Dion Warr, CPL


Baton Rouge, LA

United States

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Professional (Landman)

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  • KT

    Kudos to you. Nice response to SIP-FU questioner. Enjoyed reading your comments. No legalese, no ego, no smarm. Very nice. Do you work for OG? If so then they are smarter than I assumed.
  • James CD1

    If a landowner is in a voluntary unit and l/o on all four
    sides are being paid and I'm not.(I did not sign a lease because I was never contacted and didn't even know about it) Do I have any recourse? And- Yes I own the mineral rights.
  • msfva

    I have an HBP question... In my lease, it requires continuous drilling on the part of the o&g company. (Technically, they have 90 days to start drilling the next well, once the previous one begins production.) So, if they the company tries the trick of coming in and putting one vertical well on my land, hoping to return 10 years later to drill the horizontals, am I protected against this? By my reading of the lease, they would have to re-negotiate to resume drilling. Is this how you would interpret it?
    Thanks in advance for your advice.
  • msfva

    Thanks for your reply. I think I understand your comments. So it seems that there is no penalty for non-continuous operations? The lease doesn't specify one. It just says they will drill continuously. What is my recourse, if they do drill one (producing) well, and then pause for 2 years, and then want to come back to drill more? It seems that since they would be in violation of the continuous drilling clause, that I should be owed something?
  • James CD1

    Thanks for the reply. I have called,faxed,emailed JW-all to no avail. I did talk to Jim Broussard with conservation in SHV and he wanted to know if I had proof that my property was being drained. I think I will call him tomorrow and ask just what kind of proof do I need and where do I get it. IMHO the o/g should prove they are not . But why would they lease around me if they arn't?
  • James CD1

    Sec 3 T16n R 13w on East Kings Hwy south of LSU close to Red River. I have a small lot,neighbor has 1acre in
    same situation and of course the land hbp in this unit is mostly in southeast Caddo( and it can't get any further east).
  • msfva

    I've added you as a "Friend." Please accept that, and I'll send you my wording in an on-site email. Thanks for your help. I find your postings to be very fair and helpful.
  • 221caribbean

    I obviously am out of the loop. Can you please tell me what happened on Jay's group site? Sure would hate to see him go.
  • alleyboy

    Dion, Could you tell me if I go to the courthouse cann I look up a particular parcel of land and look the lease for the particulars. Like hOW MUCH AREA DOES IT COVER, if the wells are shallow will they hold by production etc..
  • alleyboy

    Thank very much. I value your opinion and respect your integrity.Most of this information is contained on sonris but I just don't know if this section was ever unitized. They have drilled three shallow wells in the last few months. The recorded owner is Wallace Heirs and thew section is 17n15woo3. Thanks again
  • getoverit

    Hey! Guess who! Here's a hint...remember the whole Petroleum consultant fiasco? Anyway, don't reveal who I was. I got tired of the bs and the negativity of some, so I deleted the old profile and created this one and decided to scale back some of my responses. I'm back at work now, too...so I don't have the time I had before to devote to all of this. =( Anyway, just wanted to see how things were going. I really value your input. Thanks!
  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

  • Bobi Carr ("parker")

    Hey Dion,

    Glad to see you back.
  • Bobi Carr ("parker")

    Still negotiating. Maybe the terms of my lease will expire before we can come to an agreement. I only have 3 years and 10 months left to go.
  • Cottontop

    Hi Dion,

    Glad you finally claimed me as your friend. Trying to keep JG in line, but it is tuff, and it's all your fault (HA!).
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    DW. You are on a shale-roll. And having far too much fun with this. Made me LOL. Thanks, Skip
  • Dorcheated A1

    Well thank you Dion,
    I hope the next time I go to BR. I get a chance to meet you.
  • Snake Stewart

    Hey Dion,
    Since technically you are a Shale Pro, you cant actually qualify for the term S.P.A.K. You could be the recipient but not the giver.I am going to have to re-visit the terminology chalk board to see if an adjusted definition would be in order. I feel certain that you are in the clear either way. :-)
  • Bobi Carr ("parker")


    You should try to make it to the bowling event. I would like to meet you, as I imagine others would like to as well.
  • W Sharp

    Hi Dion
    I have a question not pertaining to HS. You seem to know a good bit about Austin Chalk, I have 160 ac in Avoyelles Parish is currently leased until Dec of this year, but have had a call about leasing it. I said I wanted to wait until lease expires before leasing again. So question is.. Is there new activity in central LA, and have you heard if the chalk can be now produced?
    Thanks Wayne
  • W Sharp

    I did send you an email, thanks
  • sesport

    Dion - good engaging with you, appreciate everything you bring and hearing from the other perspective. It can't all be one sided, can it?
  • Tommy Munds

    Dion, My post on Feb.5 you replied and asked for my location so you could better answer my question. I would appreciate your answer to my original question. I live in section 27, T16 No. Range 15 W. Thank you for help. Tommy Munds
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Dion. I approve of your blog post. And agree with the conclusions that you draw. I think those conclusions will disappoint a number of members but hopefully will spawn some substantive discussions as opposed to a rock throwing contest. Good Luck. I'll be watching. Regards, Skip


    I enjoyed reading your informative blog post.

    I predict the following questions:

    What do you consider the 'core area' referenced in the blog?

    What will the O & G companies consider a reasonable lease bonus amount?

    I understand that shut-in provisions can vary by lease, but what does the 'standard' shut-in provision allow? (What can mineral owners expect from a shut-in well?)

    Thanks for the contribution. I look forward to the responses by landowners and other O&G professionals.

