Anna Mauck-Member Services


Converse, LA

United States

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  • Anna Mauck-Member Services

    This will be a great place to share what's going on down here - thanks for setting this up.

    We're expecting a couple bids, the 2nd one bigger than the first, but are playing the waiting game right now. What's happening with others out there???
  • BJ

    I'm glad I found this site, and I agree that communication and info sharing can be beneficial. We've had land near the Ark state line in Bossier for over a century. I'm hoping it's in the area, because it seems to be right on the Northern line according to the map. Some of it was leased years ago, but I think that lease was really a low-ball deal.
    An decent offer on the unleased land could be a good opportunity for the heirs.
  • DOG

    I am also south of 174 off of 483. The offer stands at 4000/ acre. I'm going to wait a little longer. What u think.

  • Anna Mauck-Member Services

    We are waiting too - everything we read and see indicates waiting it the way to go.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Thanks, Anna.  I have a sufficiency of O&G related images.  The kids give me a smile.  They are growing like weeds.  But then again, it's in their job description.  LOL!  Regards to all, Skip