Phillip H


Sabine Co. Texas

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • Rebel Roy

    Are you any kin to Sam?
  • Rebel Roy

    Thanks for all the sabine info. I am overseas for another week and will check it all out when I get in. In the meantime I use this site.
  • Phillip H

    Were are you at? military or on a job? Keep in touch and I'll let you know the meeting goes Thursday.
  • Rebel Roy

    I won't be home yet. Maybe my wife can make it, if not, hope to find out something on here. The time zone where I am is 12 hours ahead of Texas.
  • Rebel Roy

    Just saw your 10:39 pm comment. I am at work. Look forward to some good news.
  • Rebel Roy

    You heard any more on Hemphill meeting tomorrow night?
  • Rebel Roy

    OK, thanks for the update.
  • Rebel Roy

    I just put those apes on a couple months ago. It is an 07. Might catch up on a ride with you one day.
  • Rebel Roy

    Have you signed yet? Any new news. I am back overseas and waiting.
  • ALongview

    Phillip, We only have minerals out there now, a little over 175 acres in D. Hoffman. The family land is a little over 440 acres I think. It was my wife's family ranch for 100 years or more(an aunt owns the surface). It is in the NW part of the survey. I haven't been there in 7-8 years. It is the circle-d ranch. Her grandfather was C.T. Dorsey, it was his land.
  • ALongview

    Phillip, It sure is a small world. I came into the family a little late to go to any but I have heard they had some pretty big reunions out there.
  • Rebel Roy

    Still here. How are you doing?
  • Rebel Roy

    No, never did.