

Profile Information:

How would you describe yourself?
Oil and Gas Professional
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Plays that you follow
Haynesville, Tuscaloosa Marine, Brown Dense

Comment Wall:

  • Julie Gibson

    Welcome to GHS! The site has grown a little to nearly 17,000 members, but the same mission of educating and networking mineral owners and professionals continues today. Our areas of discussion have also expanded to include the Haynesville, Tuscaloosa, Brown Dense and Austin Chalk plays. In addition we also have many helpful regional / county / parish / themed groups.

    So, the lay of the site is like this.

    - Our General Forum (displayed on our homepage). This is the place you post if you have a general question or if you are not sure where to post.

    - Additional Groups. Search these for the location or play that is the most specific to your question. For example, if have information, or a question, pertinent to Desoto Parish, then join and post in the Desoto Parish group.

    - Blogs. Blogs are where you can post opinions or posts with further insights on a topic. Please do not post questions in the blog section.

    This comment is being left on your profile page or "My GHS" as it is referred to in the navigation tabs. Your profile page is your home base on the site. Feel free to set your privacy settings in a way that makes you comfortable. As you begin participating, you may want to send someone a friend request, or you may receive a friend request from another, participate at a pace that works for you..

    The success of GHS is defined by one simple phrase, "neighbors helping neighbors." If you know of someone who could benefit from being plugged into this site, drop them an invite, and let them know what we are up to here. They'll thank you for it! Also, should you ever be on the recieving end of crudeness, rudeness or spam, let me know. The site is a peered monitored site and we need your assistance.

    Again, welcome!

  • GoshDarn

    Wrong on all counts, Skip.  Not mad at all.  We inked a great lease.  My family was totally thrilled.  (And, y'know, it's kinda weird for you to even make such a wild/rash statement as that, not knowing any of the details or even where the land actually is or who the operator was.  Hey, how could you know anything about it, huh?  I mean, it really makes you look bad.  Talk about being unprofessional.)

    And I've never claimed to be an expert.  Nope.  I'm just a goodhearted landowner who shares what little I know.  That's all.  But sometimes I do rub the crooks wrong who are out to make a buck off folks.  That's true.

    Yes, indeed.  That's been known to happen.

    And I've also seen you besmirch a number of other helpful folks here on GHS, e.g., Joe A. and Elmore (when they first posted). 

    Slander is prosecutory, Skip.