabub to DON'T EVER forget it!! Then He goes back to His friends place, shows them His scars and makes sure they realize that He has done what He said He was gonna do and He was ready to go back to the coolest place of all, His Father's house. He told His friends not to worry though, cause up there in His Father's house, there were a LOT of mansions and He was gonna get them ready for His friends so that they could join Him later.
    Goodness Rozzy, this Jesus guy, where has He been all this time, or maybe I should say, where have WE been, how is it that some many of us didn't know about Him? How can anyone that is seeking eternal truth miss the Way, the Truth and the Light? Now His resume is getting noticed and everybody is gonna want Him. He even predicts that in the end, EVERY knee would bow and EVERY tongue would confess that He is Lord. I mean, His tongue is the pen of a ready writer, and His words are a two-edged sword, they are piercing girl, they get to your body and spirit. He sure seems like a way out of no way, He even said that He could make us the head and not the tail, that way, we'll be above only and never beneath. And He really sold me when He said that to top it off, He would sign the agreement in His own blood, now that is commitment, and to reassure us, He let me know that if We pick Him, He'll never leave us nor forsake us!
    I feel like you'll support me on this, cause I have no doubt, He's definitely the man I want for my shield and armor and I know we can count on Him to guarantee our eternal future. Thanks for giving us the scoop on His resume, He's ACCEPTED!
  • Rick

    Rozzy, it's great to get to visit with and encourage a fellow Christian and I see that you have a strong upbringing and the prayers of your righteous forefathers still carry you and your family. Continue supporting those prayers with your own. Just like the blessings of Abraham, the blessings there were on your family because of their faith and service and love for the Lord, those blessings are a generational blessing and a on you and your siblings too. The Lord doesn't forget those that have blessed Him and He has in the past blessed countless future generations because of their past generations!

    It might would be hard for an unbeliever to see good in your situation, but you should know that every time great things are about to happen in a Christians life, Satan sends some of his buck private demons and tries to distract you and get you off your faith and cause you to question the One true God by trying to head off a blessing. Well, I say to you, rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, again I say, rejoice.
    The Lord has prepared us to and let us know that we can do ALL things through Christ, and if you read that verse, you'll see that just before it He talked about being prepared to abound and to be abased, and then He let us know that whether on a hill or in a valley, we can do ALL things through Christ that strengthens us! So, though it might seem like a valley now, hold tight, cause He is El Elyon, He is El Shaddai, He is Johovah Jireh; His benefits are unnumberalbe and the gates of Hell nor the tricks of landmen shall NOT prevail against Him, in Jesus name!

    I don't know if you ever make it up this way on a Sunday, but if you do, I invite you to visit the ministry that God has used in the past 2 1/2 years to change my life. I didn't have the kind of family background you did but the Lord never turned away from me and when I finally listened He led me to a ministry that still preaches the Word from His Word and it has been awesome for me. It is Word of God Ministries, we are multi-racial, multi-ethnic and from various denominations but the main focus of the minsitry is preaching Jesus as the Manifested Word of God, the pastor is mid 30's and has revelation knowledge that many twice his age don't teach, it's obvious the Lord is using his ministry to reach this city and region and he is doing it from a racially mixed church that many in the South said would never exist, much less succeed. Proving that it's not public opinion but God's Word and Will that have the final say; the ministry has a web page at and .org.
  • Rick

    Hey Rozzy, I wasn't able to comment back yesterday because I am working nights right now and had to try to sleep. Man, night shift is a pain! But that's OK because the joy of the Lord is my strength, what else could I need? It is great to hear that you are working toward a ministry, the Lord wants as many voices proclaiming His Word as possible and Christians have been quite too long, if we don't speaking out, God might start using roosters and donkeys to reach does He desires cause He has proven in the past He doesn't have to have our voices; if all else fails, the rocks will cry out!
    Yes I have been blessed to be part of WOGM for about 2 1/2 yrs and for the first time in my life I have found a ministry where I don't want to miss, can't stand to miss. It feels like I've missed a family gathering if I have to work and not be there. Our pastor teaches in series style and if I miss, I have to get the CD becasue I know I have missed something awesome. I think the Lord is gonna use ministries like this one to reach many who have been unreached in the past as He calls in His end times harvest. I thank the Lord for leading me to where I can grow in Him and honor Him. I serve as an usher and work in the ministry funds counting group helping count the weekly tithes and offerings; it's an honor to be trusted to take part in that and any part of God's work.
    I have to get ready for work but I'll hollar later!
  • Coonman

