


United States

Comment Wall:

  • Kassi

    Hi, very good question. I think all land owners have a responsibility to ensure land/land owner protections are negotiated into a lease. If you are not well versed enough to do this yourself please hire representation. (Make sure you are careful who you hire also!). I do think you need to agree on basic terms such as sign on bonus, royalty, length, etc. then negotiate the details. Even if you agree to a no drill clause if you do not specify the owner has the right to refuse surface access and surface use FOR ANY REASON, you could find yourself some day looking at a big mess on your property. The devil is in the details so to speak. And the details need to be in writing in order to protect you down the line. That said, If the letter of intent is non-binding and stipulates that it is contengent upon an agreement being reached regarding surface use and other details it might be ok. I would prefer, however, to work things out first just to be safe. Remember, there are a lot of um, not verifiable things said when people are trying to get you to sign a lease...buyer be ware!
  • Kassi

    Yes it is better to do as much as possible as a group. That said there may be different people with different needs that need slight variances. For example you may have 1acre owners and 40 acre owners in one group. The 40 acre person may want to allow surface access but the one acre person may not. I always encourage seperating mineral rights from surface rights. Negotiate the mineral lease as a group. The surface rights discuss as a group then each land owner must decided what they are willing to allow. You can negotiate some land protections into the mineral lease as well without allowing surface access.