  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

    Great blog - for some reason, the feaure button is not on it. This allows me to put it on the homepage. If you can, can you repost and then I'll see if the "feature" link is there?
  • Wolverine

    That was a great Blog!!! Very Interested!!! Hope no fighting will be going on!!!
  • Manster

    I enjoyed your post on NAPE. I saw you mentioned the Marcellus Play being an exception to traditional ventures, can you elaborate a little more on the Marcellus. I am very interested in this play. Thanks for the valuable info.
  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

    Just dropping by to say hello. Have one "shale" of a day. Also, there some new profile questions. Check those out by clicking HERE. We are also coming up on our 10,000th member. Be sure to celebrate with me. Click HERE for more about that.
  • sesport

    Hey Dion - Not hearing from you much lately. Here's 5 points & a vote for "Featured Shaler." LOL
    Best - sesport ::0)
  • Bobi Carr ("parker")

    Hey Dion,

    Glad to see you back.
  • Rosebud

    "I see what I desire; I see the Shale! But how do I get it?!"

    I see what discussion I desire; I read it! But...now where is it? LOL! How do I get it?!
  • Jeanine Piskurich

    Its coming to a close, headed home. I guess alls shale that ends shale?
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Dion. I'm waiting on your entry in your contest for the lease held by the longest production. If you can't beat Caddo Mineral Lands Co. #1, Just admit it. LOL! 91 1/2 years is pretty loooonnnnnggggg.
  • darryl s. jenkins

    hello,just checking in.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Dion. I have no intention of "teaching a class". And if a class were taught, there are members far more qualified than myself to teach it. I have made suggestions as to the creation of a Page that spells out the basics and allows members to ask and answer questions and to share their tips on how to use the database. As such a page needs to be a permanent feature of the Main Page and not a discussion thread, I have been waiting (a long time) for Keith to decide how he would like to format a SONRIS page. Since he has not deemed it of sufficient import, I am on to other topics. Have a good weekend. Skip
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Okay, Professor Dion. I've got the ball rolling on SONRIS CENTRAL. Feel free to jump in anytime. I'm not going to provide all the lessons. I would like others to offer what they feel would be of benefit to the members. Especially you and Les.
  • Deborah Durst West

    Thanks for welcoming me to HS!

    My business is in North Carolina. I am not a dealer with a showroom, I work by word of mouth and referral. My customers are classic car collectors all over the country, typically with multiple car collections. I manage the advertising and marketing, bring the serious buyer to the seller. I also locate cars for collectors through the network I have built.

    Thanks for your interest and looking forward to being friends!
  • Bobi Carr ("parker")

    Hey I said Professor Dion too, didn't I?

    I appreciate what you, Les, Skip and Baron do to educate us.
  • Bobi Carr ("parker")

    Hi Dion,

    I saw Christy in town last week. I told her we had become on-line friends.

    Looks like JW might be getting closer to drilling a well for y'all. There is an operating agreement filed for 4 (#980891). They actually drilled a well in the area with a half decent IP. Maybe they will get it right before they drill one for y'all.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Yeah, Dion, I've complained about that also. Reminds me of my least favorite GHS member. LOL!
  • Bobi Carr ("parker")

    Hi Dion,

    Glad to see you around GHS.
  • Bobi Carr ("parker")

    Dion do you mean with Endeavor or HK?

    I've looked at the Endeavor presentations, but I've hear rumors that there might be a JV with HK for properties in the area.

    I'll let you know if I hear anything concrete.

    Take care
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Re: Yoda. Keith thinks it's funny. I humor him for "he owns the site!!!" LOL!
  • Linda Whatley

    Yes, I agree Dion, courtesy is the best approach. I have seven leases with Chesapeake, and so far, my experience with each landman has been pleasant. I for one don't want to hold up progress on the drilling process...... that's why I recommended that Jack go ahead and sign........ do something good for others, and it will be returned to you twofold!
  • Pat McKenzie

    Dion, do you have any information on the timeline for drilling on R1R/ T6S/ section 1. This is the section west the Edwards #1 well. We have had recent activity in the neighborhood. Do you know who holds the permit to drill on that section?
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Dion, I apologize for jumping into your discussion thread with GD.  I learned he was a fraud in the very earliest days of the site and have to bite my lip every time he gives poor advise to some unknowing member or demonizes the industry with unfounded comments.  He really is "a legend in his own mind".  I do my best to ignore him but sometimes he just gets my goat.  Regard, Skip

  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Dion, FYI.  Just in case you would care to follow this new GD thread that seeks to find anyone willing to agree with his assessment that collusion occurred regarding leasing in the Ashland Field. here is the link:


    No one I communicated with ever expressed interest in Ashland.  In fact, they were all puzzled why CHK would take such a large step out in such a strange direction.  Every other company was quickly headed SW and into E TX.  I can see why none were interested in a risky and unsubstantiated step out in a direction thought not to be prospective. Ah, but you'd never convince GD that CHK made a mistake and it makes perfect sense why no other company was interested in leasing in that area.

  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Dion, Jay may not wish to reveal his company in an open discussion thread.  I can send him an email and see if he would care to pass along his private email address.  I feel sure he would not mind it in fact he would probably welcome it.  I communicate with him semi-regularly off site.

  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Re:  Outdated Shout Message Off.  It's about time!  LOL!  How the hell are you?  Seeing my last comment below, I can still put you in touch with Jay.  He is an old curmudgeon, although he is younger than myself.  He may complain a lot but he continues to stick around for which I am thankful.