  • Coonman

    Thanks Rozzy help keep this forum on the subject in other words these posting and comments are for our troops only......... THANKS
  • Coonman

    just try and steer the topic back to Honoring the troops....use your best judgment
  • Rick

    Hey Rozzy, it's good to hear from you. Yeah, this weather is great, I wish it could stay like this most of the year, not too cold but certainly not hot. It's football weather and state fair weather and I love the fall season.
    I'm sorry to hear that you and your siblings are having problems with the local family and the attorney, I wanted to give you an email address so that you can contact me at a personal site and we could discuss this more off public site, it's; I look forward to chatting with you there.
  • Dorcheated A1

    Well Rozzy I'm proud of you, not only are you smart but you have the guts to go toe to toe with anybody please keep up your good work.
  • Snake Stewart

    I had a run in with MC a couple of days ago and just decided to stay as far away as much as possible. I enjoy your posts. Keeping it real shouldnt be such a hard thing to ask but when you are dealing with people that havent a clue, it makes it that much more difficult.People that feel the way that they do are sincere. Messed up, but sincere non the less.It would be much easier if they were faking how they felt! Have a good one and keep the faith!
  • Snake Stewart

    My mom still calls me Snake after all these years. I picked the nickname up in the 7th grade. I consider myself a garter snake, certainly not one of the sidewinders or cobras that are on this site,(LOL) Good call on the veggies. Sometimes they arent as health for you as ham & eggs!
  • Cathaus

    Rozzy, you must be an insomniac like me!
  • Cathaus

    I have such trouble sleeping, It does me no good to try and sleep until I am just totally worn out! It takes me forever to finally go to sleep and then I only sleep for 3 hours and not minute more, I could blame it on being an old woman but even as a young person I was a poor sleeper.
  • Snake Stewart

    Thanks for the link.
  • Lisa

    I love the video "For the love of God" who says electric guitars and string can't go together :)
  • Dorcheated A1

    Hi Rozzy,
    I'm suppose to be a dumb redneck hence the mag upside down.
    It didn't play to well I'll have to try again
  • Snake Stewart

    Well, It looks like someone is having a Birthday tomorrow. I thought that young women stopped having Birthdays when they got our age ? (chuckle,chuckle)
    All jokes aside, I hope that you have a very special Birthday and that everything you wish for comes true. God Bless!
  • Bobi Carr ("parker")

    Just wanted to wish you Happy Birthday tomorrow.
  • carl hadden

    one of my Uncles was a pilot during the was, his name was Eddie Hadden.
  • carl hadden

    we are waiting on Petrohawk
  • carl hadden

    RMarvisoz here are my sisters' Email, maybe they can help



    kay-------- james

  • carl hadden

    give us a holler
  • carl hadden

    you have my email address, I need yours if that is possible
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Rozzy. You are welcome. Stay vigilant. Good Luck.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Rozzy. There will be many mineral owners solicited to sell minerals or royalty for years to come. Some offers (companies) are legit, some are not. And the reason that it continues is that people sell their minerals from time to time for many personal reasons. Most of the members can't imagine a scenario that would lead them to sell. And those that would decide to do so would only endure unkind comments if they were to admit it on the site. If you have no intention to sell, just throw those offers in the trash.
  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

    Just dropping by to say hello. Have one "shale" of a day. Also, there some new profile questions. Check those out by clicking HERE. We are also coming up on our 10,000th member. Be sure to celebrate with me. Click HERE for more about that.
  • carl hadden

    I saw a whitacker back on the page, is that one of your people
  • Rosebud

    Hey lady, it's so good to see you back - whatever you're doing these days must be agreeing with you, you look prettier than ever!

  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

    Take a moment to fill the GHS Survey. Your feedback & assistance will help me guage what we need to do on the site to improve your shaling experience.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Keith "Haynesville"
    Site Publisher
  • Rosebud

    O.K., how come everytime I see you, you look prettier than before? You look prettier and I look more like my paternal grandmother every day of my life! LOL!

    Happy Easter to you! I've just come from a family holiday feast, so stuffed I can't even sit up straight...and tonight's dinner was pretty much a pre-party to what's coming tomorrow.

    It's always so good to hear from you!

  • jffree1

    Rozzy!!!!  Where have you been???

  • jffree1

    Oh, I'm good.  And, I am happy to see you posting again.  I don't know that I can help since most of my limited knowledge is on the Texas side but I will tell you that the smartest thing you could do is talk to a good oil & gas attorney.  A ROW is something I would never try to negotiate without counsel.  Merry Christmas!